MOET Audio Drama 2ND ROUND

MOET Audio Drama 2ND ROUND

Project Overview


This is a casting call for the OUT Audio Drama (formerly known as MOET). OUT is a sci-fi, modern, coming of age story that follows the misadventures of a 21st century teen named Benjamin, two Londoners from the 1870s named Nicodemus and Clementine, and a gentle-giant alien named Lequwyn. As a fierce pirate and marauding race of aliens known as the Iovvants aim to lay siege to the planet of Mars, it is up to Benjamin to figure out how to enable the planet's life force and revive it enough so it can withstand the Iovvants' attempts to kill it. 

This is the second round of casting calls for this project.


Here is the ideal timeline for this project:

  • September 30 - Scripts are finalized

  • October 18 - Casting Call Closes to Auditions

  • November 5 - 12 - Announce Casted Roles

  • November / December - Begin (Virtual) Table Read-Throughs

  • January 10 - Recording Begins!

  • May 2024 - Release Pilot Episode

  • 2024 - Slow monthly release of 12 total episodes

Role Details:

  • Please note: As I'm just one person, the timeline may fluctuate as I figure out the production schedule. Our whole timeline has shifted back by three months compared the first casting call. I will do my upmost however to keep open communications with everyone so you know where this project stands. 

  • Payment will be sent via PayPal or Ko-Fi, whatever is agreed upon. Payment is a flat rate per script.

  • I will primarily be communicating via Discord however if email conversation is necessary, that is fine.

  • Recordings should be submitted as cleanly as possible (no echo, no AC or heater or background sounds, minimal mouth noises if able)—post production needs to be as streamline as possible. :)

  • With episode recordings, I would prefer everyone to have availability at the end of the year (tentative November / December 2023) for roundtable readings. This will help the VAs acclimate themselves to their fellow cast as well as be able to make any banter and dialogue flow nicer. I believe having live read-throughs together will also help me as a director since VAs will be sending me their recordings - we will not be doing live recording for this project (unless upon request).

  • Submissions in either .wav or .mp3 are fine.  

Story Summary:

Benjamin Cinturón thought the worst of his problems was trying to one-up his siblings and figuring out which university to go through. However, when aliens invade Earth chasing his Physics professor - who turns out to also be an alien - Benjamin is thrown into a time traveling race to sustain and save the life of a planet long enough for it to chose its next ruler. When things become grim, and it feels like there is no one there to help, he is lucky to find the golden light of his new friends and family along the way.

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Latest Updates

  • Thank You, Everyone! - Timeline Reminders & Extras

    Happy Wednesday (soon-to-be Thursday), everyone!

    As the auditions come to a close for this project, I just want to thank literally everyone who submitted something. Again, the growth and popularity this tiny little passion project gathered astounded me and warmed my heart! You all are incredibly talented and brought many different takes to these characters - congratulations, you've made the scouting process of this job difficult!

    Looking at the timeline, I will hopefully be reaching out to people in the second week of November, but that may come to change. I will be posting updates here on the project page, as well as keeping people informed on the project's Tumblr (@studio-knightfall) and Instagram (@studio_knightfall).

    Lastly, if there's anyone who I didn't reach out to and would like to still help on the project - well have I got good news! I'm looking for extras. Mind you, there's not many lines (seriously - maybe 1 to 2 words), but if you aspire to be soldiers #1 - 10 or students #50 - 75, then reach out and we'll figure out if it's a good fit for you! Full disclaimer upfront: extras will be unpaid, I just...don't have that sort of budget - I totally understand if that's not your vibe. In that the case, I'm always happy to keep people on a list for for future projects to contact later down the road.

    Alright. I believe that's all the housekeeping items. Again, thank you all so much for sharing your talents with me - and in turn allowing me to share my project with you. Out of Time has been a dream of mine for years now, and to see it start to take shape is truly wondrous.

    So for now, this is Jaf signing off. I'll see you all in November!

  • Auditions Closing Early!

    Hello everyone,

    Jaf here! Thank you all so much for your interest in my project. Once again I am completely overwhelmed and grateful by everyone's enthusiasm. Thank you all!

    Due to the amount of auditions and interest in the project (for both Round 1 and 2) I will be closing auditions early so I can get my feet under me and listen to everyone's submissions. I can't guarantee that I will respond to everyone, but I will do my best to reply with feedback as necessary. We'll still be shooting for early November for final casted roles, but as always I will update the project and timeline to keep you all posted.

