My Sacred Academia | My Hero Academia Minecraft Roleplay

My Sacred Academia | My Hero Academia Minecraft Roleplay

Project Overview

HELLO PLUS ULTRA FANS I just wanted to say (even though I don't like minecraft roleplays but I love my hero academia) we will be doing a fan based My hero academia. So here is the Story:

Nova (the main character aka me) was a little boy who had a cursed quirk, any emotional (anger and sadness) he had he would cause people to perish away. But as soon as Izuku Midoriya (adult) came into Nova's life his life changed from now on. 

Basically All the my hero academia students (such as Deku, Bakugo, Ochako etc. and Villains) are now Adults and this will be the 2nd generation of My Hero Academia! Please add me on Discord LilCrispyDabi#4144 if you have any further questions!

If You have Minecraft for PC that would be perfect!

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mizuruno Atsunoue

Personality: Mizuruno is a spoiled, deceiving, rude, seducing girl which people don't like her personality as she is a bitch. She is one of those girls who such as OMG GIRLFRIENNDD U NEED TO GET A 
BETTER OUTFIT!! U LOOK HELLA UGLY AND TOTES WEIRD!!! #NoFlirters!!!. She is also a stubborn girl who thinks she is in charge of everyone due to her quirk.

Background: She comes from a rich noble self esteemed family that she dated Jackson Risk because he was the only decent looking guy she actually wanted to date. She made the excuse of dating some other hot guy so that she can break up with Jackson. Jackson can be flirtatious and can act like a cheater but he never does. So she just wanted to get rid of him.

Quirk: IQ

Background Quirk: Mizuruno can temporarily enhance her intellect after consuming tea and closing her eyes to think. Since her IQ is already 150 to start with, she becomes a super genius. The level of her intelligence enhance depends on the brand of the tea she drinks.

  • So like the reason why I dated that loser is because I couldn't find any hotter guy when I started U.A Hashtag Loser!!

  • basically Yukana like one of those sassy girls that always say "OMG" "Hella Pissy"

  • basically Yukana like one of those sassy girls that always say "OMG" "Hella Pissy"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Kaito Rashisai

Personality: Is an out going timid boy who is brave even if he is scared. Just like Midoriya. He is inspired by Izuku Midoriya and has a strong sense of justice as well. He is a relaxing happy boy. He helps people who are in need.

Quirk: Sonic Boom

Background Quirk: Kaito Rashisai grants him the ability to convert his vitality into energy and release it in the form of shockwaves. These shockwaves are very powerful and can be used as an offensive blast from his hands and feet. Kaito can also unleash this energy from his feet to increase his mobility and fly. He has developed a natural resistance against vibrations due to the after-effects of his Quirk subjecting his brain to constant trembling. This gives him a small advantage against other Quirks that rely on vibrating waves. He can make earthquakes by disrupting an enemy formations as it destroys their foothold, weakening them in the process. Unfortantely his quirk needs immense training to be controlled by or else he can even devastate a city without his own will. Kaito's skills with his Quirk are enough to take on villains much larger and physically stronger than he is.

Background: Like Izuku Midoriya due to him being very young, Kaito's quirk was developed at the age of 11 instead of 4. This also made him struggle with his quirk because it is very strong and needs hard training to master. He trains with Neijre Hado as he has a similar quirk to her. He is a very hard worker as he trains with Neijre every day. He also loves cats so he usually puts cat ears without shame

  • When I become a Pro Hero, I want be like Izuku Midoriya!

  • Izuku Midoriya is my favorite hero!!! He is so cool!!!

  • **has a whimpering voice** u-uh... sorry I bumped into you!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Rinishi Shazo

Personality: Rinishi Shazo is a very stoic and straightforward person with an innate ability to spark conversation with anyone, despite holding a reserved and quiet attitude most of the time. He is shown to be rather clever, being able to manipulate others into replying to his words, allowing him the opportunity to activate his Quirk.  (basically like Hitoshi Shinso).


Yet to be announced


Mind Control

Tone: has a deep tone

  • You are lucky to be able to beat me... but next time don't think it will be easy, I'll go even harder..

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Haki Kimini

Personality: Haki Kimini is a cheerful, easygoing girl who displays a wide smile on her face most of the time. Highly social and excitable, she loves to hang out with her friends, and is shown to become very upset when denied an opportunity to be at a gathering. She possesses strong fashion sense and likes to go shopping. 


