[CLOSED] Nihmory Demo
![[CLOSED] Nihmory Demo](https://d1m9vqlvl3fy94.cloudfront.net/project/attachment/184228/38461641.png)
Project Overview
We have finally gotten through all the auditions and have filled all roles for the demo of Nihmory! If you have not heard from us, please accept our apologies that we cannot reach out to you all personally, but please know we are truly grateful and impressed with the quality of the auditions we received! It was very difficult to narrow our choices down, alas, it had to be done. We are truly truly grateful to all of you and cannot thank you enough for the time and effort you've dedicated to your submissions.
If you would like to continue to follow the progress on Nihmory, you can do so on Facebook, Twitter, [@Nodnin Studios] and Patreon [https://www.patreon.com/nodninstudios], or you may join our public Discord server and chat with the team and other fans of the project! [https://discord.gg/YNmYqSH9sH]. There may be more opportunity for VA auditions in the future, and our followers will be the first to know!
Thanks so much again and best of luck in your future endeavors!
Who We Are
Nodnin Studios is an independent video game studio creating their first project, Nihmory.
Nihmory is a single player, action-adventure game that follows our protagonist, Eiya, as she uncovers the mysteries of the world of Nihmory. Taking place in an era hundred of years after the fall of technology, Eiya must regain their lost history in order to help - or destroy - all of Nihmory as they know it. With a spiritual connection to the elements of Nihmory, Eiya can communicate with the spirits of the slumbering titans from an age past. One by one, she awakens their spirits and uncovers the truth of a buried past.
This casting call is for the first chapter and demo of Nihmory and mainly consists of voicing minor NPCs that will be encountered at the start of the game. Most NPCs will only have a line or two, with a select few having closer to four - eight lines. All roles are in English and don't require any specific accents.
Most of these are one time roles, but there is potential for you to stay on to voice other characters and NPCs. Please note, however, that we are currently only working on the demo, and further need for voice actors will be in the distant future. You are welcome to stay in our server to get regular updates when we are ready to accept auditions for new roles.
Voice Actors will be credited in the demo and in the official release of the full game, TBD.
We are paying 25 cents per word. Payments will be made through PayPal upon satisfied completion of the recording.
The deadline for auditions is April 16, 2022. There are currently no plans to extend this deadline. Voice actors will be notified the last week of April if they've been selected for a role and scripts will be provided shortly after that.
Live Recordings
Please note that we will be holding live recordings in May and June for selected voice actors. Live recordings will be with out audio and sound engineers, our lead voice actor, script writer, and president of Nodnin Studios. We are generally flexible with scheduling and are willing to work around your availability for recording. If you will be unable to record during this time, please do not send in an audition.
Most of our communication will be done through our Discord server [https://discord.gg/YNmYqSH9sH]. Our server is open to the public, but selected voice actors will have access to private channels to communicate with other staff directly. Live recordings will be conducted through Discord as well. If you are unable to use Discord, please let us know in your audition tape and what methods you are able to use. We will try our best to accommodate everyone.
- Please submit clean recordings on prosumer mics with as little background noise as possible.
- Do not add effects to your lines.
- Feel free to cut your lines to your best/favorite takes, but please do not include more than three (3) takes of each line.
- You may submit your auditions here on CCC, or feel free to send your recordings as one file to our company email address: nodninstudios @ gmail . com
- In your audition email, please include the subject line: Nihmory Demo Audition - [Character Name]
- Please also state in the body of your email your pay rate (per word, per line, or per finished session).
We are seeking to add other members to our team as well! We are actively seeking artists, writers, animators, modelers, and programmers to add to our team! Feel free to email us for more information!
When you are logged in, you can comment, add submissions, create projects, upvote, search open roles, and way more. Login here.
Latest Updates
We have finally gotten through all the auditions and have filled all roles for the demo of Nihmory! If you have not heard from us, please accept our apologies that we cannot reach out to you all personally, but please know we are truly grateful and impressed with the quality of the auditions we received! It was very difficult to narrow our choices down, alas, it had to be done. We are truly truly grateful to all of you and cannot thank you enough for the time and effort you've dedicated to your submissions. If you would like to continue to follow the progress on Nihmory, you can do so on Facebook, Twitter, [@Nodnin Studios] and Patreon [https://www.patreon.com/nodninstudios], or you may join our public Discord server and chat with the team and other fans of the project! [https://discord.gg/YNmYqSH9sH]. There may be more opportunity for VA auditions in the future, and our followers will be the first to know! Thanks so much again and best of luck in your future endeavors!
Current Schedule
Right now, our schedule for VAs is as follows: - We hope to have our top choices picked by the end of April with intentions to reach out to everyone the first week or two in May to offer contracts. If you don't hear from us by the end of May, then it's safe to assume we've made our final choices. We will post the official cast list once it's been finalized! - We plan to hold live recordings throughout the month of June Follow our progress on Twitter, Facebook, Patreon, or in our Discord server! https://www.patreon.com/nodninstudios https://www.facebook.com/NodninStudios/ https://twitter.com/nodninstudios https://discord.gg/YNmYqSH9sH -
Auditions Closed! Messages will be sent by the end of the month.
