Musical Mayhem - Gacha club mini movie
Project Overview
After failing another audition, Akemi Montenegro decides to give up on her music career..but just as she's ready to quit, her best friend, Hiro Yadashema, gets her a leading role in the play of her dreams. Now Akemi has to live up to her role by working harder than anyone else, but when an unexpected visitor comes back to complicate things, Akemi must find a way to make everything work out before the curtain rises on her debut. Will she be able to have her moment in the spotlight or will she crack under pressure and ruin her chances of a happily ever after?
Deadline and Requirements
If you cannot submit your lines in a timely fashion after they are given or you're going to decide to give up halfway through, PLEASE do not audition.
Deadline is July 30th, please notify me if you need more time via Discord
Please join this server because I will be announcing VAs here:
Please do not
1. Have an echo on your recordings
2. Talk extremely slow/fast
3. Don't audition for a character you hate.. I want everyone to have fun.
⊂ ノ ・゜+.
しーJ °。+ *´¨)
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Latest Updates
All VA's have been casted as of July 30th.. It is currently August 1st as i am sending this email. Please join the discord server if you still wanna get updates and things on the project.

Akemi is the main protagonist in this movie. She is nice to people who are nice to her but she's a scattered mess most of the time.
Akemi (stressed):
You don't understand. I've been working so hard for this and I've done six auditions just this week and my rent is almost due.
Akemi (slightly annoyed):
Ok ok I get it, I totally owe you one. So, tell me what I'm up against here
Akemi (happy):
Yes ma'am! Excited and ready to start!

Hiro is determined and sassy. They won't hold back with saying exactly what's on their mind. Hiro is non-binary so their look will change based on who voices them (fem or masc)
Hiro (smug/sympathetic):
I'm guessing you didn't get the part, huh?
Hiro (joking):
You better mention me in your speech when you receive your Grammy award!
Hiro (Annoyed):
Stop mopping around and come on already

Shane is sarcastic and rude most of the time but if you look closer, underneath his pointy exterior, he's actually a decent human being.
Shane (mocking):
Well well, look who it is. Little Akemi finally got herself a real acting job.
Shane (annoyed):
Whatever! I didn't ask for your opinion, did I?
Shane (concerned):
Akemi! Are you ok?!

Kamiko is the dance instructor for everyone. She's very assertive and lively and always wants everyone to feel safe and comfortable while also pushing them to be the best.
Kamiko (happy):
So, this is the new recruit, eh?
Kamiko (assertive/annoyed):
Hey! There will be no fighting in MY studio.
Kamiko (sympathetic):
I'm sure everything will work out Akemi.

Ayako is Shane's girlfriend and a really talented dancer. She always gets what she wants and will knock down anyone who stands in the way. She's persistent and coordinated and never backs down.
Ayako (laughing/smug):
Yikes, look what the cat dragged in!
Ayako (annoyed):
That lead SPOT has always been mine and it always will be no matter how much you get in the way.
Ayako (concerned/angry):
Omg, Shane! Are you ok?! What did you do to him Montenegro!

Christopher is Akemi's idol and role model. He knows exactly what he wants and won't stray away from anything but perfection.
Christopher (amazed):
Wow! You could truly be a star darling!
Christopher (concerned/annoyed):
Oooo, that's gotta hurt. Better luck next time.
Christopher (interested):
So, this is the new girl. I've heard a lot about you.
Public Submissions