Yet to be announced


Yet to be announced


  • You guys should like totally go out you would be so cute together!!!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Hikari Hazakura

**OC Name:** Hikari Hazakura

**Personality:** she is a sappy love kind of girl and always willing to cheer people up and has a crush on Nova. She is a love stick girl when it comes to him and always trusting him as they as very close friends 

Quirk: Emotional Breakdown & Flame (has two quirks)

Description: has the ability to posses people’s mind making them see their deepest nightmares and giving them stressful problems into battle . Also can breathe and ability through fire.

Drawback: her emotional quirk needs the user to answer her questions

Background: not really much but just loves nova to death and treats him like a baby

  • NOVA LET’S GET MARRIED!!! **grabs him by the neck and doesn’t notice is strangling him**

  • **gets rejected** OUCH! That’s okay I still love you!!! **makes kissy noises**

  • **gets serious** alright nova! I’m with you all the way I’ll always be with you **not really serious** WE WILL DIE TOGETHER LIKE TRUE LOVE! 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Free De La Hoya

Personality: Free is very lazy and carefree. Because of this, he doesn't do much of anything in UA. Free also doesn't use his quirk against the other students in UA very often, preferring to go easy on them before he will break the bones of people.

Quirk: Fafnir

Quirk Background: Fafnir comes from the term of Gust Draining Creature. His Quirk is somewhat similar to a gust quirk like Inasa but has far more power than Inasa. Free can also drain n energy from other and energy sources by putting both of his hand in the direction of his target while activating his quirk , however, the person he wants to focus must be in his eyesight. Furthermore, the farther he is from his target , the weaker the drain will be, meaning that if he manages to put his two hands on his target and activate his quirk , he'll able to steal all of the target's energy almost instantly. The more energy the target has , the longer the drain will be to steal it all. He can steal all the energy from somebody , when this happens, most of the time the target will pass out, but when this does not happens , the target ends up on the ground , unable to stand up because of the loss of stamina. The energy steal isn't permanent and only last for a certain duration , after which Free needs to re-steal the target's energy in order to put him down once more.

Physical Increase : When he drained energy from somebody or something, he becomes more resistant , stronger and faster, while on the contrary, the enemy becomes weaker physically

Energy  Accumulation : Free can accumulate the energy drained from several persons, making that there is no real threshold to the power he can reach. Energy rays : When Free accumulated a great amount of energy,in addition to his physical increase, he's able to convert it into pure energy that he can throw by the form of energy rays , ravaging everything in their paths. However, using them will greatly shorten the duration of the physical increase gained by the drain, meaning that the time left before the ennemy's recovery will be shorter.

Reverse Drain: Free is able to drain his energy ( including the energy he stole) to temporary give it to somebody else, meaning that he's also able to increase other's physical abilities.

Background: Not much is said about Free De La Hoya, but when he was a kid, he was living in the streets due to the incident of All for one and Izuku Midoriya fighting. He is the strongest out of all of the characters in U.A stronger than Xander. He never stops training and never breaks a sweat some people think of him that he isn't even human/

Agency: In Izuku Midoriya's agency. Is a Pro Hero even tho he is a U.A Student

  • whatever... I'm to tired... gonna take a nap...

  • **yawns** I am so bored....

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Xander Shakadera

 Personality: Xander is very bombastic and cheerful. He trains hard, and is a big eater. He expresses his fighting spirit through laughter, but is shown to abandon even this in the face of the most serious of battles and situations. He is known to have a good sense of humor and usually looks at the bright side of things.

Character's Class Year is (ex 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year): 3 year The Big 3.

