Moon Knight Season 2 Pitch

Moon Knight Season 2 Pitch

Project Overview


Moon Knight is a six-episode TV show written by Jeremy Slater and directed by Mohamed Diab. It follows Steven Grant, a shelf-stocker in a museum gift shop, who learns that he has Dissociative Identity Disorder. His true name is Marc Spector, the avatar of the ancient Egyptian god Khonshu.

In the first season, Marc and Steven were tasked with stopping Arthur Harrow from awakening Ammit, a spirit of the Underworld, who would devour all the souls of those who would ever do wrong in their lives.

A second season is currently in development.


I am pitching how I would write a second season of the Moon Knight show on my YouTube channel. While I usually do all the voices of the characters myself, there are some side characters that I would like played by other voice actors.


This is a PAID project. However, as my channel is not yet monetized, I am paying out of my own pocket, and can thus only pay $2 per line. You will receive credit for your voice in the description of the video, along with any socials you would like linked next to your name.

Payment will be done through PayPal.


  • A USB mic is required at the very least. Phone mics and headphone mics are not allowed.

  • Do no more than two takes of each line! Either ABCABC or AABBCC format works.


  • Label your mp3 file as follows: charactername_yourname

  • Put all the lines for one character in one mp3 file.

  • Include in your submission your socials (Discord is highly recommended), your timezone, and anything else you think is important.

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Project Roles: Taweret Isis Nephthys Thoth
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD

Taweret is the goddess of childbirth, fertility, and protection in ancient Egyptian mythology. In mythology, she is depicted as a bipedal hippopotamus with lion paws and a crocodile tail. In the Moon Knight show, she is an anthropomorphic hippo.

Taweret has a mid-to-high range feminine voice and speaks in a British accent. She is a bit aloof, but very enthusiastic, especially about gaining an avatar.

In the Moon Knight show, Taweret is played by Antonia Salib. Please try to imitate her voice as best as possible.

Voice reference:

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • british
  • adult
  • (excited about gaining an avatar) "Oh, and I already have a great superhero name for you!"

  • (struggling; straining) "You'll have to beat her soon. I'm keeping you alive for now, but I have a limit. If this doesn't end, I won't be able to protect you."

  • (explaining) "Isis and I work in the same circles. I'm sure I could find her for you."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 12 USD

Isis is the goddess of healing and magic in ancient Egyptian mythology. In mythology, she is depicted as a tall woman with multicolored, iridescent wings on her back. She is the sister of Osiris, Horus, Nephthys, and Set, and is queen of the gods.

Isis speaks in a mid-to-low feminine voice with a British accent. She is kind and motherly, with a regal tone in her voice. She loves to help people, often traveling to hospitals and healing patients.

Voice reference:

If you are auditioning for Isis, please also audition for Nephthys. I would like for them both to be played by the same actor.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • british
  • royal
  • (talking about a sick boy in a hospital bed; warm) "The poor boy believes himself delirious, he thinks he's hallucinating an angel healing him."

  • (cheeky) "All of the patients in this room were 'mysteriously cured' overnight."

  • (guarded) "Nephthys is a very touchy subject. Why on Earth do you want to learn about her?"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 6 USD

Nephthys is the goddess of darkness, shadows, death, and decay in ancient Egyptian mythology. In mythology, she's depicted as a tall woman with dark wings on her back.

Nephthys speaks in a mid-to-low feminine voice with a British accent. She is cunning and vindictive, spite coating her sweet words. She's a master manipulator and only respects those dedicated to death and destruction.

Voice reference:

If you are auditioning for Nephthys, please also audition for Isis. I would like for them both to be played by the same actor.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • british
  • royal
  • villain
  • (advising her avatar to remain calm) "Why waste the time to look for him, when he will come to you?"

  • (manipulating her avatar; sweet-talking) "I have always been there for you."

  • (cold; cruel) "I can't have an avatar that's not willing to kill."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 6 USD

Thoth is the god of thought, knowledge, writing, language, creativity, and the arts in ancient Egyptian mythology. In mythology, he is depicted as a man with the head of an ibis.

Thoth has a very low masculine voice. He speaks very clearly, annunciating his every word. Being the god of knowledge and thought, nobody is on his level of intelligence, so his patience is often tested.

Voice reference:

  • english
Voice description:
  • american
  • deep
  • male adult
  • british
  • (annoyed; defensive) "I know *almost* everything."

  • (exasperated; annoyed) "Hello, Khonshu."

  • (shocked; defensive) "I didn't know!"


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