Object Planet 2 - Voice Acting Call
Project Overview
Object Planet 2 is the sequel to the series "Object Planet" that I created in 2014 based off of the 2010 series "Battle For Dream Island". I was really young when the show was created and is notorious through the Object Show Community for its lazy production. This sequel is to bring a new perspective of the first season and to also give the show a better light.
I want to get this right and bring justice to an idea I felt would have been executed better if I was just older and more mature. So I require help from you guys! You can audition here for an acting role for the new Object Planet just by choosing one of the characters listed! I hope to see your auditions.
- Note that acting roles aren't paid!
- While the accent says North American, you can bring any accent to the table!
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*Character already has an actress
*Character already has an actress

*Character already has an actor
*Character already has an actor

*Character already has an actress
*Character already has an actress

Cola is a character that is a part of a pre-made alliance between Lemonade, Himself, Colored Pencil and Head Gears. He is the more sarcastic character of the four and doesn't take to his definition of stupidity like most.
Come on, you guys really don't believe anything this persons says right?
Yes, because the plan worked the 15 times we did it before.

Head Gears is a character that is a part of a pre-made alliance between Lemonade, Herself, Colored Pencil and Cola. She is one of the most bubbly characters in the bunch, she is very expressive and can be seen as an opposite to Cola
Colored Pencil, I love this new design you've made!
I heard that you guys are giving out free food, is the offer still up?

Colored Pencil is a character that is a part of a pre-made alliance between Lemonade, Himself, Head Gears and Cola. His personality is closest to alliance member Head Gears. He is a character that follows and asks a ton of questions.
Hey, are you sure that this is for the challenge?
Whatever you say, I have nothing to help anyways.

Lollipop is a someone who is fun to be around with. The character is usually trying to bring the best out of people but has an issue with the character Flag (character had a previous crush on Flag).Â
We won the challenge! I always had a feeling we would win after all.
Flag, literally no one cares about your input, shut up.

Flag is a character that thinks he is perfect and that nothing is wrong with him. The other characters like to call him out on his foolishness but he likes to ignore it. He has an issue with Lollipop due to her explicit rudeness to him.
Lollipop, I wasn't even talking to you, how about you quit being annoying.

Crayon is a character that is much more serious about getting things done. She is in a relationship with Marker and they work together throughout the challenges. Marker is the only person that can get Crayon to genuinely laugh, the rest she doesn't take really serious.
Marker, these objects are getting on my last nerve, my LAST.
Okay? Or you could just do your job and stop complaining.

Marker is a character that likes getting things done as efficient as possible. She doesn't give up on reaching a goal until the task is completed. Marker is also in a relationship with the character Crayon
Crayon, you sure this is what we are supposed to do?
You guys are getting on every last living nerve I have.

Broccoli is a character that communicates in a more different way than most of the characters, he makes jokes that consist of more harsh words. He also loves calling characters out when they say anything that can be remotely weird.
Um.. Y'all are acting real different right now.

Light Bulb is a character that speaks harshly to any character that speaks towards him. He especially has a beef with Head Gears and they've shown a distaste in one another in the previous season.Â
Head Gears, how about you go jump off a cliff or something.
Do I really care if what I said was mean, I don't.

Canvas is a character that isn't taken as serious as the rest due to his high pitched voice. Most the characters can't stand when he speaks so he tries his best to show he is useful when doing challenges.
Come on guys, my voice isn't that bad.
As I expected, I am the only one on the next island.

*Character already has a voice
*Character already has a voice

Fortune Cookie is a character that can see glimpses of the future. While he can't see things that can help him WIN challenges, his abilities allow for him to see a few moments into the future. This ability can become helpful when doing challenges.
I predict that I am not going to be doing so well this time.
My gut feelings says that this is the correct way!

Paper is a character that didn't get much screen time in the first season to develop a memorable personality. In this take of Object Planet, Paper has a personality similar to one off of Twitter. This makes Paper and Broccoli much closer acquaintances than they are with the rest of the cast
And what was it on? It was on period.
You guys might as well smack me in the face because this is just disrespectful.

Microphone is a character that tries his best to be the best he can, but he has a really bad temper. His episodes can be turned on by simply someone messing something small up, so many choose not to be around him.
Am I really that bad? PFFT, forget them, they don't know what they are missing anyways.

*Character already has an actor
*Character already has an actor

Oatmeal is a character that doesn't have a ton in faith in others except for Rocket Launcher. She uses characters and is only around them if it means it benefits her.
Hey Cola, so I heard you have the code to escape this room?
That's really funny, you genuinely thought we were friends? That's a good one!

Rocket Launcher is similar to Oatmeal, he uses people in challenges if it means that it will benefit him and raise his chances of winning. He doesn't have a ton of sympathy for many others and is good at manipulating others into getting what he wants.
Oatmeal, it's time to put out plan into action!
If I win the game, I will definitely split the prize money with you. In an alternate universe of course.

Staff is one of the meanest characters to grace this series. She purposely ruins the chances of winning for many characters and means every threat she puts out.
Hey Crayon, how about you and your uglier girlfriend be useful for once and get me across this lake.
Rubber Ball, can you believe the thought process these morons have?

Rubber Ball and Staff share similar traits. They both are very expressive in how mean they are and don't care about offending anyone. He is loud and proud about his believes and won't let anyone change them.
You know, out of everyone in the crowd, we are the legends out of them all. Like, everyone else here is just a pack of morons.
Yeah, that sounds cool, but directly point where in my statement I asked.

Window is a timid character compared to the rest. He doesn't like when people are upset with him and goes with what anybody says, even if it goes against his morals or what he thinks is best.
I didn't mean to do that! I am so sorry, I didn't think that this would happen.
If I can suggest something, maybe if we went this way we would be able to find a clue?
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