Minecraft Life Emergency Role Lis Maroon

Project Overview
Hello, welcome to Minecraft Life We are in need of some voice parts. These are all Minor parts but be aware that some might become major roles
How Many Episode?
These characters at the moments have an unspecified number of episodes. But some roles are bigger than others
"What is Minecraft Life"
This series features the main character, Eevee Calastar. An Ebwan with no memory of his past and he's immediately introduced to a bucket of zany characters. The reason Life is in the title is that the focus is not on Eevee. While at the same time it is, but each character adds something to his story or his life. No character goes without their story being told. There's also a multiverse so yeah a lot more stories out there to tell after this one ends
"What's an Ebwan"
It's a fictional creature I designed. They are basically just humans with giant fluffy tails.
"How long is Minecraft Life"
There is no end in sight but these characters time may be shorter compared to the main cast. Some of the roles will eventually join the main group.
"Do I put all my lines in one file if I get accepted? (Per each episode)"
If you would like to, then sure. But remember to keep a long pause for each sentence.
"What is your YouTube channel?"
I am glad you asked! Here you go! The Series is also on here as well
"Are we singing"?
You might. It's unclear at the moment.
"How big is my role I am auditioning for"
Each character description will let you know how important your character is to the show. Some are flashback specific others are part of the current story.
"What do I need to join this project"?
1. You MUST have a decent microphone. Any auditions with shaking quality or background noises will be denied, but you may redo it if you PM me and ask.
2. You MUST have Discord. ALL of the planning takes place on our Discord Server, which will be PM'd to you if you are accepted. You will also have your own private hangout server on Discord.
3. BE NICE! Nobody likes jerks. :(
4. Please be at least 13+. I personally do not want to be working with young children who may not understand the script or are unable to understand certain conversations that take place.
5. Giving spoilers is completely ILLEGAL when you are in this project. If you give out a spoiler at any time, you will be kicked from this project.
6. PLEASE have Minecraft!! It's not needed, but it's wanted!
7. You MUST be committed to this project. Any slackers (me lmao) will be warned and maybe even fired.
8. I expect you to be active on the Discord server as much as possible.
9. Have fun!!
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Lis is tough o say the least she's not afraid to say what she thinks. She's similar to Toph from Avatar but not as snarky and rude. She became an Orphan when she was five and took care of herself. After she was adopted she loves to go on adventures with her friends and absolutely adores her dog Navee
My Name is Lis Maroon I'm 12 years old and yeah I'm orphan. I can still kick some butt.
This is Navee my dog
Do you really think I'm gonna miss out on another adventure
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