MySims Characters if They had English-Speaking Voices (New Roles!)

Project Overview

Hello, Fellow Sims Players & Future Jigglypuff Lovers! Who has played MySims before? I've got a special treat for all the ones who have... I have decided to make a project imagining what all the MySims characters might sound like if they could speak English! How it will work is that each Sim will have a collection of lines that work just like the conversation mechanic dialogue in the Sims Bustin' Out G.B.A video game! This chat I've had with Uncle Hayseed will be used as an example of what the project will be like. I'll write down a new line for every interaction response in that game for each Sim. A couple of Sims will appear in each video in sections, with more Sims appearing in future sections each time a new video is made. I'm currently starting off with 10 Sims, but there will be more coming in the future for this project, so please stay tuned for future updates if you want to voice a new Sim! Enjoy, Fellow Sims Players & Future Jigglypuff Lovers! 

(This project is non-profit and made just for your entertainment and mine. I do not own the characters or anything else MySims-related, nor am I affiliated with Electronic Arts, the company that created MySims in any way. These videos will be uploaded to my YouTube Channel and will be split into different sections.)

(All you need for this project is a decent-sounding microphone. By desktop or phone, it doesn't really matter to me, as long as there's little to no background noise, no mic popping, and no static when you audition. A Discord Account for contact is recommended, but not required, as I can contact you here on the Casting Call Club website if you'd like, Discord is just more of an easier reach. Good luck auditioning, and if you get cast for a role, be prepared to possibly stick around for future projects! Enjoy, Future Jigglypuff Loving Simmers!)

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Latest Updates

  • New Roles Added!

    I've now opened up a new page for some brand new MySims voices! To all who auditioned on this page, you don't have to audition again in the brand new page for the same roles, I've still got you all on the list and considered for the role. I have gotten SO many good auditions for the new roles early! And I'm planning to cast a Matt voice on this page, which is why you won't see him on the new page, along with the other roles I've casted previously. Here's the list of the new roles I've added in the new project page!
    DJ Candy Supergroove
    Morcubus the pure evil Sim
    Brandi the troublemaker Sim
    Hisao Watanabe the Japanese Sushi Chef
    Jimmy Watanabe, Hisao's Son
    Yuki, the Japanse Kawaii Vampire Sim
    Patrick Rhino, the Contrusction Worker Sim
    Renne, the South American pig lover Sim
    Noelle, the young cookie lover Sim
    Grandma Ruthie, the senior oatmeal cookie Sim
    Taylor the young Sim who's spoilt by her Grandpa
    Madame Zoe, the French fortune telling Sim
    And Tad Flipper McCaffery, the lifeguard Sim!
    Here's the link to the new project page if you're interested! That's all for now! Thanks for reading! Have a great day! Enjoy!

  • New Roles Added!

    Hello, Fellow MySims Players! As we're getting the script with the first episode started, I've decided to add in some brand new roles that are now up for audition!

    Ms. Nicole Vogue, the snobby Fashionista Model Sim
    Shirley Vogue, the New-York Hairdresser Sim
    Travis, a British Sim who amazingly was the former CEO of a party supply company at a VERY young age!
    Liberity, a young free-spirited Sim who is a huge fan of snakes.
    Terry Toymender, a cheerful senior Sim who may be old in appearance, but also has the heart of a young child
    And Hopper, a young male Sim who loves frogs and even acts like one!

    That's all the new roles for today, but in the future, I plan to make even more, so stay tuned for future updates!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Meet Buddy the Bellhop. A kind-hearted, honest, hard-working young man who runs the town hotel. But there's more to this cheerful bellhop than meets the eye. He may look like just an average, patriotic, polite room server, but deep down, Buddy has a deep-seated fondness for superhero comics, video games, and outer space! Buddy's dream in life is to be the first Sim on the moon by being able to create a super rocket ship in order to blast off into his lifelong goal! Buddy also works part-time as an aspiring comic-book sketch artist too, and always loves to create and write new comics whenever he has the chance to!

(Since Buddy has been Greg Cripes' most recognizable role in the MySims series, I'm looking for a high-pitched male voice for Buddy, making his voice sound similar or identical to Beast Boy from Teen-Titans, with any accent that's been listed near the role.)

