outcasts show

Project Overview
outcasts is an animated web series about anthropomorphic cyberpunk cats, we are currently looking for anyone we can ranging from voices to animators, etc. we are currently a no fund group but will hopefully have that changed in the future! You must be able to communicate via discord!
(WARNING: our show will deal with heavy topics and violence! We will generally be pg-13. But please be 15+ or have your 15th birthday before our deadline.)
(A side note: when invited to our discord please read our rules. We'd also like links to your social media so we can follow you!)
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Latest Updates
We've finished the script for part one of the pilot! We are still looking for artists, animators, sound designers, and vas for any character other than Shade, catastrophe, sparky, shadow, and ash! Thank you all for the wonderful auditions! We are looking through them right now!
Still looking for Shade VA!!
Hi! We are mostly still searching for a VA for shade still! Any VAs who can do a strong but just mildly feminine voice are welcome!
animation help, can and will be able to work on your own time!
will be animating anthropomorphic cats, fights and lots of movements
we will be choosing multiple people
Say something you think would fit
we need sound! make our show come to life!
we will be choosing multiple people!
Say something you think would fit
we need backgrounds! our theme is cyberpunk and a bit futuristic!
we may choose multiple people
Say something you think would fit

Shade is cold and Ruthless. her power of will is unrivaled. Her voice should be deep but still feminine. and she should give off an intimidating vibe.
Hello Sparky. What trouble did you get yourself into today? (friendly)
Fine. If you can't do it then I'll have to take matters into my own paws. (Annoyed/determined)
get rid of the body, we don't want to leave any evidence. (cold, calm/ no emotion/mildly urgent)

a bit like Steven from Steven universe future, basically any average 15 yr old
hey I'm sparky! what's your name? (friendly cheerful)
woah! you okay? (worried)
we're all gonna die! Every cat for themselves! (screaming, panicked a bit humorus)

our dad figure! fatherly voice can be either deep or neutral can be very joking to serious in a snap. Accents can be any but British, American, or Australian are preferred.
Who gave the kid a gun?? (Confused, concerned)
Put one paw on her and you will regret ever being born. (Angry. Intimidating)
Trust me honey, you do NOT wanna be an adult" (jokingly, friendly)

Soot is our rebellious teenage character! She's tough, loves music (especially punk rock), and is pretty exciteable and extroverted!
She is a lesbian in a relationship with another character which I feel is important to mention : >
Dude, chill out. It's not that big of a deal.
Oh hey, stream! Uhhh what's up! (Casual, awkward, talking to a crush)
You always act like you're so much better than me! (Frustrated)
River is a very chilled out and friendly character! She loves art and music as well as swimming. She's very protective of her friends and is constantly trying to better herself.
She is an lgbtq character in a relationship which I feel I should mention. :>
Hmm. Maybe we shouldn't put ourselves in that much danger ya know? (sarcastic)
Take cover! I'll keep them at bay while I can! Run! (In battle)
Hi I'm River! So,, How'd you end up here? (Casual, friendly)
star is our motherly figure! She's super chill and really fun to be around! She's got lot's of energy but even she gets too tired to deal with everyone sometimes. She's sassy and resourceful and all around a good cat.
Sorry hon but I've got a lot to do today, go bother Catastrophe or something.
And why would we do that?
*laughing* that is priceless!
Wynter is cool and collected, a leader of our group. She is kind and well-meaning but very busy and has little time for friends. She's good under pressure but has some hesitance when facing off with our antagonist Shade for reasons to be later explained.
Sorry!! I'm busy today as per usual. Maybe tomorrow? (Apologetic, in a rush)
Shade will not give up easily... I know her well and that means I've seen how far she'll go to get her way... and I don't think I've seen everything just yet. (Serious, worried)
Don't worry, we can get through this together! We are stronger than they think. (Positive, hopeful, determined)

Robin is an exciteable but socially awkward young teen. She makes weapons for Shades gang and is good friends with Sparky.
Where did Sparky go? He didn't leave, did he? (Worried, sad)
You've just gotta see my newest invention! It's gonna be amazing!! (Excited)
well that went well. (Sarcastic)

Ash is the angry rebellious teenager character. He's around 17 and works as an assassin with Shade. He's grumpy, and has like... a lot of issues but v e r y deep down he's not all that bad.
"You make me wanna throw up." (Mildly annoyed, not angry just pissed off a bit)
"Wow. What an amazing idea." (Sarcastic)
"Oh, hey. You must be new here... ya know you seem kinda familiar actually." (casual)
Puma is a bit crazy as well as a bit of simp. He always needs to be the center of attention and is very much so a people pleaser. He us great with technology though and even built his own robotic arm.
My brother? He's dead to me! (Angry)
My arms got a built in Toaster! You wanna see?
Everyone should love me! I'm practically perfect!
Public Submissions