Persona 5 Awakening Challenge

Project Overview
Calling all professional voice actors and Persona 5 fans alike!
Well, in almost all of the videos I've seen of this challenge, only one person has went as far to include a Shadow in the mix during their Awakening. I also realized nobody so far has included other Phantom Thieves into these challenges (especially ones that are unique to a particular moment). You know, to add more of a dynamic to the whole thing. So, I figured I might as well find somebody to play a Shadow to give more of a motivation for said Awakening.
So yes, normally, these challenges aren't something you audition for, since it's usually all made and voiced by one person. But by adding an extra dynamic in the form of a Shadow that pushes you too far and a Phantom Thief that witnesses all of this go down, it gives people a chance to be apart of something that's usually exclusive to one person. Plus, it really makes this feel like it's a legitimate attempt at telling a story. And that's what I like.
The details for the role of the Shadow will be below, so there's no need to explain it here. But there are a few things that are important to note: This will be going on my personal YouTube channel (which will be right here for you to keep an eye on when the video is uploaded if you don't get casted), and when the final product is ready, whoever is chosen for the role will be able to get a first viewing before it officially goes public. I don't know how long it'll take for this to get done. But, after the deadline has passed, it'll get done whenever it gets done, so there's no worries about a time limit and the like. Sound good? Great, let's continue.
Recommendation(s):1. You must use Noise Removal in Audacity before uploading your audition (If you don't have Audacity and use another program such as Adobe Audition, use whatever you have to ensure no background noise can be heard).
2. Your mic must be clear enough not only for me to hear, but for everyone else too in the final video.
3. Enunciation is key, but I'm sure you all know that.
Twitter: @Mr_Couver
Skype: tsa-swifty94
Discord: Marcus#6205
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Well, maybe it wasn't the brightest idea to make this a pro casting call, as only one person auditioned for it, sadly. Now I know to think twice before setting this up. Either way, I'm glad to know somebody chose to audition for this, so thank you all the same. Have a good day, folks.
Deadline Extended!
So, it seems that two weeks wasn't enough as a deadline as I've only gotten one person auditioning for the role (so far). So, I'm giving this casting call an extra two weeks to possibly get any other professionals on this site to audition. If nothing changes by the new deadline, then at least I have someone to fall back on. For any potential VAs who audition for this before the new deadline, thank you for your interest.
A Shadow represents your distorted desires taking on a physical form similar to yourself. As such, the way a Shadow views the world is anything but normal. Through their eyes, their desires take priority above all else, especially if they have a Palace, which is a location parallel to the world we live in (in a parallel dimension known as the Metaverse) where a Shadow's distorted desires take on a whole new level. Shadows have a particular filter effect in their voice that makes it clear that they're not the same person they represent in the real world (Refer to any videos of the Shadow challenge for reference).
You actually believe what this intruder says? You dare question me, after everything I've done for you? Well, if you're so inclined, I might as well admit it.
It's time I cut my ties with you and throw you out with the rest of the trash.
Those who can't conform to what I stand for don't deserve to be at my side. You had your chance. Now, get the hell out of my sight before I execute you myself!