Murder Mystery Minecraft Roleplay (Actors Needed)

Project Overview
Hey guys!
It is me! WilliamTubeHD, and today here on CastingCallClub, I Am Starting A CastingCall For My New Roleplay, Murder Mystery! BUT, You will need a few stuff if you want to get accepted.
- A Good Mic
- Audacity
- Not A lot - No Background noise
- And Discord
Here is my Discord account and tag so you can add, me if i accept you. WilliamTueHD#7944
Hope Ya'll do a good job on your auditions, and hope to cya later!
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He is joyful, half smart and dumb and has a bit of a knack for trying to get in other people's stuff. He is also alergic to cats and dogs.
Hey! how are you doing?! well, I am doing great!
Hey! Hey! Hey! What are you 2 talking about?! hh?! heh?!

She is shy, a bit dumb at times, & she has a crush on Josh. she is also allergic to Kisses from other people.
Um.. h-h-hi JJ-Josh... h-h-how-hows it g-g-go-going?
No.... 2 + 2 E-eq-equals fish! right?
o-o-oh... i-i didin't know....

he is sad, very poor and oblivious to everything. he is also allergic to french fries.
ugh... why can't I have a good life?! why is my home super small?
*sniffs* what is that smell? is that car engines?!

she is very observant, smart, and she likes to study for science all the time. she is also allergic to bee stings
Okay, i need to study! can you please just leave me alone for peet sake?!
hmmmm, i wonder if the animals have souls aswell!

he is mean, a big snitch and the little sister to Max. she is also allergic to gun shots
HEY YOU! You should not be chewing gum in class!
HEY! Stop getting in the teachers Business, Josh.
Detention For You! You have had your chance!

He makes himself look coll, when he really is just a big coward. he is also allergic to onoins.
Hey guys! i just got an Instagram account and a YikTok account!
oh no... i just peed my pants... I gotta run!

He is Maxine’s bigger sister, and he usually tells her what To do if she sees anybody being bad at school, but he’s very dumb and works for the Police. He is also allergic to skunks
Hey Maxine, it is always good to smack people in the face whenever they are doing somnething bad.
hey, is their any donuts around here?! i really want donuts.

He is smart, likes donut’s and is the chief of the police He is also allergic to milk.,
Yess! Donuts, i need donuts!

I Will Have A Few Animated Scenes In Ther Roleplay, And My Animation Skills Won't Cut It For Those Scenes I Have Planned.
Say something you think would fit
Public Submissions