OneShot Cinematic Game Dub - CLOSED
Project Overview
I first discovered OneShot in 2017, but I've recently re-discovered how amazing the game is. The story, characters, environments, and music all stick with you for a very long time. I had some scenes picked out that I wanted to dub, but the list kept getting longer and longer, since every scene is so good! The idea finally came to me: Why not dub ALL of it?
The goal of this project is to present OneShot in a Cinematic way, with full voice acting and sound design. The story will be told in a concise way, and as such not every single line of dialogue will be included, but just enough to immerse the audience into the world, characters, and story.
- It will be released on YouTube in episodes, and then released all in one long movie length (or longer)
- This will be a long term project! Casting will be done early Summer so work can take place through Summer and hopefully start releasing monthly come Fall. As such, you will need to be able to commit to the time frame required.
- You must have good mic quality, with minimal background noise. No laptop or phone mics, sorry! This is to ensure the quality of the project is as high as possible.
- All of the project managing will take place over Discord, so you must have one!
Do not add special effects (like echo or reverb) to your auditions. THIS INCLUDES ROBOT CHARACTERS!!! Though, feel free to use noise removal and volume balancing.
Also, the role of Silver/Kip will be filled by me, so it has not been listed below, as it is not an open audition.
The deadline for auditions will be MAY 31ST, 2019 at MIDNIGHT MST
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Latest Updates
- The cast list is complete! Thank you everyone who auditioned!
Deadlines Closing TOMORROW
Just a reminder that the deadline to audition for this project is the end of the day on May 31st. THAT MEANS 11:59 PM MST. I will be taking the next week to go through auditions and make casting decisions. The cast list will be posted on June 7th AT THE LATEST. Thanks to everyone who has auditioned thus far, I love the support and enthusiasm you've all given this project, even in its early stages :) Best of luck to all! -
No effects please!
Just a reminder to please not add effects to auditions!! I mentioned this in the video and on the audition document but it got left off of the CCC description somehow, and that's my fault. It's there now! If you have submitted an audition with an effect (like a robot voice) and would like to re-upload a version without the effects, it would be greatly appreciated, but your audition with effects will not be discounted. However auditions going forward with effects WILL BE DISCOUNTED! This is so I can get a good judge of your voice, and determine how it would work with my chosen effects (it also shows me you can follow instructions). Thanks everyone!!!

Niko is the playable protagonist of OneShot. They are tasked with returning the Sun to the Tower and saving the World from dying out. Niko is kind and caring. Being the messiah that the prophecy has foretold, they became determined to reach the Spire and bring the sun back to it in order to save the World, even despite what others say that the sun won't stop the World from dying.
Niko is the MAIN CHARACTER and as such, this part is incredibly large and time consuming. I will be looking for someone who can commit to a heavy workload, communicate well, and be prompt with deadlines, over a several month project.
Sure is taking a while… I guess this elevator leads to the top of the Tower, Player… ...are you excited, Player? We're finally gonna save the world… And I know it's for real this time, cuz you're here! And then… I'll get to go home for real this time, too! I can't wait to see everyone again… Are you okay, Player? You seem a little quiet...
My favorite food in the world are the special pancakes that my mama makes! She likes to pick hazelnuts and grind them up into the batter. They TASTE amazing! She always made them when I was feeling sad. Or lonely... or…... Mama… I really miss her...
Taming is when a real person cares about you, right? It's when a real person thinks you're real too, right? Well guess what! I do! And I know Player does, too! ...even though you told them they only had one chance, they found a way back, didn't they?

The Player, also known as god, is the secondary protagonist of OneShot. Out-of-universe, they are the player moving Niko; in-universe, they are the god of the World, tasked with guiding Niko through it and saving them along with the World in one shot.The Player champions themselves as a kind god and a helpful god.
This place… These people… won’t stop existing. They’ll be in your memory. They’ll be in my memory too. Goodbye Niko.
Niko. I need to tell you something. We can’t save both. The world… and you… To send you home… we must break the lightbulb.

The World Machine is a sentient simulation of the world itself. It could be considered as the spirit of the world. It first appears as the Entity speaking directly to the Player, seeming pessimistic and stern. Ultimately it tries to convince The Player to destroy the Sun (and the world) and save Niko.
You found me. …Why? You're already too late. Not much of the world remains. This will be apparent once you go outside. This place was never worth saving. ...Do you still want to try? Then, remember this: Your actions here will affect Niko. Your "mission" is to help Niko leave. And most importantly… You only have one shot, Player
… You’re still here… Niko, why are you still here? YOU. Why did you come back, Player? I told you to stay away! … you knew I tried to cut the story short, is that it?? FINE. If you don’t want to leave... I’ll make sure you never do!
I restored the world, I sent Niko home… Are you… not happy? … Even if you wanted to see Niko again… You can’t, Player. Niko’s gone. And without Niko, there is no story for me to tell, no messiah to traverse across the land. … No way for you to connect with the world.

