Paradigm Horror Podcast: S.S September

Project Overview
What is Paradigm?
Paradigm is perspective based horror podcast. We have already released three episodes, which takes place in the Lightwood Asylum following the points of view from the patients and staff. However this full narrative season takes place aboard the S.S September, a brand new state of the art submarine created by the U.S Navy in conjunction with the clandestine Nostrum Inc. We follow the 7 members of the crew as their mission unravels to reveal something dark lurking within the hull of the September. We strive to leave listeners questioning what motives may lay underneath our characters actions and what will happen around every corner.
Where is the project currently at?
Currently the scripts are written and edited, and we have already submitted previous episodes on our platforms. We will publish the episodes to Youtube, Spotify through Anchor, and on our Website.
What are we looking for?
-First and foremost, someone who is willing to have fun! We know, it sounds cliché, but that's why we do what we do! Paradigm is looking for 8 voice actors, 1 audio engineer and an Artist for this season.
-For Voice Actors, we are looking to cast 7 main characters and 1 ensemble role. We would be absolutely happy to double cast the "Monsters" role with one of the main characters, so please feel free to audition for both! Each main character will primarily have an ~15 minute episode to record, with additional lines featured in other episodes. Each character should have no more than 30 minutes of dialogue.
-For Audio Engineers, we are looking for an individual or individuals who can make some magic happen behind the scenes! The audio engineer(s) will work closely with the directors to create the vision of Paradigm! We are willing to take on 1 or more individuals for this team, depending on how everyone's different skillsets line up. A bonus if you've had experience creating background tracks as well!
-For the Artist, we ask that someone who wants the best of both worlds when it comes to art and horror! Primarily, the artist will create Episode thumbnails, although banner art is always appreciated!
-For the Musician, we ask that someone who is willing to make a few tracks for specific moments in the script. We will give you access and direction to what we're looking for.
Sounds great! How do I audition?
-We're glad you're interested! To audition as a Voice Actor, its pretty simple! Simply find who you'd like to audition for and read the description, which will give you a quick idea of what each character is about, then submit either the lines that we have listed or a demo reel you think conveys the essence of the character! We invite you to submit an audition for as many characters as you like! Make sure to attach your discord information, as that is primarily how we will reach out to you!
-For Audio Engineers we ask that you either submit some previous work of yours, or send us an introduction to yourself! Tell us what your skills are, what DAWs you use, and why you are interested in Paradigm! You may submit this either in an audio or a digital media, attached to the application below! As above with the voice actors, please attach your discord information, that is the best way for you to reach us!
-For Artists we ask that you either send us a portfolio or some examples of art that you have drawn in the past, in addition to your discord information!
-For Musicians we ask that you send a relevant album, selection of music, or attempt to create some music under the intended feels. (Jazz and Horror)
-For All, once you have auditioned, we will review the audition. Auditions are currently set to close on August 31st. We will message you on CCC and Discord if you are selected! If you do not use discord, please leave the way in which you would prefer for us to contact you. Once we will reach out to you we speak with you about the role and answer any questions you might have!
Who are we?
We are Paradigm Studios, independently run studio focusing on horror podcasts! Currently our only project is Paradigm, of which there are a few previous episodes out on Spotify and YouTube now! You'll be welcomed on by Brock and Matt, two horror fans from insanely different backgrounds! You can always read more about us and Paradigm at our website, We are looking forward to meeting you!
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Latest Updates
G'day Ladies and Gentlemen. Thank you all for auditioning, It was great to see the amount of auditions. We will be casting all VA roles in the next day or so. So keep an eye out for that. Also if we didn't cast you this time, the next time we post a call we may DM you if we think you would suit a particular role. Have a nice day everyone. =)
Elliot is the September's radar technician. He is exceptionally jealous of Lucia for her relationship with Wayne, for whom he's had a school boy crush on for years. For this character, a degree of intensity is required as some of his dialogue is demanding. We would prefer him to have an Irish accent, however, other accents will be considered.
Audition instructions:
You may either read the above lines, or submit a demo reel. Both will be considered. Please be sure to include your discord information in your audition.
I dashed up and pushed the creature against the wall. It leaving a slight dent in the metal. It's face tilted, as if to say 'really?' Although it was clearly wounded.
