Stupid CastingCallClub!
Stupid CastingCallClub not letting me delete these projects!
I'm looking for music composers who can help me out with certain intro/title/outro themes for the intro, title and outro sequences of my mini-series, "My Little Pony meets Looney Tunes".
You can learn more about it here:
But in order to help, you'll need some kind of music-making software like the following programs:
Logic Pro
and any other programs out there.
As for the style of music, I hope you're familiar with Musicians like Carl Stalling, Milt Franklyn, Richard Stone and George Daugherty.
This project is fun-for-all and for anyone who likes Looney Tunes and the MLP meets series on YouTube.
If you'd like to help out, please contact me on Discord.
Stupid CastingCallClub not letting me delete these projects!
I'm looking for music composers who can help me out with certain intro/title/outro themes for the intro, title and outro sequences of my mini-series, "My Little Pony meets Looney Tunes".
You can learn more about it here:
But in order to help, you'll need some kind of music-making software like the following programs:
Logic Pro
and any other programs out there.
As for the style of music, I hope you're familiar with Musicians like Carl Stalling, Milt Franklyn, Richard Stone and George Daugherty.
This project is fun-for-all and for anyone who likes Looney Tunes and the MLP meets series on YouTube.
If you'd like to help out, please contact me on Discord.
*Say something you think would fit*