Perfect Mindset

Perfect Mindset

Project Overview

Elizabeth Greg, a city girl, is one of the daughters of the most wealthy women in their country. Elizabeth acts snobbish and selfish, but in reality, she is just an insecure little girl who is just trying to fit in with her family. She meets 4 girls that teach her that she doesn’t need to fit in in order to be amazing. 

*You absolutely need discord in order to be in this project

* we won’t be recording together

* this project is just for fun, I will be crediting you in the episodes, but this is a zero budget project

* if you don’t get a roll quite yet, I will still follow all people that audition, just in case we need extra or minor characters

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Elizabeth Greg
Role assigned to: EvieGeez

Sarcastic, reserved and snappy is what you would think Elizabeth is all about at first. In reality however, she is just a very insecure 16 year old who just wants to be free.

*medium pitched voice 

  • (Annoyed)

    Is there a day when you aren’t acting stupid?

  • (Sad)

    Wh-why!? Why would you ruin my day!? It was going so well!

  • (Embarrassed)

    No I didn’t! Sh-shut up, idiot!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Charlotte Pierce
Role assigned to: Erin Culpepper

Charlotte is very carefree and has a funny personality. She could have a smart mouth at times but she try’s her best to be polite.

*scratchy/high pitched voice 

  • (Angered)

    Who the hell do you think your talking to!?

  • (Mischievously)

    Want to go to the teachers lounge? I’ve heard they’ve got orange sodas.

  • (Nervously)

    Um, nothing! I don’t know what you’re talking about! Hehe..

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Lindsey Cooper
Role assigned to: Judith Faustin

Lindsey is a very athletic girl. However, she doesn’t look down on others and thinks that giving others a chance is the right thing to do. She is very optimistic and kind towards everyone.

*medium pitched voice 

  • (Happy)

    Oh my god! You are the best! Thank you so much!

  • (Apologetic, Concerned)

    I am so sorry! Are you hurt!?

  • (Sympathetic)

    I’m so sorry the happened to you. I would have beat those jerks up if I came here sooner..

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: ArisuKimyona

Heaven is no angel. She is dark, quiet, and has a very strong opinion on others. She can sometimes word things wrongly without meaning to hurt anyone’s feelings. She can be a bit snarky at times and never once regrets it. But at the end of the day, she’s just being herself, and is not afraid to be her own person. 

  • (Mischievously)

    Are you lost?

  • (Seriously, calmly)

    Don’t come near me, unless if you want to get hexed.

  • (Serious)

    You really need to stop thinking you’re so special.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Helen West
Role assigned to: Maggie

Helen is the smartest person in her school. She’s very introverted and likes to do things all by herself. She can be rather in impulsive when it comes to words, but she never wants to brag.

*low pitched voice

  • (Upset)

    What the heck!? I was near perfection!

  • (Annoyed)

    Can you get off your high horse for once in your life?

  • (Terrified)

    Oh my god! What is that creature!?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Rachel Greg
Role assigned to: ddarlingdaisy

Rachel is considered the rebel of the family. She is not a perfectionist whatsoever and does whatever she can to feel happy. This is seen as a bit selfish to most people, but she doesn’t care what others think.

*Won’t be needed until episode 6

*medium pitched voice 

  • (Teasingly)

    Hey guys! I’m Rachel! I hope my sister hasn’t caused much trouble for you.

  • (Happy)

    Oh mom! How are you!? I’m so glad I got to skip this weeks class just to see you again!

  • (Concerned)

    Hey little sis, what’s wrong?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Aria Greg
Role assigned to: merl

Aria is a very kind and soft- spoken person who just wants to look out for her family. She can be strict and tough, but that’s only whenever she needs to be.

*low pitched voice 

  • (Annoyed)

    God..have you forgotten?

  • (Angered)

    Why the hell would you say that to someone!?

  • (Happy)

    I miss so much, Rachel! Please promise to text everyday!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mr. Jones
Role assigned to: Mentos

Mr. Jones never gets a break. He is overworked and strict. He is very loud at times as well and can hurt people’s feelings without meaning to.

*low pitched voice 

  • (Serious)

    May I remind you that you are 12 minutes late? So I don’t think this is the best time to pick a fight with others.

  • (Angered)

    Stop acting like you are so important! That’s it! Your banned from this and future presentations!

  • (Guilty)

    I don’t think I should have gotten that far. And she was very smart as well…

Thumbnail maker

Once an episode is ready, I will send you the characters that are needed in the thumbnail. I’ll also send you the Backgrounds for the thumbnail to not make you work as hard. I will need 2 people for this job, but you will not be paid. However, I will credit you for every thumbnail in each episode.

  • Say something you think would fit

Background creators

You will make the backgrounds for every episode. Because the episodes are mostly always going to be set in the same place, we won’t bother you a whole lot. By the first, fifth, and tenth episode is when I will bother you the most. You will not be paid, but you will be credited in every video. I will need 2-3 of you.

  • Say something you think would fit


Public Submissions

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