  • english
Voice description:
  • male teen
  • north american
  • male young adult
  • american
  • american (new york)
  • bostonian
  • brooklyn
  • californian
  • (Cheerful) Oh, hiya pal! Buddy the Bellhop at your service! Things are a little slow right now so I've been practicing my salutes while I wait for things to pick up. I guarantee you, the next guest that stays here is gonna get the salutin' of a lifetime!

  • (Making superhero noises) ZzzzzzzZOOM!!! BOOM! POW! KA-BLOOEY! (Exploding noise) Ka-BOEWWWWW!!!! (Superhero Jingle) Dun-dun-dun-DUNNN! And that's how the Super-Kids conquered the Cortex Catastrophe! Eh? Eh? What do you think? Brilliant story, isn't it?

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Poppy Nightshade
Role assigned to: Cakidesu

Poppy is a cheerful and kind-hearted young lady who owns a flower shop in town. She loves the things that most girls love... Rainbows, stickers, cute things, and flowers. Especially flowers. Actually, MAINLY flowers. Poppy thinks that every type of flower, no matter the shape or color, is the CUTEST thing to ever exist! She owns the shop of her dreams... And she's loving every single moment of spending time in it, tending to her every flower garden, both indoors, and outdoors! Poppy also loves spending time with her older sister Violet, despite their polar differences, mostly from Violet having only one type of flower she loves... A DEAD one.

(For Poppy's voice, I'm looking for a cute and sweet-sounding high-pitched female child or preteen voice for her.)

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • female child
  • north american
  • (Cheerful) Hi there! I'm Poppy Nightshade, and this is my flower shop! Don't you think flowers are such the best? I sure do!

  • (Singing a tune) Violets, roses, lillies are few... Daisies, bluebells, tulips too. All types of flowers I so adore... All Flowers I love, that's for sure!

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Roxie Road
Role assigned to: bluepenguingamer

Roxie Road is a friendly neat freak who owns an ice-cream shoppe in town. As much as Roxie LOVES eating ice cream... She cannot stand a sticky mess, either. Whenever she finds the chance, Roxie will ALWAYS make sure that her shop is as squeaky clean as possible, sweeping and mopping up the floors, cleaning up the countertops, and making her place sparkle from top to bottom. According to Roxie, successfully putting in the extra work of making her ice cream shoppe spotless is just like the satisfaction you get from touching every door knob in your house exactly 12 times before going to bed. Roxie likes to consider herself a busy bee, usually wearing a bee outfit whenever she goes out, and it clearly shows just HOW busy she can really be! 

(For Roxie's voice, I'm looking for a squeaky high-pitched female voice like her one in the games.)

  • english
Voice description:
  • north american
  • female young adult
  • female teen
  • Oh, hi! I'm Roxie. Roxie Road to be exact. I was just thinking... Wouldn't this be a great town to open up an ice-cream shoppe? I absolutely LOVE ice-cream! Oh, and hand-sanitizer too. Gotta make sure you wash your hands before you eat, right? *Chuckles*

  • (Panicking) *Gasp!* Oh no! My ice-cream is melting everywhere!! And now it's all over my freshly-clean floor! Oh no... I had JUST swept up those checkerboards like 5 minutes ago!

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Sir Vincent Skullfinder
Role assigned to: Zach_Talks

Sir Vincent Skullfinder is a former archeologist, famous for collecting ancient treasures for 50 long years. But Vincent wanted more than just fame. Now, every treasure that Vincent has collected has been donated to the town museum that Vincent owns. It's a spooky Skullfinder Museum with the more ghastly artifacts being worth more money. According to his museum resume, Vincent has gone out of his way to expand the Skullfinder Museum by exploring haunted castles, cursed tombs, and his most controversial statement: "The Dark Side of the Moon" in order to collect more bones, masks, and stones to put up for display in his creepy museum. 

(For Vincent's voice, I'm looking for a male low-pitched or low-mid-pitched voice with any accent you think a creepy, but yet somehow elegant high-class museum collector like him should have.)

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • male senior
  • Greetings, fair Sim. I am Sir Vincent Skullfinder. An academic, scholar, and lover of all things deceased. For more information about my past, please refer to my resume of my greatest achievements, which is over 300 pages long.

  • (Annoyed) Hmph! You're just like all the other peasants here in this uncultured little village... Pesky swines who have no taste and don't know what TRUE class is even if it came along and slapped them in the face!