Quirk: Crush

Description of Quirk: It is a very strong quirk which gives the user the ability to smash everything they come into contact with. If the user is unfocused, they may destroy objects such as houses unintentionally. Crush has various offensive and defensive properties. Using its inherent nature of being able to crush anything it comes into contact with, the user is able to nullify the effects of certain Magics by smashing them to pieces, occasionally exemplified by the crushed substance, be it Quirk or otherwise, becoming separated into numerous cubes. However, should Crush be directly cast on another living being, the target splits apart and becomes reduced to numerous, doll-like versions of themselves. This effect is not permanent, and the affected will, with time, return to their original shape. However, should the user wish, they can reassemble the divided person with a simple motion. By imbuing their fist with Crush, the user is able to send an enemy flying numerous meters with incredible force. It is also capable of being fired as a burst of energy at the opponent. This Quirk can also be utilized effectively as a defensive means. For example, by crushing the ground underneath them, the user is able to create a cushion of sorts against enemy attack. It is also possible for Crush to be used as a deflective barrier, sending an assailant flying backwards when they come into contact with it.(edited)

 Background: Ever since he was a little boy he had a strong sense of justice and always willing to help who are in need. He is Nova's Childhood friend which helped Nova because a strong person as he was. He is close to become a pro hero due to always training non stop. He loves justice as his father was a pro hero. His Grand father was Gran torino as he was inspired since All might and Gran Torino Were Very Close.
 is: Soon To Becoming Pro Hero

Xander Is A Student onto becoming a Pro Hero

  • **Screams** I AM SO PUMPED UP!!!!! I WANNA WORK OUT!!!


Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Morag Umetsuki

Personality: Mòrag is strong-willed and dedicated, and values the safety of her country and people above anything else. She rarely loses her temper and manages to stay cool-headed even in the most dangerous of situations. Due to her mannerisms and clothing, she is also sometimes mistaken for a man.

Quirk: Spirit Forge

Description Quirk: Spirit Forge "Soul Smelting" is the name of the Quirk wielded by Morag Umetsuki and It is a shining example of the benefits of Quirk Marriages, being an immensely potent Emitter Quirk which permits her to generate enormous amounts of a unique exotic material identified as Soul Steel "Spiritual Steel") a raw and utterly alien matter which she can rapidly refine and form it into a variety forms and manifestations. The characteristics of his Quirk are shared with the powers which his parents wield, a composite unison between her fathers Quirk, Alloy Forge, a Transformation Quirk which allows the user to become all possible forms of metal, and her mothers Quirk, Quintessence, an Emitter Quirk which grants the user the ability to manifest their spiritual power in an enormous variety of ways. The benefits of these two quirks have been united within Morage as a result of Quirk Marriage, thus giving birth to her exotic Spirit Forge power.
Spirit Forge is an immensely potent Emitter Quirk which is the composite manifestation of both powers wielded by her parents. Her mothers Quintessence has been united in rather perfect and flawless fashion with her fathers Alloy Forge, thus allowing him to spontaneously spawn a unique and otherwise unobtainable form of alien metal which Morag has identified under the term "Soul Steel". As the title indicates, the matter which Shinato creates boasts the general characteristics of various different types of metal which boast an extremely supernatural form Morag of spiritual power. This generally translates to the fact that
Morag's Quirk allows him to harness and generate steel which boasts the quality of unnatural and exceptional toughness, as well as effects and qualities which are effectively mystic in nature.  These characteristics lay the basis for fairly unending possibilities which Morag can take advantage of and exploit at will. Overall, the mystical alloys which Morag can create at will are generally much, much more durable, more potent, and more powerful than that of any natural mineral that exists on the plan.
due to the fact that her Soul Steel is fundamentally unlike anything else that exists, and the various objects and weapons which Morag creates with her Quirk are generally much, much more powerful and deadly than those of conventional man-made weapons. The most common and basic application of Spirit Forge is that which allows Morag to simply launch her Soul Steel in the form of lethal waves of shrapnel towards his opponents and targets. The hailstorms of sharpened steel fragments which Morag can create are extremely dangerous, and boast enough power to easily tear down various forms of matter, being capable of shredding the stone walls of large buildings and ripping cars down to their skeletal frames in mere seconds. Naturally, being struck by a blast of Soul Steel launched by Morag can at the very least, result in severe, brutal and utterly grievous injury to heroes, while average human beings are even more vulnerable, and are almost certain to be killed if struck by Morga's Quirk.
Though Morag is capable of generating a virtually limitless supply of Soul Steel, this prospect is something that only exists in theory and nothing more. Proportionate to the amount of material that he creates and attempts to harness with Spirit Forge, it becomes increasingly more and more difficult for her to properly control and manipulate. Morag explains that manipulating the flow, shape, and form of her Soul Steel equates to tensing a muscle. He cannot keep it up indefinitely, and the effort and difficulty involved with the action of controlling Spirit Forge can dramatically increase depending on the power, technicality, and complexity of the forms and shapes which she is focusing the material into. Controlling her Quirk involves a focused, concentrated mind and a strong body filled with stamina. The most noteworthy example of this increasing difficulty is the various styles which compose the known named techniques Morag has developed. Her Soul Steel Explosion Style is by far the easiest form of her Quirk to control, while more complex and advanced styles above it come with an obvious increase in difficulty to control. It is possible that Morag's body can be severely effected and even exhausted rapidly as a result of extended and more complex usage of her Quirk.

