One Punch Man Abridged: Episode 4

Project Overview
Hello everyone! We're working on a One Punch Man abridged series and we can't do it without the help of some talented voice actors!
This casting call will cover the characters introduced in Episodes 4 and 5 of the anime, most of which return throughout the series. We will hold auditions for other characters down the line but for now this casting call will only be focused on these. Feel free to voice the character however you see fit so long as you understand how we plan on portraying them.
Requirements for Voice Actors:
-Decent quality microphone
-As minimal background noise as possible
-The ability to be loud if required
-No voice modifications or effects
Please keep in mind that this is a fan project and shouldn't be taken too seriously. We're doing this for fun! We look forward to listening to everyone’s auditions!
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Thank you to everyone who submitted an audition! I should have the roles cast within the next couple days!

The scientist behind Genos. While his work is for the protection of innocents, he prefers to work individually as opposed to being part of a larger organization. Is this him being anti establishment or possibly even anarchic? A better question is: Who the fuck styled his hair? Character design notwithstanding, he should probably sound like a kind, old gentleman.
You wish for more upgrades? Well, you’re in luck. After studying one of the more recent models of aircraft, I have found a way to further reduce air resistance. It’s called a “cone”.
What do you mean you would not like to be powered by a mini nuclear reactor?
I have just installed a surround sound system into your chest. Now, whenever you face an enemy you can play intimidating music like “Toxic” by Britney Spears. ... I mean I would be intimidated.

Too slow? Not so. Sonic is the fastest there is, even if he isn’t. Because his entire fighting style is based on speed. If you were to take his speed away from him, his sanity would disappear in a flash. Of course, he wouldn’t acknowledge or even be aware that he’s slower. Because he’s fast and that’s all there really is to say on the matter.
If you are too confident in your fighting style but lose... the result will always be the same. That is why I never lose.
Admit it, the only factor that matters in battle is speed. If you are slow then you have no chance of dodging, and if you cannot dodge then you die. I hope you now realize just why you’re outmatched.
Whenever I face you, I cannot picture myself winning for some reason... Actually, the only thing I can picture is your bald head.

The type of person who fervently believes in his heroism. While he can be jealous and petty of up comers, he is pure at heart, only wishing the best for the people he fights for. He’s also a realist, leaning a bit too much on the pessimistic side. But not in the downer sense, more so in that he’s a hardened veteran. Ideally, he should sound as though he’s been through a lot. (Bonus points for meme auditions that sound like Solid Snake)
Poses? Catchphrases? What a pair of amateurs. All a hero really needs is a fighting style that will wipe the floor with villains. Observe. (Make faux karate noises)
Yes, I am the last place of my hero class. But that does not mean I should be mocked. For regardless of my ranking, I am still a proud member of A-Class.
Being a hero requires much more than a colorful suit and a catchy name. So, until you finally understand that, you’ll never be another entry on a villain’s casualty list.

A suave man with a gray moral compass. He’s smooth and alluring, but still able to cut you if he wants. His voice should reflect that.
I go by Sweet Mask, but some people call me Amai Mask. It makes no difference though. So long as the people have my name to call on.
Money and fame are irrelevant. Anyone can become a hero if you feel the desire for peace in your heart.
Sure, I’m sweet but, whenever I take off my mask, people tend to think I’m bitter. What would I know? I’m not as familiar with the taste of my own blood.

She’s a news reporter. An amoral one at that. Hopefully you should get an idea with the lines.
Water. The lifeblood of everyone on the planet. Necessary for sustenance and many sporting activities. But what if I were to tell you that it has a deadly secret? This and more, coming up.
In other news, several boat supply stores have been looted following the recent storm… Truly this is a dark time for small business owners.
We are just receiving word that the last known source of oil has been depleted. As the world is beginning to go into a frenzy, we remind viewers that it is every man for themselves and your family is holding you back. Good luck and good-bye!

A virtuous hero that understands his weakness but fights in spite of it. He’ll yell and kick and scream until he’s broken and bloodied for the sake of the innocent. But when he’s not saving cats from trees, he’s very down to earth. As such, his voice actor will need to be able to project a lot of energy while also being able to sound relaxed and friendly.
Don’t worry, young civilian. Your pet Mittens is safe at last. Do keep a watchful eye on her next time.
You brought bananas? I mean I don’t mind the snack, but why that in particular?
I know I have no chance of beating you. No one needs to tell me anything like that! And yet I have to try. It’s not about winning or losing. It’s about me taking you on right here and right now!

An advocate of true financial equality. Of course by that he means he just doesn’t want to work. But don’t let his followers know. His position at the top of the Paradisers is built on a bed of lies. Behind his abnormally thick skull is a lazy man.
Okay, the next person who compares the shape of my head to a bullet is being kicked from the group. ... Wow that is actually a lot worse.
So your gimmick is speed, huh? But what is speed to a force of nature?!
We have been beaten and stepped on by establishments day after day. So I say that it is time for us to take matters into our own hands and disassemble those establishments!
Public Submissions