I again pushed it, this time slamming it to the ground. I planted myself atop the creature, pinning it down like it had done to Wayne.
I dove around the nearest corner. Tears welling in my eyes. I thought he always hinted that- mabye I just saw it. But I thought we would always be together. W-was Lucia right all along? Did he have a thing for her?
I could hear muffled voiced near me. It was him, and someone else.
I slowly walked back towards him, my vision blurry with tears. Only when I got right to them I saw HER with her hands on his chest, and his arm around the crutch of her back. This isnt supposed to be this way. He's supposed to hold me like that!
Go on then. Do it. I have nothing to life for anyways... Do it you coward! Afraid to get your own hands dirty!!! Let your minions get slaughtered in your name. Do it!
Lucia is quite the flirt. She has eyes for the missile technician Wayne, which lands her in quite the nasty love triangle. She has a very nonchalant attitude, but can be very aggressive in the way she treats her crewmates. Special note for Lucia: This character covers dark themes, including Sexual Assault and Childhood abuse.
Audition instructions:
You may either read the above lines, or submit a demo reel. Both will be considered. Please be sure to include your discord information in your audition.
And off he ran. Like a scared school boy. I admit, I feel bad, but I just can't help myself. If I don't show the rest of the crew that I am someone to be respected, I'll never earn their respect. Why I took it this far with him this time I have no idea.
You know deep down this is what really matters. I feel your body I know you cant resist this. Leave that dweeb behind.
I tried to use a pistol it found on the floor, but I smacked it away. I toyed with the monster as It tried to wrestle with me. But eventually I saddled it pinning it below me. I leaned down to listen to the creature panic. It's head rapidly squirming as it fidgeted. I could only giggle in response. It was just so cute. I heard clattering to my side as it tried to grab the pistol on the floor. I snatched it from it's hand and placed the nozzle under it's scrawny ribcage.
On a good day, Wayne is debonair, charming and a sweetheart, but if you should happen to cross onto his bad side, youll witness how short his temper really is. Wayne is involved in a pretty gnarly love triangle between Elliot and Lucia.
Audition instructions:
You may either read the above lines, or submit a demo reel. Both will be considered. Please be sure to include your discord information in your audition.
What's that smell... Is it me? I smelled my under arms... Not really... I'll change just in case. I stripped down, dropping my pants and threw my shirt to the floor. I reached for my can of deodorant I heard the bed springs of someone sitting up behind me.
What the hell am I doing? Interrogating a crewmate over pre-packaged meals. Something's gotten into me I'm too snappy.
I put the meal back on the table, and extended a hand to my colleague who was now cowering at my wrath.
The creature straddled me. Getting it's face close to mine as I struggled for my freedom. I only had one option left... The pistol behind my back. Once I got my hand free I grabbed it only for it to be snatched away. I could feel the muzzle in my abdomen.
George is our loveable cook! He seems to always be cast aside from the rest of the crew, but hes trying to make the best out of his situation on the September. He is the butt of everyone's jokes and does everything he can to just get along. Special note for George: He has a thick Southern American accent.
Audition instructions:
You may either read the above lines, or submit a demo reel. Both will be considered. Please be sure to include your discord information in your audition.
I never thought anyone would call me out on it. All of the rations are standardized, everybody's s'posed to get 2 scoops of eggs, but there's never enough for me. So I have to stash some for myself when I can.
Elliot will avoid Lucia like the plauge. If you find those two in the same place at the same time, you best check the pig-pen, cuz that'll be the day pigs fly.
As I started heading down the hall, I felt the walls closing in on me. How's a man s'posed to breath in here? I gotta get out. A man needs fresh air, sunlight for christs sake! I start ran down the Halls as my vision started to fade. My head throbbing as I'd run faster than I ever had in my life. The walls keep closing in on me. The hallway kept stretching out in front of me, feeling like it's getting longer with each step I take. To think I'd be stuck in this tin can. Where did I get the notion I wanted to be in a damned submarine? I dont give a damn about our country, I just want out.
Gavin is a representative from Nostrum, the company who initially contracted with the US Navy to make the September. Gavin's job is to supervise her maiden voyage. Gavin doesn't garner much trust from the rest of the crew because he isn't a seaman, but he doesn't really care. Afte rall, we all are just doing what we can for that dollar.