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Clara Belle
Role assigned to: Anna May

Clara Belle is a friendly, cheerful young lady who loves all things cute. So much so, that some Sims would say that 'cute' is her middle name! But behind this girl's normal, cheerful appearance, there's something unusual behind the scenes with her lifestyle... Believe it or not, this little angel has befriended a SEA MONSTER! That's right, a sea monster! Clara has even got a name for him... Mr. Suckers! Thankfully, Mr. Suckers is less menacing than he appears, and is actually really friendly and nice to be around once you get to know him! He's pretty chatty too, and only Clara can translate what he's saying. Too bad Clara's friends don't believe her when she says that she's got a pet sea monster for a best friend... Clara's even been told that she had just made Mr. Suckers up as her imaginary friend! Poor Clara... But seeing is believing, and Clara knows that if they can't see Mr. Suckers, they're missing out on all the fun!

(For Clara's voice, I'm looking for a female high-pitched child voice for her.)

  • english
Voice description:
  • north american
  • female child
  • (Cheerful) Hey there! My name's Clara. Clara Belle. This town looks ADORABLE! And I absolutely LOVE adorable things! Ooh, that reminds me! Have you seen Mr. Suckers anywhere? He's my friendly blue pet kraken. The two of us were supposed to have a nice little tea party together!

  • (Sad) Oh, Mr. Suckers... if only all my friends HAD believed that you were real... (Smiling) They would really love you... You're the best sea monster a young little lady like me could ever have as a pet!

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Rhonda is an energetic party animal daredevil who wants to live her life to the fullest. She's an independent Sim who enjoys doing things HER own way and doesn't care about the consequences later on. Rhonda believes that there's NEVER a time and place to not have any fun! She even makes up her own mottos to psyche herself up, and to help others see the world as Rhonda sees it!

(For Rhonda's voice, I'm looking for an energetic medium-pitched Black American female voice.)

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • female adult
  • black american
  • Hey, hey, hey! I'm Rhonda! What's up? Do you look like you could be a FANTASTIC friend for me or what?

  • You can never have too much fun, baby! Those pessimists don't even know what they're missing out on! Go ahead and have fun until your brain explodes! That's my motto, boy!

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Bean Bradley
Role assigned to: Maceryn

Bean Bradley is a former child actor who got his start in acting by starring in a series of baby food commercials as an infant. Unfortunately, as he grew bigger and starred in movies as a toddler, then a kindergartner-aged child, and then the age he is now, all the fame and fortunate made him more and more uncomfortable until it escalated to the point where it just became too much for him to bare! Now, after moving into a new town, where Bean's less recognizable, he's now a much more calm and cheerful young man.

(For Bean Bradley's voice, I'm looking for a high-pitched male-child voice. I'm actually looking for female V.As who can do children's voices, just like in the video game or cartoon voiceovers, or young male actors who still have their high-pitched child voice of their own for this role. Sorry, adult males.)

  • english
Voice description:
  • male child
  • north american
  • (Cheerful) Hi there! My friends all call me Bean! I'm the youngest of the Bradleys, and an only child. Do you like my hoodie? My Grandma got it for me. She lives next door to our home.

  • (Uneasy and Hesitant) Ummmm... My parents told me not to accept gifts from strangers... I might make them mad if I disobeyed them and took the gift anyway... Sorry...

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Clayton Dander
Role assigned to: Dontae M!

Clayton Dander is a very smart intelligent Sim. He was one of, if not, only the BEST and smartest Sims in high school, especially with maths! However, despite being voted 'Most Likely to Succeed' in class, Clayton and his smart knowledge of everything the teachers throw at him became picked on by all of the jealous bullies, lowering his self-esteem and becoming more pessimistic about what others think of him. Fortunately, most of Clayton's friends have been down that road before, and a good conversation with Clayton might just help him on the road to recovery of being himself! 

(For Clayton's voice, I'm looking for a high-pitched male teenager or preteen voice with either a North American or Black American accent.)

  • english
Voice description:
  • north american
  • black american
  • male teen
  • male child
  • (Uneasy) Hi... I'm... I'm Clayton. But mo... Most people call me "Mr. Unpopular and Lame". You can call me that too... If you want, I guess... *Sad Sigh*

  • (Nervous and frustrated) Come on! Please, just tell me what you're thinking! Come on, tell me the honest truth! Your noggin wants to tell you how lousy of a Sim I am, doesn't it? Come on! You know how you REALLY feel about me.

