Midnight Poppy Land - WEBTOON COMIC FANDUB

Project Overview
So this is one of my favorite webtoon comics and I really just wanted to do a fandub of this comic.
Not sure if I'm going to be taking out the F-bomb yet. once all actors/actresses are casted, we can make that decision as a team.
Requirements to audition:
-MUST have discord so we can all as a team get on calls and read through scripts. (If not we can arrange something)
-MUST be willing to voice extra characters. if you aren't, please move along.
I look forward to your auditions!
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Latest Updates
Still want to see this project come to life? Wait no longer! Here are the first two episodes completed for this series and more to come! https://youtu.be/oqMliirZe8k https://youtu.be/el9SBuWhGqU
Video and Audio Editors Needed
Hey Y'all! I am still looking for audio and video editors! If you know one or are one, please apply as soon as possible! Thank ya! -Notissy -
Auditions Closed!
Thank you all so much for auditioning! You all did such an amazing job and to see all this attention to my project is just jaw dropping and gives this amazing feeling! I hope you know, despite getting casted or not, you all did a fan-tabulous job and I hope you all continue for the future! (Still lookin for an audio editor so I'm waiting for ya!) Thanks again! -Notissy -
Deadline change
I'm very excited to start this project! I just want to give a little bit more time for people to audition. There are still some roles with no auditions at all, so tell your friends!! Thanks so much! -NotIssy
Her voice should have a large range of emotion. You should be able to make it sound like you're crying, sobbing, angry, flustered, excited, happy, child-like wonder. The whole sha-bang. Not looking for a specific vocal range.
(monotone voice)
I did. But you didn’t answer so I left a voicemail. Guess you were too busy giving lessons to check. Sorry… I’ll see you around…
(kind of frantic, trying not to cry)
I can’t believe I just walked away, all calm and composed. Darn it… I’m definitely going to regret this tonight. Kinda like when you meet some asshole on the streets and the perfect witty retort only comes to you several hours later...or in my case, maybe a few days later...or a few weeks…
(in awe and wonder)
So what kind of celebrity are you?
I imagine Tora to have a deeper voice and with the way he talks in the comic, if you can include a sort of New York, Boston, or New jersey accent, I would like that but it is totally not required!!! In the comic it says it sounds low and husky so let's go off of that. He needs to sound intimidating and almost scary. To play Tora's part, you need to tell me if you feel comfortable with saying curse words (profanity) and if you aren't that is totally okay. I am thinking of taking out most profanity for this fan dub anyways.
(in thought, kind of on edge)
So it’s just this girl? It doesn’t look like there’s anyone else here.
(kind of irritated)
He’ll call if he needs me. Somethin else came up.
(try sound persuading, a little flirty)
See… I was wondering where this girl bought tickets to. Wavy brown hair, pink and white striped shirt. She’s a friend of mine but we got separated and i can’t reach her. Any idea?
I imagine Goliath to have a snake like voice. can be very soothing but also very deceiving.
You must be willing to voice 3 extras voices in order to audition for this part since it is not a lead role
(kind of frantic)
You gotta come save me. They’re gonna killing me if you don’t come.
(sounding sort of evil)
Besides I’m just a small fry, you won’t gain anything by arresting me. Plenty of bigger fish in the sea for ya, amiright?
I imagine Ronzo (Gyu) to sound kind of nerdy but still masculine. He still is working for the balthuman clan so he does have to be tough. He is a little bit pervy. A New York, Boston, or Jersey accent would be nice but not required.
You must be willing to voice 2 extras voices in order to audition for this part since it is not a lead role
(casual, just passing a message)
Yo boss, big boss balthuman is lookin for ya. Some meeting he wants you to attend.
I'm just a lowly plebian, not a high rankin clan member like you.
(kind of pervy, then jokingly)
Cute face anyway. But where’s the rest of her body? Just in case, ya know? (goofy pervy chuckle) Kidding, I’m just kidding. Don’t beat me up. Last time you did, I couldn’t leave the hospital for two weeks. I can see the vein in your forehead popping. Not a good look in front of a girl, boss. Heh heh.