The Author originally lived in the Old World, and attempted to save the world by converting it into code, creating the The World Machine. The Author is well-known for writing many books, ranging from novels to documentations, illustrations, and sketches. It is implied that he is still alive, although no longer existing in The World.
The Author is mysterious but kind, and is determined to give both The World and Niko happy endings
Looks like you completed your mission in the world. …and... I understand. I know you wish to return. But the Entity called itself OneShot for a reason. That restriction was implemented a long time ago.Removing it is impossible now. least, for me.
Haha, look at me… Asking for favors, only to become so apprehensive once you agreed. I understand if you wish to leave some questions unanswered. I understand if you do not believe in a happy resolution. I understand if you are... simply afraid of what might happen. Because… I am afraid too.

Prototype is a robot built by the Author before the Old World ended. His purpose was to predict the specifics of the messiah for the old world. He helps guide Niko through the Solstice update
Prototype is serious, snarky, and a bit of a pessimist. His emotions are buried fairly deep down, as a by-product of being alone for so long.
Be aware that in the Solstice update Prototype has A LOT of dialogue, so a dependable actor is required, experienced actor is preferred.
Niko… Do you... remember the ending? The fact that you've found me at all... means this is not your first time in this world. You have already been summoned to this world once before. In fact, you've already traversed the entire world and went through the Tower already. And, in the ending... you either put in the sun...or didn't. What matters is that you are here now. Player has successfully bypassed the "one shot" restriction and brought you back again.
...In the end, the World Machine was starting to create its own code. Going above and beyond its programming, not as the result of error, but as a conscious choice on the part of the machine… ...Being able to generate its own path forward. That's... what being tamed is all about.

Cedric is The Author's son. He’s one of the few "real people" in OneShot who previously lived in the Old World. After the Old World was shattered, he was saved as code in The World. He wants to aid Niko to save the world to finish his father’s work.
He is anxious to live up to the expectations his father left behind, and as such can be flighty and excitable
Be aware that in the Solstice update Cedric has A LOT of dialogue, so a dependable actor is required, experienced actor is preferred.
I'm afraid I must risk sounding callous, but…please, you need not concern yourself with how "real" everything is, for now. The plan is already in motion, we cannot allow for distractions. Father is putting everything into this one last run of the world. The last chance for him to fix everything.
We...don't have much time left. Niko... change of plans. Listen carefully. It's likely I'll be targeted again, so we should split up to keep you safe. I want you to find a door under a large clock. The room behind it houses a pair of ground access elevators. Once you get to the ground, immediately find Rue and bring her back to the room. She will know what to do in the meantime.

Rue is a fox, a follower of the Author and one of the 4 characters that existed in the Old World. She is kindhearted and caring,and she is also shown to be obedient and loyal. She is first seen cryptically in the first run of the game, but doesn’t introduce herself to Niko until the True Run
Rue is patient and kind, sympathetic to both Niko and the World Machine
Be aware that in the Solstice update Rue has A LOT of dialogue, so a dependable actor is required, experienced actor is preferred.
Right now, the World Machine is probably really, really scared. This content update... involved some pretty deep codework. My creator was able to access some of the source code, you know… He did what he could and established new connections between maps. Those links enabled you to meet the other two. But as it turns out, the new code confused the World Machine to such an extent that it's breaking down altogether.
Basically... these portals all represent a physical location on Player's machine. And... when we enter these portals, we will be sent to that location… I'm... sure Player is already pretty familiar with retrieving puzzle pieces from this world on their computer. ...But this time, Player would need to move around some things, as well.

Calamus is one of the two children residing in the ruins, the other being his younger sister, Alula. When their father passed away, Calamus, took responsibility for raising Alula. He seems serious when worrying about Alula, but is just a young teenager underneath.
I don't remember why, but our father left the village while we were still young. ...Well, it's just Alula and I now. I can't lose her too…
Oh! My book! Gosh, I still need to finish studying it… My friend gave it to me for Solstice Day. He's the one who wrote it, actually! He's also the one who taught me how to read! I have a few more of his books somewhere...

Alula is one of two children residing in the Ruins, the other being her older brother, Calamus. Alula is a cheerful young girl, often being very calm and positive in most situations as well as making many jokes, in contrast to her brother's timid and concerned nature.
Calamus keeps saying how this world is getting more dangerous by the minute. But that's ok! You're here now! You can make everything better!
Oh, right! Gosh... Calamus must be so worried… Can you bring me to him?

Maize is a powerful plant spirit who used to protect the Glen until the sun died, causing her health to deteriorate. Her one desire is to see the Sun again, one last time before she passes. Her health is severely failing, and she is close to losing all her strength.
...The sun.... I haven't seen it... I haven't felt it in so long… Savior, if it's not too much trouble… Can you lend me the sun for a while? I just want to experience the sun one more time before I... Well… Would it… Would it be too selfish of me to ask?
...That's right...the bridges… You... need to cross them on your pilgrimage.... ...would me to fix them? ...Difficult. ...Bridges... are in very specific locations, over water… ...need to find the right points… vines must be very strong, too… ...An undertaking. ...But, possible.