    For now though, auditions will be closing this Wednesday, October 18. The new deadline gives me roughly three weeks to make casting decisions and reach out to people.

    Again, thank you to everyone who has auditioned thus far. Cheers!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice Actor - Dr. Nicodemus Barron
Paid: Flat Rate 75 USD
Role assigned to: paulw

Nicodemus, one of our three main protagonists, is a human professor of literature from 1870, London. He is a single father with a young daughter, Clementine. Between raising his child and working, Nicodemus has somehow found himself stumbling upon our out of place time traveler (Benjamin) in-need.

Nicodemus may come off as brusque and curt at first, however, however his demeanor is generally gentle. He is knowledgeable and well-off, having earned himself a sizeable amount of savings from his previous career in the ivory trade. Age range, Nicodemus is in his late 30s to early 40s.  

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • all english accents
  • radio drama
  • british
  • (muttering) Another drunk in this horrendous city, let alone asleep on my doorstep. (Louder) Pardon me, sir, wake up. I fear you’ll have to find some other stoop to swoon on.

  • (threatening) You will come back inside, set the boy down, and stand against the wall before I decide to blast your brains to kingdom come. I’m no stranger to firearms and this pistol will make a pretty illustration against my wallpaper if you don’t heed my word.

  • Yes, hand me the linens. Thank you. (patiently) If you will, please place the kettle on the stove and make some tea for our guest? Something kind for his stomach like chamomile and lavender.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice Actor - Iason the Iovvant
Paid: Flat Rate 45 USD
Role assigned to: Chris "CovVikingVoice" Coleman

Iason is a biped lizard from the planet Jupiter (called Iovve).

He is the antagonist to our story, a ruthless pirate with plans to infiltrate the planet Mars (Caovah) and steal its life-force upon the unfortunate death of the Emperor Tearlach. 

Iason is headstrong and cunning, with little tolerance for mistakes. 

*Please note for this role, you will have a lot of lines in an alien language, so please be willing for some learning curve in the script.

Pronunciation guide:

  1. Iovve - Yove

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • monster
  • radio drama
  • (schemeing) His failing memory has been a great boon to us, and with his council slowly abandoning him due to his frailty, it would’ve only been a matter of time until someone grabbed the opportunity...Luckily, we made a checkmate first.

  • I haven’t come this far, with or without your help, because I was afraid of the odds. Am I clear?

  • Well…(laughing) I think he’s lived long enough, don’t you? Soon, only Iovve will remain in this star system.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice Actor - Agmen / Ag the Iovvant
Paid: Flat Rate 45 USD
Role assigned to: Alben Bloomfield

Agmen / Ag, is a biped lizard from Jupiter (known as Iovve).

He is a pirate and second-in-command of the ship the Ogra. While he is blood-related to Iason, he makes far more mistakes and has to constantly makes sure he doesn't upset his leader. Like Iason, Agmen / Ag is also an antagonist for this story.

*Please note for this role, you will have a lot of lines in an alien language, so please be willing for some learning curve in the script. 

Pronunciation guide:

  1. Gar anag - gAR ah-nahg.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • monster
  • radio drama
  • female adult
  • androgynous
  • All these useless snips, we’re hardly ready to dock planet-side. Hurry your scrawny tails, or I’ll have it for all of ya! Gar anag!

  • (hissing) You just love to hear yourself talk, don’t you?

  • I’ll pretend you agreed. (interrogating) The last time-traveling piece, where is it? We’ve managed to take the prototype from the Emperor, so where’s your merchant vessel?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice Actor - Olluwyn
Paid: Flat Rate 45 USD
Role assigned to: Candace Marie

Olluwyn is the right-hand advisor to Lequwyn, and a commander on the mercenary planet Anaelau. 

Perpetually exhausted by Lequwyn's antics, Olluwyn has a rather stern personality and a dry humor. They handle majority of the problems on Anaelau by distributing them to the appropriate handler. While Olluwyn may be exasperated at times, they are Lequwyn's best friend and closest confidant. 

Olluwyn is completely nonbinary and can be voiced by any adult voice type. 

*Please note for this role, you will have a lot words in an alien language, so please be willing for some learning curve in the script. 
Pronunciation Guide:

  1. Olðutaul - Olth-oo-taul

  2. Olluwyn - Ol-lew-win

  3. Olceðwyn - Ol-seth-win

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • female adult
  • androgynous
  • radio drama
  • This is a formal request from Olðutaul Olluwyn. Do I have clearance to operate the Star Warp and teleport you back to world? This is a high-priority request on behalf of a high-ranking, foreign advisor’s emergency hail.

