[PAID] Fantasy Parody of Billy Mays for Kickstarter Trailer

[PAID] Fantasy Parody of Billy Mays for Kickstarter Trailer

Project Overview

Billy Mays (Hopefully) Here?

Hey gang,

We're looking for a male who can do an accurate (or slightly exaggerated) Billy Mays impression in our comedy-oriented Kickstarter pitch video.

About Us, Monsters of Murka, & The Project

We're a teeny tiny tabletop game publisher called Action Fiction, based out of Columbus, Ohio. We've made a few books that are kind of high-fantasy parody of American pop culture, but playable in DND. The series is called "Monsters of Murka," with Murka being kind of a silly way to say "America."

We're about to release a second edition of the trilogy. You can see one of our previous campaigns here:


You will voice our God of Trade & Commerce, William Maize, as he pitches the books in a comedic, satirical, over-the-top infomercial. This will become our trailer for our crowdfunding campaign.

We're pro-artists and anti-AI, for context. We promise not to take your voice and hand it over to our AI overlords.

Please try the lines in ABCABC format.

What to expect

If your audition is selected, we'll provide the full script. I'm available on Discord for any questions you might have about the script, and would love to go back and forth with you on lines and performances over Discord if it would be beneficial to you during feedback.

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Project Roles: William Maize
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
William Maize
Paid: Flat Rate 200 USD
Role assigned to: Andrew Winson

CASTING REQUIREMENT: This is an impression role. Audtions should mimic the voice of world-renowned pitchman Billy Mays.

Example here.

  • Rate: $200

  • Audition deadline: March 9th, 11:30 PM EST

  • Final delivery deadline: March 16th, 11:59 PM EST

We're looking for someone who really brings that Billy Mays energy - the more accurate the impression, the better, but it's DND, so everybody is expecting a little hamming-it-up, as it were. The script is comedy-oriented, so you can expect over-the-top sales pitching and plenty of "But wait, there's more!" (side-note: did you know Billy Mays never actually said that?)

There will be a lot of room for you to experiment with line delivery - if you're having fun, chances are we'll be having fun. So you can really give it your all. Ideally, we'd love the ability to go back and forth with you on a few takes or alternate tries, but this doesn't have to be done in real-time or anything. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • all american accents
  • male adult
  • presentation
  • voice match
  • american
  • radio
  • Hark, Sir William Maize here for Monsters of Murka: Second Edition, a series of campaign supplements for 5th Edition D&D.

  • With over 750 pages of content, you’ll find subclasses, you’ll find items, you’ll find monsters and spells, all ready to jump off the page and into your game.

  • Every bundle backer will receive an additional D&D 2024 compatibility kit, absolutely FREE!


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