The Lamplighter is the maintenance worker of Refuge. He has a bit of a nervous and awkward disposition, often trailing off his sentences. He's a bit self-conscious, and startles easily. He is also very dedicated to his job. Has been known to be sarcastic and snarky at times.
I fix lights, mostly. But now I also deliver and refill high-energy phosphor to structures that need them. We used to have a small army of delivery robots doing that… But lately a bunch of them have been breaking down? So until they fix them, I'll just have more work on my plate. I haven't slept in so long…
I'll just... stick with my original plan for now… Time to kick the door again. ...My foot hurts…
No, no, it's okay! Looks like the squares aren't inside the elevator....yet. You’re... in a hurry, right? Go do… what you need to do...

George is the Librarian in the Refuge, and was an assistant/friend of The Author. She helps guide Niko to the tower. George has a different personality with every playthrough of the game (based on the number of dots on her die face), and the two personalities that are going to be used in the dub have not been decided yet. I am looking for an actress who can portray many different personalities, while staying within character. A diverse range will be required.
George's Personalities:
1. Quite narcissistic and cooperative. Speaks in a poetic or narrative manner and usually talks in the third person.
2. Stressed out and rude most of the time. Tends to be easily agitated.
3. Tired, mostly worried and hopeless. May have low self-esteem.
4. Cheerful and optimistic demeanor. Very encouraging and excitable.
5. Motherly and kind. Speaks in a gentle manner and cares for Niko.
6. Very casual demeanor. Speaks in a chill and friendly manner.
(6th head) ...yo.....YOOOOO. Where'd you find this? Cuz that's got that symbol and everything. Here, lemme read it. seriously? He even used that language… I gotta translate this, man. Mind if I borrow this?
(1st head) Aha! An ancient book! Written by no less than the most ancient... wait a minute. This isn't ancient at all! But it's written in a dead language nevertheless. It's time...for me to unleash my brilliance! For George (me), possessor of at least one PhD… shall translate this! ...this will take some time, however.
(3rd head) Lemme see… Oh… Oh, dear.... Hey uh... is it alright if I... borrow this… There's no mistake... I have to translate it. I'll try my best, but... It probably won't be very fast.

Prophetbot was created to give Niko information about The World, and how they are supposed to save it. As his name implies, he carries the prophecy, which says that a messiah will save The World, the messiah in question is Niko.
They seem thrilled to see Niko and to finally be able to fulfill their purpose. They are kind and excited
Oh! So You Woke Up In An Unfamiliar, Dark Location? Just As My Prophecy Foretold. Yes! You Are The Savior We Have Been Waiting For! You Will Be The One To Save Our World From Eternal Darkness.
Being The Bringer Of Our Sun, You Have The Sacred Ability To Communicate Directly With Player. ...An Ability That No One Else Possesses, Certainly Not I. Please Close Your Eyes And Focus.

Rowbot’s primary purpose is to transport people across the ocean from the Barrens to the Glen and vice versa. Niko encounters them and helps them become functional so they can be aided on their pilgrimage

Ling works at the cafe in Refuge. He gives Niko pancakes when they visit the cafe out of hunger, and overall is helpful and kind
You know, the tall guy came in here earlier saying the same thing. He asked me if I've seen a button that says "ground" on it. He looked pretty stressed, so I wanted to cheer him up… I told him the only "ground" I've seen today is coffee grounds! He, um… He didn't get it…
No, no! It's on the house! The least I can do for the savior, right? Here, why don't you take a seat? I'll go fry some up for you.

These are head robots that guard certain areas from people without certain qualifications. There are three different Guardians in the three areas (Blue, Green, and Red) but will all be voiced by one actor
My Purpose Is To Guard This Settlement. Even Though The Residents Have Long Gone, I Must Remain. I Have Not Been Tamed. It Was Not Worth The Effort.
...That Is Indeed The Kernel. Then, It Is Your Duty To Regrow Her. Do You Understand What You Must Do? Take The Seed To The Garden. Plant It In The Pot In The Center. You May Now Pass Through Here To Access The Garden.

Magpie is a trader found in the Glen, he only wants to trade for wool however. Kinda grizzled and excentric
'm not sure if I want to trade it away… It's one of my favorite things! ...Oh, what am I saying! You're the savior! Things have been getting bad around here lately. If I don't help you, I might not even be around much longer… You need this to save the world, right? Take it.

Bookbot is a robot in charge of the reception desk of the Library in the Refuge. They refuse Niko passage until Niko has a library card. Has not been tamed, and it SHOWS.

OneShot has a lot of random unnamed NPCs. A handful of voice actors will be cast specifically to fill some of these parts, and actors with smaller roles will also be asked to fill in some NPC lines. For the NPC role, I’m looking for a good range of different voices.
Some examples of common NPCs:
Robots (seriously, there’s a LOT of robots holy moly)
Glen villagers
Refuge vendors
Apartment dwellers
You're heading to the city, aren't you? Been there, done that. Too cramped, you know? But it's not like this place is getting any bigger with the rising waters and all. Hm...maybe the city isn't so bad after all…
Here we are, at the eleventh hour. I wonder if the big clock has reached zero yet… I want to be right here when everything ends.
Oh, a cat. Are you lost? Do you wish to join us? You have cat eyes, your hat is shaped like a cat. You are still welcome here. I protect lost people as well.
Public Submissions