  • (takes a deep breath) If you shout at me again, I will throttle you.

  • There’s your usual pep. Alright, saddle up. Warp on countdown. (after a hesitant pause) And I can’t stress enough how anxious this whole situation makes me. Something is very odd. Please be careful, Olceðwyn.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice Actor - Mrs. Rigsby
Paid: Flat Rate 45 USD
Role assigned to: Nancy O'Fallon

Mrs. Rigsby is the nanny for Clementine Barron and a close friend of Nicodemus.

Like Nicodemus and Clementine, Mrs. Rigsby is a normal human from 1870s London who somehow became entangled in the wild time-traveling space race that Benjamin found himself in.

Mrs. Rigsby is an elderly woman with a pleasant personality but a motherly air about her.

  • english
Voice description:
  • all english accents
  • female senior
  • female adult
  • british
  • See, he’s mouthing off and being snippy already. I’m sure he’s fine—the young ones are always quick to bounce back anyways. Hurry along now, Miss Clementine.

  • None of that. I’d like to see anyone try to trifle with me in such wee hours of the morning. I’ll return later to fetch your lass. Try to rest, Dr. Barron.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice Actor - Clementine Barron
Paid: Flat Rate 45 USD
Role assigned to: Justine Leah Hince

Like her father, Nicodemus, Clementine is a human having been swept up in the bizarre tale of time traveling and humans.

She is a young girl between the ages of 8 and 10, who quickly becomes friends with Benjamin and Lequwyn. She lives in 1870s London with her father, while Mrs. Rigsby watches her during the day.

There will be later lines when Clementine must sound older / more like a teenager between 18 - 19. These will be annotated in the scripts.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female child
  • british
  • all english accents
  • female teen
  • Papa, why does he look like a dead fish? He’s all floppy and sweaty.

  • It’s quite alright, apology accepted—now that you’ve said sorry, we can be friends! I’m Clementine!

  • [Older Clementine] How do I remember things I’ve yet to experience? They’re on the tip of my tongue, like a thought just out of reach. Every word, every event, every person. My heart hurts...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice Actor - Sinon
Paid: Flat Rate 35 USD
Role assigned to: Jimmy May

While a minor character, Sinon is another antagonist.

Sinon is another advisor to Tearlach disguised as one of the Coinneach. No one else aside from Iason and Agmen know that Sinon is a desert troll, known as the Ciraeth, in disguise. Hating the rule of the Coinneach, he's decided to sell his planet out to the Iovvants and to help lead their siege without being detected.

The Ciraeth and Caovah languages were inspired by the different Scottish Gaelic dialects. It's not necessary to keep this in mind, but is a bonus!

  • english
Voice description:
  • male senior
  • male adult
  • generic scottish
  • scottish
  • Oh, Your Majesty! And Merchant Advisor Smarag. To find you both at the piers is unexpected. Is there anything I can do?

  • (smiling) Hardly. I mean, just look at the scattered sky-debris that is Gormlaith. It only takes one foolish leader to end everything. Picture this: You can no longer remember the faces of the past, can no longer see through disguise or intrigue...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice Actor - Sofya Cinturón
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
Role assigned to: Janetm

Sofya Cinturón, a Mexican-American teen from the early 2012s, is Benjamin's younger sister. She is a senior high-school student with an introverted and slightly stern personality, but she cares a lot for her family.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • female young adult
  • mexican
  • hispanic american
  • Well you’re the oldest. You’re supposed to take care of us.

  • Keep dreaming, bro. (amused) Imma call home from the school office and let mom know you wrote your own eulogy.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice Actor - Rueben Cinturón
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
Role assigned to: IggyIggyIggy

Rueben, a young Mexican-American teen from the early 2012s, is Benjamin's youngest brother. Rueben has a happy-go-lucky personality and often skips school to do freelancing gigs at the Philadelphia philharmonic orchestra.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male teen
  • male young adult
  • mexican
  • hispanic american
  • She had a late call-in yesterday. There’s a difference. She’s going to be hella mad when she finds out you left Damian, compá. [knowingly] You’re in deep shit.

  • Sorry, can’t hear you over the sound of my thousand dollar instrument and income!


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