Midnight Mafia

Project Overview
General Info
Project name: Midnight Mafia
Type of project: This project is a fan made visual novel add on of the movie "The Bad Guys" (2022). It takes place in the same city and everything. It's supposed to be family friendly so there's no real violence except comedic violence.
Paid? (Y/N): Deferred
Long term? (Y/N): N
Script is finished (Y/N): N
**Audition details**
Audition deadline: November 26th
How to contact: Discord ( Fluffyphobias )
Audition file format (e.g. MP3 or WAV): WAV
Number of max. takes per line: 2
Line format (ABCABC or AABBCC): AABBCC
Slate? (Y/N): N
Reel required? (Y/N): N
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Marino Badger
Personality and basic info
Marino but preferably known by Mr. Badger is the head boss pr the god father in 'The Midnight Mafia'. He is very serious about his job and keeping everyone as safe as possible on mission. Like a father figure to everyone he's usually calm and collected but harsh at times. He truly does care for everyone and shows it through making sure they're safe and being there for them when they need it.
Voice info
Mr. Badger has a deep monotoned voice with a Guatemalan/Mexican accent. He has the fatherly figure voice as well, making sure he's calm at all times.
Other info
Pronouns He/Him
Cis male
Anthropomorphic Badger
Omni (Men pref)
- english
- male adult
- guatemalan
- animation/character
*Angry* "In my office. NOW."
*Calm but annoyed* "You disrespect me? In my own household?"
*Annoyed* " I don't have time for this."

Amos skunk
Personality and basic info
Mr. Skunk is the brains of the group. He makes sure everything is worked out in time and conducts things such as experiment and makes inventions to help them in their needs. Skunk is a very monotoned person that doesn't show emotion much at all other than anger sometimes. He usually is reading or studying in his free time.
Voice info
Emotionless and monotoned, think of that one voice that goes "I like to dissect girls, did you know I'm utterly insane?". It's Monotoned but a little high pitched.
Other info
Pronouns He/They/It
Trans male
Anthropomorphic Skunk
- english
- male young adult
- monotone
- animation/character
*annoyed* “Quiet. I’m perfecting science.”
*calmly* “Mistakes are something I don’t make”
*Calmly* “You wouldn’t understand this. Trust me.”

Catino Kitty
Personality and basic info
Mr. Kitty is the soldier of the group. He's very sassy and flamboyant. He loves fashion and make up. He's very sweet and is willing to help anyone out with advice. Though he can be rude at times to people who he doesn't like. If you're someone he doesn't like he'll be passive aggressive with you and such.
Voice info
High pitched and flamboyant. He also has a hint of flirtatiousness in his voice when speaking except when he's mad.
Other info
Pronouns He/They
Trans Male
Anthro cat
- english
- male young adult
- flamboyant
- animation/character
*Happily* “Don’t I looks handsome?”
*angry* “HOW DARE YOU!?”
*Confused* “Say..that again..but slower..”

Bianco Bat
Personality and basic info
Mr. Bat is a very sadistic man. He's the wild card of the group also a soldier. He likes to tease his group members in sadistic ways because he finds it funny. He can be serious at times, not very often though. He likes to play around with people he’s interrogating during the job like being like “Well, guess we gotta off this one like the last one” just to scare them. He finds making people scared of him funny.
Voice info
High pitched and sadistic. Sounds very condescending and rude as ever yet playful and deranged.
Other info
Pronouns He/it
Trans male
Anthro mega bat
- english
- male young adult
- american
- animation/character
*Deranged* “OOOO~ New bait~”
*Threatening* “The boss wouldn’t like ya talkin like thattt”
*Happy and excited* “DID YA SEE THAT BIG EXPLOSION!?”

Oswaldo Rat
Personality and basic info
Mr. Rat is another soldier of the Midnight Mafia. He usually is the one who breaks into places and cracks safes. Since he’s small people are less likely to notice him and since he’s a rat people are more afraid of him. He likes to flirt with other men occasionally, going off on his own thing sometimes during missions.
Voice info
High pitched but not too high pitched like you’d think, he sounds like Mr. Piranha from The bad guys just a little more high pitched.
Other info
Pronouns He/Him
Cis male
Anthro rat
- english
- male young adult
- new york (brooklyn)
- animation/character
*Flirty* “Hey there, how ya doin?”
*Offended* “Well it was nice talkin to you too..bitch..”
*Bored* “Goddd where are all the good banks!?”

Mauro Bear
Personality and basic info
Mr. Bear is very serious and rarely talks, he usually just makes grunts or annoyed noises. He doesn’t like to play around, he is Mr. Badger’s Bodyguard, being with him 24/7 he makes sure he’s safe and well protected from any danger.
He has a thick Russian accent, he also has a deep voice, you must be able to make noises like grunts or huffs.
Other info
Pronouns He/It
Cis male
Anthro Black bear
- english
- male adult
- russian english
- animation/character
*Annoyed* “Hmp..”
*Calm* “Yes, of course boss”
*Annoyed* “What. I’m busy.”

Orlando Fox
Personality and basic info
Mr. Fox is another solider, he’s very charming and has quick hands meaning he can steal whatever he needs for a heist. He’s very charming and cocky. He likes to flirt with people like Mr. Rat but he’s smoother with it. He’s a master manipulator. He can take out fake tears in a second. He has many exe’s
Voice info
Deep and smooth like honey, very relaxing. He sounds like Mr. Wolf from the bad guys but much smoother and deep voiced.
Other info
Pronouns He/him
Trans Male
Anthro bat-eared fox
- english
- animation/character
- male young adult
- american
*flirty* “What’s a guy like yourself doin all alone tonight?”
*Laughing* “Me? A thief? Neverrr”
*Playful* “Sorry sweetpea, I don’t stick around for long”

Faustino Mink
Personality and basic info
Mr. Mink is the captain of the soldiers. He’s also the con man making deal with people he shouldn’t in his spare time. He likes to cause mischief and chaos. He can’t help but cause people pain and things in a comedic way. He also cooks for the crew when he gets the chance.
Voice info
High pitched and a little scratchy. He has this rude tone to him that no one can shake.
Other info
Pronouns He/They
Cis male
Anthro Mink
Omni (Women pref)
- english
- male young adult
- scratchy
- animation/character
*Excitedly and happily* “BOOM. IT JUST WENT OFF LIKE THAT”
*Confused* “Eh? What does that even mean?”
Public Submissions