Need 2 English Female Voice Actresses for Game Announcements
Project Overview
I would like to find 2 English female voice actors to voice over these two characters. Seen in the YouTube video.
The character on the left is Kikuya and the character on the right is Jasmine.
Please post what character you are voicing for and I look to working with you!
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Kikuya is the casino manager and is very elegant. She is Jasmine's boss and is trying to teach her how to be less goofy.
[Introduction Video](Happily) Hello! I am Kikuya. Welcome to the marvelous world of Black Cat.
[Introduction Video](Excitedly) Welcome Gamblers to another announcement. Today we have quite the assortment of goodies.
[Scolding Jasmine](Annoyed) Jasmine, please stop getting distracted.

Jasmine is a young spirited host-in-training. She shadows Kikuya to learn about her job at the casino. She is forgetful and playful.
[Introduction] (Happily) Hi I'm Jasmine! I'm excited to finally see new visitors!
[Introduction] (Shocked) What?! It's been that long?!
(Being Scolded) Sorry Ms. Kikuya, I forget sometimes.
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