Please be advised that the deadline for auditions was April 16th. Auditions submitted after this date will not be accepted or considered at this time. Thank you for the incredible turn out and amazing auditions! Please keep an eye out for updates right here on CCC as we work our way through the list! We hope to have our official answers within the next couple weeks. IMPORTANT: We will reach out through CCC privately (or via email) to offer a position or ask for a potential second audition to select voice actors. We also may consider people for different roles than what they originally auditioned for. Please keep this in mind: we may be rejecting you for a role, but please wait until our official final announcement. If you see our final announcement posted here and did not receive a message from us, then we have chosen to move on with someone else. We apologize that we cannot reach out to everyone individually regarding the status of their audition but we sincerely appreciate all the time and effort you all put into your auditions! We encourage you to join our Discord server for future opportunities to be posted - our Discord server will be the first to know! Thank you all so much again and we will you all the best of luck! -
One Week Remains!
Hey everyone! As we're down to the final week of auditions, I would like to clarify a few things! 1. We have begun the process of listening to auditions, and as such, have been starting to reject certain submissions to help narrow down our options. PLEASE NOTE: A rejection does not necessarily mean a firm rejection. So far, we have quite a few auditions that we've rejected for specific roles, but with the intention of offering other roles. 2. We realize feedback is incredibly valuable to everyone as a voice actor, but please keep in mind that we cannot offer feedback to everyone who auditions. Along with our first point, a rejection doesn't necessarily mean that your audition was bad - it just wasn't what we are looking for. 3. Both those points being said, please keep an eye out for messages from us within the next couple weeks as we get through auditions. We will be reaching out to those who we would like to invite back for a second audition (or, as mentioned, those we might like to audition for a different part from the original audition). 4. A final update will be posted here after we have contacted everyone we wish to extend invites to. If you did not receive a message from us after the final update is posted, then we have not considered you for the position at this time. 5. As a final note, if you have sent auditions to our email, they will be reviewed after the deadline. You will not receive a response from us unless we are inviting you back for a second audition. If you have questions about anything, please feel free to message us through CCC. Please keep in mind that we are very busy, but typically respond to messages within 1 business day. If it's sent on a Friday, you may not hear from us until Monday. If you sent a question to our email, kindly resend your question to us on CCC, otherwise your question may not be answered until after the deadline. So, the TL;DR of this update: we will send individual messages via CCC/email to those we would like to invite back for a second audition - EVEN those who may be 'rejected' for a specific part! Please check back for further updates and keep an eye on your inbox for further communications! Thanks again to all who have submitted auditions! We're very eager to get through them all and finally bring our characters to life! -
A Note Regarding Pronunciations
Hello everyone! Thank you so much for your auditions! We realized we never included pronunciations in our descriptions. Those have been updated now, but please rest assured that we will consider all auditions, regardless of how you pronounced any of the names! We're very excited with the number of submissions we have received! Please keep an eye out for further updates. At this time, the schedule remains the same, but if we continue to get more auditions, we may need to adjust the time table a bit to allow us more time to get through them all. Thanks so much again! We look forward to working with you!
Pronunciation: Vy-res (like cyrus)
Exterior: a man is sitting in a chair, enjoying a patch of sun on his face. He has some grass in his mouth like a farmer would.
- Should not have any kind of accent
- Middle aged man with an average - slightly deep register
Hey, Eiya. Talking to yourself again? [laughing] Some things never change. Still have that imaginary friend of yours?
Pronunciation: Rilda like the Tilda in Matilda
A mother, early 30s, opinionated
- Strong voice, not afraid to speak up
- Slightly lower register voice
Please don’t put anymore nonsense in his head. He’s got an imagination as wild as yours. He doesn’t understand the world is a dangerous place outside of the outpost.
Those stories he got from you!
Right, and then he’ll be up all night with nightmares. [she shakes her head.]
Pronunciation: Nissa, Zo-toe, Eye-ah
A woman in her early 30s
- Kind and caring
- Sweet, melodic voice
Zoto teasing you again, Eiya? [laughing] He’s always been a little intimidated by you.
Help yourself to some cookies inside. Made ‘em fresh this afternoon!
Pronunciation: Kay-ah
- Strong, muscular build
- Sassy
- Mid range female voice
Strong, independent woman like her? Who wouldn’t be? [she winks at Eiya]
Pronunciation: ee-gun, eh-vander, ma-ha-voo (majavu)
Exterior: a man stands a bit away from the house, near the entrance to the outpost, as if on guard, though he’s not wearing armor or carrying any weapons.
- Rough and strong in appearance
- Deep, rough voice
Do you ever wonder what else is out in the world? We don’t get many travelers coming through. Well, except for Evander. He’s a mystery, isn’t he? Doesn’t talk about his past much.