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: WilliamJG28

Derek is a bully who hails from the mean streets of his neighborhood. Like any other bully, Derek always bosses other Sims around and uses intimidation to get what he wants. He usually name-calls his way to the things he wishes to have or use, and has even claimed an area of the woods as his very own, naming it 'Fort Derek'! Derek usually loves to ruin things if that means all the other Sims won't have such a good time anymore. Derek's selfishness has even led him to burn down Papa Gino's pizzeria at one point!

(For Derek's voice, I'm looking for a tough bully-sounding mid-high pitched or high-pitched male teenager voice.)

  • english
Voice description:
  • male teen
  • north american
  • californian
  • (Rudely) Name's Derek, what's it to ya? Now do me a favor and mind your own business, you nosy big-nose!

  • (Angry) Back off, dork-face! Now you've REALLY gotten me angry! And trust me, dweeb, you wouldn't like me when I'm angry... Now beat it before I sock you in the stomach, dummy-head!

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Matt is a huge fan of game shows and trivia quizzes. His lifelong dream is to one day know all there is to know about in order to open up and host his very own quiz show, with all of the questions written out by the VERY future host himself! He studies and builds up his knowledge even further by reading non-fictional articles in book clubs! But do you know what Matt's most FAVOURITE thing of all is? Contestants who come back from behind, and then really NAIL the lightning round!

(For Matt's voice, I'm looking for a cheerful, enthusiastic, welcoming game-show host-like medium-pitched male voice.)

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • male adult
  • game show host
  • american
  • Hi there, future contestant! I'm Matt, the world's foremost historian on game show trivia. Whether it's General Knowledge, Music, Sports, the Idiot Box, or the Silver Screen, you name it, I've dedicated my life to the study of ALL of these fascinating programs!

  • *Mimicking buzzer noise* Oooh, so sorry there, my friend! I'm afraid that's the wrong answer! Ouch! I SO thought you would've gotten that one! Never mind, there's always next time!

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Volunteer Role for Dialogue Writer
Role assigned to: UForgotImHer

I always love to come up with new lines for all of the Sims to say, but with another writer teaming up by my side, new lines can be made for the Sims that I've never even thought up! All of the dialogue will be like the lines in the conversation gameplay of The Sims: Bustin' Out G.B.A game, sometimes being short, simple, and sweet. When I cast you, you're free to write down new lines of any Sim of your choice, and you can even change a few lines of the ones I made if you can come up with something even better! If you're interested in applying, you can send in any script you've made, or if you want to, you can even make one from scratch that's planned for this project!

  • english
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Volunteer Role for Sim Emotion Artist
Role assigned to: bluepenguingamer

I am looking for a volunteer artist to make artwork of the Sims emotions. Like in the Sims Bustin' Out game, most of the Sims will have a Neutral, Happy, Very Happy, Confused, Sad, (Sometimes Annoyed) Angry, and Suprised face. If you're interested in applying, please send me any fan-art you've made. It doesn't have to by MySims-Related if you don't have any MySims artwork. If you want, you can even make artwork of any emotion I've listed above for any MySims Sim you choose! Here's some pictures of some of The Sims Bustin' Out Sim sprites for examples.

  • english
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ms. Nicole Vogue
cast offsite

Nicole Vogue, or 'Ms. Nicole Vogue' as she prefers is a veteran fashionista and model Sim who has been stylizing her appearance for quite a very, very LONG time. There's only one thing that Ms. Nicole loves more than going on luxurious shopping sprees to find only the BEST of the best in the glamorous fashion trends, and that is inspiring other Sims to view fashion in a way that other Sims have NEVER viewed fashion before... Ms. Nicole is on a special mission to motivate Sims to overlook their inner beauty and make them believe that if you're not wearing fashionable clothing, you're not trying to be good-looking! To Ms. Nicole, it's the clothes that match the Sim, but her hairdresser twin sister Shirley, who prefers to have a much more hands-on approach to Sims, begs to differ, and the two sisters are currently in a fashionista-hairdresser rivalry because of it.

(For Nicole Vogue... Sorry, MS. Nicole Vogue's voice, I'm looking for a female low-mid-pitched or medium-pitched voice with any accent you think a snobby high-class fashionista Sim like her should have.)

  • english
Voice description:
  • animation/character
  • female young adult
  • female adult
  • Oh, hello, darling. My name's Nicole Vogue... Actually, call me MS. Nicole Vogue, if you don't mind. I'm considering opening a boutique in this little town, but I'm not quite sure if it's fashionable enough for my tastes. I guess I'm just waiting to be pleasantly surprised at this point.

