Nikke: Goddess of Victory || Helm Side Stories Fandub and Analysis

Nikke: Goddess of  Victory || Helm Side Stories Fandub and Analysis

Project Overview

Nikke is a mobile game that has a lot of side stories going in-depth with the characters. I want to analyze specific characters that have caught my eye and bring to light what makes them so charming and unique, but to do so, I'd like to show their side stories which aren't voiced over. That's where you come in!

The main role (Helm) has about 20-30 minutes of dialogue while all other minor roles have less than 5 minutes.

I will be doing the mixing, editing of the footage, will be uploading it to my YouTube ( and I will give credit to the respective roles. I might add more roles if there is a need for it, so keep an eye out! This is my first project on here so please forgive me if I fumble with the process here and there.
Let it be known that voice match isn't mandatory, be appreciated! I just ask you be expressive as some scenes require yelling.

When auditioning, please note the following:
- Clean mic audio is not required, but preferred. Please try to prevent peaking if possible. Absolutely no distortion.
- Please note your discord in the description so I may contact you with ease. (No response within 48 hours, the role will be given to someone else)

- Please do 2 takes.

- Must be at least 18 years old

Happy Auditioning, I thank you for considering.

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Latest Updates

  • Wrapping Up!

    Hello again!

    As we're approaching the due date, I'm going to start looking through the auditions and picking roles! I heard some pretty great ones in the bunch, so I'm excited!
    I'm gonna leave the project open for extra submissions for about an extra week since I put out another call on twitter and other places, so if you guys are interested in the added roles and wanna audition for them, be my guest!

    That's all for now, thanks for participating and showing interest!

  • Deadline extension

    Hi gamers,

    I'm postponing the deadline for this project by a few weeks to make up for the additional roles I added late into the project (apologies for that by the way). I'm also adding two new roles, Sugar and Julia, if that catches your fancy.

    Alright! I think that's all the updates!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Agreed Amount
Role assigned to: ALumin

Major Role

The leader of Aegis and the captain of the Admire, an amphibious warship. She eagerly awaits the day when she can prove her mettle in naval combat.

A very passionate, by-the-book character. Although her passions and work often align with each other, when the two conflict, she does not hesitate to choose her work. Very passionate about the Admire and sailing out to sea one day with her crew.

Voice reference:

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • We'll take to the high seas, I'm sure of it (hopeful, confident)

  • Brace yourselves! Aegis Canon, FIRE! (Commanding)

  • We intend to reclaim the surface, no matter what it takes.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Luna

Minor Role

Second mate of Aegis and the newest crewmember of the Admire. She gives everything her all and hopes to one day go surfing on the surface.

Very Meek character and will most likely back down from any argument or end it by throwing a starfish at the opposite party. Light hearted and caring for those around her.

No voice reference available, so go crazy. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • Right! Say no to Pollution (estatic)

  • But we're all in the same squad. Aren't we friends?

  • It'll be so much more fun looking at starfish.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: RosieVA

Minor Role

The first mate of the admire and by extension, Aegis, under Helm. She often daydreams about forbidden romances between Nikkes and their commanders to the point it interferes with her work.

A character filled with attitude and not afraid of stating the blunt truth. Strives towards being carefree and overall wants to have a more pirate-like life on the Admire.

No voice reference available, go crazy

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • Eat while we can! Just like the pirates of old! (estatic)

  • That's why people who come from royal backgrounds are no good. They think they're so much better than everyone else. (resentful)

  • Fine then. I'll just drink myself into a stupor for the next 3 days. (spiteful)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Trina

Minor role

A troubled yet reliable girl who seeks to answer the question of just what Nikkes really are. As a member of Counters, she always ensures harmonious relations between various squadmates.

Voice reference:

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • Commander, what do we look like to you?

  • ENGAGING! (Commanding)

  • iIve been awake for a long time. Better take a nap

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Trina

Minor Role

She is full of a bright energy that is lively and full of energy. If you like it, you like it, if you don't like it, you don't like it. She has no wrinkles and is easy to get along with, but if she judges that the level of intimacy is likely to exceed the appropriate line, she draws the line calmly. She can be very sarcastic.

Voice Reference:

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • Let's get this party started! (confident)

  • Any missions that are a cake walk?

  • Actually believe in others? That's a good joke

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Klaus

Minor Role

Neon openly preaches the strength of almighty firepower, believing that Firepower is the dream and solution to everything. She mostly displays a naive and airheaded attitude. She has a strong egotistical personality, but not to the point where it becomes a nuisance to others.

Voice reference:

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • More firepower for a brighter tomorrow! (hopeful)

  • 1200 Tyrant-class Rapture units, cleared! (stern)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Sage VO

Minor role

A Nikke belonging to Master Hand, a musical "squad" whose role is to archive and preserve music from before the Raptures invaded.

Violin playing Nikke that has a devotion to music. A classical musical artist first and foremost.

Voice ref:

Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • female adult
  • Such a wonderful breeze, can you sense it's rhythm?

  • May the wind and waves carry us to our destination.

  • My musical muse is escaping me...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Agreed Amount
Role assigned to: Flesh

Major Role

A gearhead, who gets a thrill from burning rubber, sells sugar coffee in Cafe Sweety.

Monotone, cool speaking Nikke that loves her motorcycle and sugar coffee.

Voice ref:

Voice description:
  • female adult
  • female young adult
  • If you need anything, just give me a shout.

  • VRROOOOOM! VROOOOOM! (just make a lot of overly excited motorcycle noises)

  • Pray tell, what does winter smell like?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: SolomonVo

Minor Role

A posh Deputy commander in chief who works with Aegis squad.

Voice ref:

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • N-no. Marian is the key to the future... Even you must realize that.

  • My name's Burningum, and I arranged the festivities here today

  • Helm, would you care to tell everyone about the Admire?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Kinzer

Minor role

Deputy Commander in Chief that's friendly to the commander who works under him.

Voice reference:

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • Using Triangle and Perilous Siege? Just when I thought you couldn't stoop any lower.

  • Don't worry, relax and just enjoy yourself. There's plenty of good food and nice people.

  • A shrimp fried this rice? you're kidding me

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Suspicious Guest
cast offsite

Minor Role

Character attempts to blow up the Admire from within. When all goes not according to plan, they attempt to trick the player to go down with them.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • There's a hole in the wall! Water is... (panicked)

  • Hehehe! One more person, before it's all over! (evil, insane)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: SolomonVo WhamBamSam Flesh

Extras in the story. Anyone can voice these

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • female young adult
  • female adult
  • male young adult
  • You're telling me a shrimp fried this rice?

  • Did you see those cannons? It tore through those Raptures like a hot knife through butter! (excited)

  • A navy here? With no seas? Don't make me laugh. (resentful)


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