[laughing] Majavu, huh? Those snake creatures from the children’s stories? That would be an impressive feat, if it were true.
I’m not sure. I suppose we all have baggage. He’s a nice guy, and I believe everyone deserves a chance.
Pronunciation: aw-ray, eye-ya
A young, curious girl with a vivid imagination
- Around 6 years of age
- Young, but strong in her beliefs and doesn't care if adults don't believe her
[rolling her eyes] They’re not just a regular spirit, Eiya. They’re the ones from my books!
Pronunciation: Oh-len-ore (like Elenore), eye-ya (eiya), eye-bex-ee (ibexi)
A mother in her early 40s
- Generally tired sounding
- Wise - tends to plants with medicinal properties
[sighing] Spirits, I gave him a basket full last week. He is absolute Ibex shit when it comes to crafting those potions, I don’t know why he still tries.
You’re much more proficient at that sort of thing, Eiya. You really ought to give him a hand or we will have a very sniffly outpost come winter.
Oh, hey, Eiya. Feeling alright? Did you get hurt herding the Ibexi? You know where I keep the herbs. Help yourself if you need any ointment.
Pronunciation: Zo - toe, eye-ah (eiya)
19 years old, grandson to the leader of the outpost
- Arrogant and dismissive
- A little childish and whiney
- Mid-range voice
[scoffing and rolling his eyes] She’s probably too busy hanging out with her imaginary friend again.
Excellent, you’ve doomed us all, Eiya. More of those freaks will come after us looking for you!
Pronunciation: Gee-ah, eye-ya (Eiya), eye-bex-ee (ibexi)
Leader of the outpost
- Wise and respected in appearance
- Speaks slowly and calmly with strength despite his age
Eiya! For the love of the spirits, get your head out of the skies. Those Ibexi aren’t going to herd themselves.
Clearly, there is something deeper going on here. I cannot say for certain that this outpost will be safe. Nor will you be safe, Eiya, especially here. We cannot protect you here.
Perhaps you were meant for this, Eiya, whatever this is. Whatever you do, be careful. The world outside this outpost is vast and dangerous. May the Ancients guide you.
Pronunciation: Eye-ah, Vultist (like cultist), Ni-mor-ee (Nihmory, like memory)
Main character, strong female lead, brave, bold, and brash
- Voice should be strong and confident
- Mid range, maybe slightly deeper
- Sarcastic and sassy
Keep rolling your eyes, maybe you’ll find your brain back there.
[panting, out of breath from using stamina] I should make sure I don’t overexert myself.
I’ll find the Vultists and I’ll stop them, whatever they’re doing. I’ll make sure the outpost - and all of Nihmory - remains safe.
Pronunciation: Kee-an, ni-more-ee (Nihmory, like memory)
Rambunctious and curious with a wild imagination - dreams of exploring the world
- Young, around 5 years old
- Bratty and whiney at times
I wanna play in the forest, but Momma won't let me. I wanna be like a cat person from the books! Someday, I’m going to see the whole world!
[stammering] W-well, how do you know they aint?!
Yeah! They’re the fiercest fighters in all of Nihmory!
Pronunciation: Neh-ris-sah, Vultist (like cultist), Ree-ja (Ritja, silent t)
Sassy and playful
- Around 20 years of age
- Slightly higher register voice
- Cheery and giggly at times
- Comes from a coastal community which could be reflective in her accent
They’re good. I got a letter from my dads the other day. My little brother set off on his first solo fishing trip. [worried] I hope he checked the shrouds. Do you think he checked the shrouds? I always tell him to triple check the shrouds…
Don’t be too late. I’m cooking up a big, scary fish for dinner! [she giggles playfully]
The Vultists have caused trouble for years between us and the Ritja searching for some nonsense that doesn’t exist. They’re crazy and they’ll kill anyone who gets in their way.
Pronunciation: ni-more-ee (Nihmory, like memory)
- Androgynous voice
- Usually cheery and playful
What he says is true. Nihmory was once a very advanced world. [struggling to remember] I’m not sure why, but… I cannot recall what had happened to change everything… It was so long ago… thousands of years ago…
Something doesn’t add up. We would not have started a war simply for the sake of condemning all who call Nihmory home.
We should find our way back to the Outpost to see if everything is okay!
Pronunciation: eh-van-der, eye-ah (Eiya), ni-more-ee (Nihmory, like memory)
A spy in the community
- Average, mid range voice, could be slightly deeper
- Sounds crazed at certain moments - wild range of emotions
- No accent
Look, I didn’t really need those things. Consider this… a test. I’ve been observing you for some time, Eiya. You see, I came here searching for something, and I think you might be able to help me find it.
I trust you have some sort of plan? I’m not the puzzle type. I’m the kick things around until it works type.
[angry] See for yourself. Those gods destroyed Nihmory. The things they worshiped almost wiped out the world completely. Don’t let these words fool you, Eiya. We were never given a future. Never given a chance to redeem ourselves. The world was stolen from us.
Public Submissions