The best example I can give for this characters voice that I'm looking for is the voice of Dracula in Castlevania. You can find the example here: https://youtu.be/V26JTyzhYs8?t=142
But more importantly, this thing that Goliath has in his possession-
I've trained him since he was a child.

I imagine Quincey to sound tough but also very childish and warm. Since he has to put on this front that he is tough when he isn't a lot. Be creative!
If you are going to voice this character, you must be willing to voice two other characters since Quincey is not a lead role.
(sounding sly)
Ahh... I'm afraid that would be me. Sorry to interrupt your fun, Mr. Morrison.
(almost nerdy, freaking out)
Jesus Christ I told you to rough him up a little! Not break his goddamn jaw!! You don't know how many times I had to keep myself from shrieking!!!
(jokingly flirty)
Hey booboo! My date just blew me off and I'm staying home, soooo could you help em out with some beta-reading?
I have imagined Erdene to be sort of like the best friend/big sister to Poppy that she never had. She should sound mature but of course, every character has their comedic moments.
You must be willing to voice 2 extra characters since this is not a main role.
I can't believe all that happened to you in the span of less than two days! That place must be cursed!!
You're handling all of this like a queen.
Did you wear this to your presentation today?
Jacob is nerdy and kinda rude. I imagined his voice to be a little nasally but not too much.
Must be willing to voice 2 extra characters since this is not a main role.
Hey pops, how did your very first business presentation go?
(very blunt)
A gym membership for pops? Why? Has she been packing on the pounds lately?
This person is going to be voicing 5 different female characters. It's not one specific role so be prepared to show me a wide range of your voice. When auditioning, maybe say the lines a few times a few different ways, different tone, higher, lower, just to get a grasp on what I'm getting.
How do you always find the most ticklish spots on me, Julri?
Are you from around here? You look like you'd be up for some fun tonight.
You will be voicing 5 other female characters. Please show me the whole range of your voice. Say each line a few times, each time, differently. Show me what you got!
Hey there. Have a seat, Miss Wilkes.
(a little edgy, kind of frustrated)
The bigger problem is that we don't know who he is.
Honey, I understand you're upset but we have to remain objective.
You will be voicing 5 characters, particularly clan members. Please show me the whole range of your voice. Say each line a few times, each time a different way.
Why aren't you talking? Are you scared of me?!
Why the hell are you barging in dressed like that!? Show some respect to the clan members!
(begging for your life)
Wait!!! We won't blab! I swear!!!
You will be voicing 5 different characters, mainly from the clans. Please show me the range of your voices. Say each line a few times, each time differently.
Do we get our own room or somethin'?
Hey big bro, I heard from Gyu that you totally whooped Claude's ass moments ago at the bar counter-
Alice should be this super sassy grandma that everyone loves. Mrs. Haru on the other hand is sweet, sensitive and careful.
You must voice 2 other extra voices for this part.
Cut the crap, Freddy. Nobody cares about ya stupid slogan.
(nervous, sweet and desperate)
Oh dear me, I’m a dreadful old lady. It’s really nothing too terrible. Don’t let me scare you off!! (in thought) Not when I’ve finally found a tenant for this god forsaken apartment.
Mr. lam is old and cocky and snooty and rude. But he has his moments of redemption.
You must voice 3 extras characters.
Yes. That’s nice. As I was saying, I made a huge profit turnover of 100 million. You’re probably not aware of how large a sum that is.
(almost breaking out in tears)
Anyway, please excuse me for a moment.
You will be helping me edit the videos, and put the pieces from the comic together with me.
- Must have discord
- Must have experience.
Say something you think would fit
You will be helping me with background music and sound effects for the comic. I want to make it sound as if we are there when people watch it.
-Must have discord
-Must have experience
Say something you think would fit
Since I couldn't get in contact with the other Video editor, I am putting up another application for it. You will be helping me edit the comic together into a video. Please link any of your previous work here, if you have any.
-Must have discord
Say something you think would fit
Public Submissions