  • (Inspecting) Hmmmm... Darling, I know a pink Sim when I see one. Sure, you may WEAR pink, but judging by the way you act, I'm not so convinced that it's your type of color... Hmm, judging by your lively, energetic nature, I'd probably have to say... Orange is your color, darling, I just know it! Yes! A perfect fit! What's wrong, darling? That color's perfect for you, is it not?

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Shirley Vogue
cast offsite

Meet Shirley Vogue, master of the gossip collum, but more importantly, master of haircuts as well. Shirley owns a beauty salon in town, where she can really shine and show off her hair-styling skills to all of the Sims looking for a new hairdo if she's not stylizing herself and keeping her special pink beehive hair perfect and in place in her own spare time. Get ready for the hair of your dreams. Just take a seat, and let Shirley work her magic and take good care of you... Before you know it, you might even have hair almost as beautiful as Shirley's beehive! Shirley also has a twin sister named Nicole, who prefers to be called 'Ms. Nicole', and the two sort of have... A Fashionista Hairdresser clash, shall we say. You see, where Ms. Nicole is a strong believer that the perfect clothes make for the perfect Sim, Shirley begs to differ. You would almost NEVER see her pick up one of the clothing magazines in her own beauty salon, because to Shirley, when it comes to real beauty, it's not all about the clothing, but rather the biggest and most expressive hairstyle, along with the loudest and most colorful hairspray you could possibly get. In fact, Shirley has only three rules of style that are VERY important to her... Rule No. 1: No heels are too high. Rule No. 2: Animal prints look good on everything, especially with cheetah prints, And Rule No. 3: You know you’ve used enough hairspray when there's nothing left in the bottle.

(For Shirley Vogue's voice, I'm looking for a female low-mid-pitched or medium-pitched voice with a New York accent.)

  • english
Voice description:
  • new york
  • american (new york)
  • female young adult
  • female adult
  • animation/character
  • Hey there, hon! Name's Shirley Vouge, but you can just call me Shirley. Don't you just love this bodacious beehive of mine? Yep, bingo! I had a feeling you knew I stylized it myself! You know, I'd be happy to do your hair sometime, sweetie!

  • Take a seat, and let good ol' Shirley take great care of you, boo! I've got a great little story to tell you that I think you'll really enjoy, sweetie. You know my twin sister Nikki, right? Of course, her real name is Nicole, but I call her Nikki just to annoy and frustrate her. *Mischievous chuckle* Anyway, have I ever told you about the day I directly threw cake into Nicole's face on her 23rd birthday, hon?

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Travis is a former CEO of a party supply company in SimCity, which is amazing considering his young age. To me, becoming the headmaster and boss of ANY office company even BEFORE growing a mustache or at least any sort of full-blown stubble is a big worldwide achievement! But in Travis's case, that exact sort of achievement apparently isn't all it's cracked up to be, because he retired his position at a young age too. Now, Travis is looking to move into a new town to relax and just get away from all the company craziness and paperwork anxiety. Travis' new aim is to travel more of the world, experience new surroundings, learn about many different cultures, and figure out the best way to shave without it being too lengthy or too painful.

(For Travis's voice, I'm looking for a male mid-high-pitched young adult voice with a British accent.)

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • british
  • animation/character
  • Hello, mate! What's crackin'? I'm Travis, ex-CEO of one of SimCity's awesome party supply companies, and not just a pretty face as well! If you're looking for a smashing time, I'm your chum! Although I'm still learning the best way on how to shave that ugly bumfluff off my face.

  • (Amused) Did I ever tell you about the time I put one of my employee's staplers inside jelly? Oh, that bloke should've seen the look on his face! And before you ask, yes, I learnt that prank from watching The Office, and I kindly ask you to please keep the wisecracks to yourself. Thank you!

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Liberty is a bright, intelligent, and very cheerful young Sim who, true to her name, has a completely free spirit. Weirdly enough, Liberity doesn't usually sense danger like other less eccentric Sims would, and that's especially the case with snakes. In fact, Liberity loves snakes so much that she will often give out different helpful, but also pretty random facts about snakes every so often. Also, no matter how long it has been, Liberity will remember almost EVERY single memory and event she's had with the snakes she's had as pets like it was all yesterday! There was one time when Liberity kept a snake in her school backpack in secret in the cafeteria because she thought it was hungry... Once the snake slithered out of the bag, that was it for the cafeteria lady and her career! There was another time when a snake Liberity played with was so sprightly and energetic that it actually bit Liberity on the nose, which might be the reason why she still has that band-aid as of currently! But Liberity is more than eager to forgive her slithering sidekicks and is always willing to let bygones be bygones with them! Will nothing break Liberity's spookily cheerful attitude? 

