Messages- Short Film

Project Overview
I am creating a short film and I'm looking for a voice for my character. The project is mainly for fun but I do have a goal of completing it on June 1 for a competition. I have already been working on this for a while and need a voice for the final act of my film.
The due date is May 23 but the moment I find a voice I enjoy I will go for that because the sooner I have a voice the better I can make the lip sync so if you feel compelled to try, please GO FOR IT!
Even if the film is not completed by my personal due date I will still make it a point to complete it so whoever is chosen can see their work pay off. Full character description is down below, I would prefer if my line is said but I am open to variations so have fun with it but try not to stray too far from the original concept.
You can add extra lines if it is needed to get you focused but only the main line will be used.
Note: I sincerely apologize for the low pay, I am a broke college student trying to build a portfolio so for now it is the best I can do lol.
A story told through subtle messages. The messenger Lavoyde is the last of their world and continues their duty despite the circumstances. They still have
to deliver a letter from one ruler to another on the other side of the world. Along the way they unknowingly lose an item precious to them. They then become chased by an unknown entity forcing them to be more and more anxious. This feeds into their delusions leading the “monster” to grow. Once the journey is complete, they make the “brave” decision to face their fears. It was just a young girl trying to return their item, but something is off about her.
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You turn your body swatting away at what you believe is behind you...
*Heavy build up* "Get away from me!" *heavy breathing* [into a subtle realization that nothing is there.]
Can be up to 30 seconds, variations of the line are allowed. Have fun with it!
Your character is Lavoyde. They believe themselves to be the last remaining creature of their world. It is left a mystery as to how you survived, but you are one who continues their duty regardless of the circumstances. You are alone but not lonely. You do not speak for the entire film so this one line should be impactful as the audience does not expect a voice from you.
We are in the final act of the film. You have been chased by what you imagined to be a monster during your mission to deliver this message you have made so important. Once you reach your destination and realize it is still after you, you build up all the courage you can muster to face your fears.
Very Tall
Humanoid Creature
- english
- film
- animation/character
- adult
- male adult
- Any
Get away from me!
Public Submissions