Audition instructions:
You may either read the above lines, or submit a demo reel. Both will be considered. Please be sure to include your discord information in your audition.
But seriously, I'm from Sherwood Ohio, I went to westberg high, graduating second in my class. I was married, but that didn't last long. And I've been working for Nostrum for about 6 six years now as a Field data collector.
I don't know what it is you think I do around here, but if we all want to collect that big paycheck from Nostrus, you all might want to let me do my job, in peace.
Am I supposed to believe it was all a lie? After all I've done? This is what I get for chasing a paycheck, I should have known a deal like this was too good to be true. The rest of these bozos who don't know their ass from a hole in the ground are going to be heralded as hero's while I'm just some defense contractor who is apparently going home empty handed.
Sylas is our reactor technician on the September, but seeing as the September is a brand new vessel, there isnt a whole that breaks or needs his attention. Sylas doesn't mind, he's treating this mission like a vacation, sleeping in and sitting down, he's not one to get riled up too easily!
Audition instructions:
You may either read the above lines, or submit a demo reel. Both will be considered. Please be sure to include your discord information in your audition.
As I continued down the corridor I heard a faint hissing. I looked to one of the pipes to find a tiny stream of air was passing through it. What pipe is this? Oh a compressed air pipe, that's an easy fix, Ill go get some duct-tape later.
I walked down the hallway, just to get something off my mind, when I heard scrapping and tapping above. It sounded almost like footsteps. Then I heard someone scream bloody murder. George! I dashed into the quickly fading darkness.(Panicked)
I need a mask. I sprinted down the hallways to one of the fire cupboards and found a full face mask. Taking a few breaths. My head's throbbing lessened, but it didn't go away. I think I'm still breathing it in, just less off it. I closed the cupboard and turned to move to the reactor when a figure was approaching from the darkness.
Captain Porter is on his final voyage with the US Navy. He is finally getting the mission that will make his name one for the history books! He is a well seasoned captain and cares for his crew. He leads with a firm, but just hand and is never cruel to the crew. Unless he needs to be of course.
Audition Instructions:
You may either read the above lines, or submit a demo reel. Both will be considered. Please be sure to include your discord information in your audition.
This is my final voyage with the US Navy, and it will be my legacy. I will be remembered as the Captain of the September, the most advanced craft in naval history!(Accusatory)
I don't quite know what you think you're doing, but I'll make myself clear. If I see you doing anything I think may jeopardize this mission, you'll only have me to answer to.(Resolved)
I- I'm sorry Elliot. I wish I could go back and make this right. I wish that things didn't have to end like this. But they do, and for that I apologize. Take care, son.
We ask that an Audio Engineer be proficient with a DAW, have a fundamental understanding of audio editing, and be willing to have a good time! The Audio Engineer will work closely with the directors to create a interesting and scary final product. We will consider taking several Audio Engineers.
We ask that you attach either:
a) Select works that you have done in the past
b) A short description of yourself and your skillset. This can either be in audio or a written format.
Please include your discord information when you apply.
Thank you for your interest!
Say something you think would fit
The monster will be cast as a supporting role. This role is for all of the supernatural beings aboard the September. There are not many lines, but there is a greater emphasis on screaming, grunting, growling and any other supernatural sound you can think of!
Audition Instructions:
You may either read the above lines, or submit a demo reel. Both will be considered. Please be sure to include your discord information in your audition.
(Growling, and gutteral sounds}
Look what the cat dragged in. Looks like we'll be eating well tonight boys!
(Unhuman scream)
For this role, you will be tasked with completing 7 thumbnail images.
You will be provided with simple sketches, and a document of descriptions in order to aid you. Each of these thumbnail will be for the corresponding episodes.
For your audition, please submit a portfolio of your work for us to view. If you do not have a portfolio, then link to a few artworks you believe to be appropriate.
Say something you think would fit
For this role we're looking for someone to create a handful of tracks for the upcoming season. The style will be either a Jazz feel or a eerie horror feel. If you can incorporate both into the same track then that is great. Also incorporating naval aspects like sonar or water into the music would be amazing.
We are expecting the creation of 3-5 tracks for this season.
For your audition: Submit a selection of relevant music or attempt to make something to the specifications listen above. I look forward to hearing your work.
Say something you think would fit
Public Submissions