(For Liberity's voice, I'm looking for a female mid-high-pitched or high-pitched teenager voice for her with her speaking in a lisp, pronouncing 'S' sounds as 'Sh'.)

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • lisps
  • animation/character
  • american
  • Hi there! My name ish Liberty! Did you know that the biggesht shnake in the world ish the reticulated python?

  • (Dizzy and Uncomfortable) Woahhhh, my head'sh shpinning! It really ish inshane to find out how much the shnake venom can really do to your vishion! Woahhhh... Good thing I have an antidote! Uh oh... Where'sh it gone? Did I mishplace it? I can't even tell! Everything'sh jusht a blur now!

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Terry Toymender
cast offsite

Terry Toymender may be a senior citizen in appearance, but will always be a young child at heart. Terry has been a huge fan of toys ever since his 2nd birthday, when his mother gave him a stuffed teddy that Terry really grew attached to. Terry may not have had a lot of money back in his youthful years, but growing up, he seemed to appreciate toys more than ANYONE else in his young school years! But Terry doesn't just love his toys, he also takes great care of them. And I don't just mean with love and affection, I mean with stitching, sewing, and a LOT of other tools. From an early age, Terry didn't have to ask anyone to fix the things he's broken... Because HE'S the one that ends up fixing his belongings with NO problem. Terry shared his handy toy fixer-upper skills, and his love for all toys in general by opening up a toy store in town. But it's not just the toys that Terry grew up with that he enjoys! Terry is also willing to enjoy what the people today love! From video games, to pop and electronic music, whatever the younger folks enjoy, Terry also loves to! It's clear that Terry's big, friendly, fun, and goofy heart shows no signs of changing slighty anytime soon in the years to come!

(For Terry Toymender's voice, I'm looking for a friendly, cheerful, and playful-sounding elderly male mid-high pitched voice for him.)

  • english
Voice description:
  • elderly
  • american
  • male senior
  • animation/character
  • Why hello there, young'in! I'm Terry Toymender, an expert toy maker, toy designer, toy fixer-upper, and children's entertainer. Looking to bring back your inner-child, sonny? Come over to my toy store, where laughter comes in all shapes and sizes, even the ones made out of plastic! *Chuckle*

  • Bah! You typical old folk today... Relying too much on the music from yesteryear... Why not be more like me and the kids of today and appreciate the new music from hip popstars like Katy Perry, Lady Gaga and Miley Cyrus? Uh... That is what you young'ins say these days, right? Hip?

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Hopper is a very sprightly, energetic, and bouncy young Sim. Emphasis on bouncy, because this Sim likes to hop and bounce like a frog as far as he possibly can! Hopper really loves frogs, and sometimes even acts like a frog by bouncing on floating lilypads in bodies of water every now and then! Believe it or not, Hopper used to be more of a typical, normal school boy, but after winning the golden trophy in the high jump competition, Hopper sort of let the success go right to his head... Heck, some Sims would say, that Hopper actually thinks that he's a real frog who can do everything a frog can do... And more! Except that Hopper can't extend his tongue, of course. 

(For Hopper's voice, I'm looking for a male high-pitched child voice. I actually want Hopper to sound like a character that Amy Brinbaum or Kayzie Rodgers would voice, which is why I'm looking for a female voice actress for this role. Here are some voice clips featuring some of Amy and Kayzie's characters for voice reference!)

  • english
Voice description:
  • male child
  • north american
  • animation/character
  • (Making cute frog noises) Ribbit! Ribbit! Hi! I'm Hopper! Nobody can jump as far as me! Wanna see? BOING! BOING! Ribbit, Ribbit! *Cute laughter*

  • I can also do some other cool animal noises if you wanna hear! *Making some duck noises* Those are my duck noises. I use those as my own personal duck-call sometimes. I can also make some fly sounds! Ready? *Mosquito buzzing* Oh, wait a minute that's a mosquito. *Buzzes lips* Still working on that one.

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!


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