Background: She is one of the Big 3 and as a female her quirk is higly strong and should never be under estimated. If you do she will cut you in mere seconds. Ever she was a girl she has always dreamed of being in the army and due to the fact her quirk is capable of that she strived to become a Pro Hero and protect the world.

  • Do not underestimate me boy.

  • **shouts out her quirk** DARK SHINE BLAST WAVE!

  • I won't be bested by a mere kid. 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ryuuji Sasaki

Personality: Hotheaded, crude, arrogant, and aggressive person, so much he is mistaken as a villain most of the time. He has a mean face which mostly people keep their distances away from him. Due to his quirk he has a superiority complex, and because of that, he desires to be the first and best at everything which is somewhat the personality of Katsuki Bakugo. He never shows he is weak and keeps achieving his goal to becoming #1.
Quirk: Overheat

Description: Allows the user to set themselves on fire for a temporary time. Allows the user to set themselves on fire for a temporary time. Perfect for close - range combat but can be very dangerous for the users of their quirk when they are in their overheating form for too long. Their body seem to be covered in ashes after using their ability.

Strengths: It gives a large resistance to most heat based attacks. This user could make their body so hot that even touching them could burn their skin off which makes close range fights deadly. The user can gain super human abilities amount of strength and speed that are comparable to Midoriya's full cowling and Iida's engine. The more he eats anything spicy, the more strength, agility, and durability he gets. Weaknesses: If the user over uses the quirk their organs will begin to burn causing massive internal damage or even death. The user has no defense against range attacks so if someone such as Snipe or any person with a gun or a ranged quirk attacks him it'll be hard to fight back. If the user is flustered or angry their body will begin to overheat and steam will come off them.

Special Attacks:

Hellfire kick: The user jumps at the opponent lighting their entire body on fire increasing strength almost twenty fold as they use devastating flaming kick that can melt through solid steel like a 100 degree C knife cutting a material.

Background: Ryuuji will someday learn how to make his quirk long ranged. Ever since he was a little boy he was always praised that he was very strong with his quirk and how smart he has used it. If some average user had the quirk he had and was not strategizing for their quirks to be useful, they would just burn and die. But he can't control his stubborn and Overconfident self. So he tends to set himself on fire when he is angry.


  • Get out of my way before I burn you into ashes nerd.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Nero Amagori

Personality: Nero has a laid-back personality, but will get serious when the time calls for it. He and Nova have a friendly rivalry, and while they can often be seen fighting one another verbally or physically, The two are actually quite concerned about each other. Nero was quite obstinate and reckless when he was younger, but over time, he has attained a more cautious attitude towards life, and deals with problems carefully. He is very concerned about his comrades and is truly loyal towards his guild, but tends to trash talk every now and then. Also, Nero is quite skilled in acting as an evil person

Quirk: Demonic Angel

Quirk Description: He has the power to go Demonic and Angel form. He doesn't control what form he can use. It depends in his emotional state. If he is happy, calm he will turn into a Angel but when he is angry and full of negative emotions such as hatred, he will become a Demon. 

Demon Form: His attacks are stronger in Demon Form. This mode he can use illusions to trick his enemies into thinking the opponents loved ones or something that will have the enemy have a great tragedy, such as losing someone they loved, their deepest fear etc. Nero has to make eye contact to the enemy in order for that illusion to work. He can not use more than one of the abilities other than illusion at the same time because he will have a huge migraine.  His Demon Form Is a Close Range Quirk which is body is more of a Hand to Hand Combat Quirk. Nero is able to use energy of gravity and wind. 

Angel Form: This form is a Long Range and Defense Type. He uses energy from sunlight and moonlight

Much more will be announced as he is a character that will need developing progress! 



  • **let's out a big sigh** whatever idiots


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