Mermaid's Call
Project Overview
A girl gets transported back in time and finds the world is different than what she expected, mystical beings rule the world and humans live as pets. The girl works with the 2nd prince and the illegitimate princess to start a civil war and free humans, it backfires and the humans kill everyone and make their saviors watch, the girl, the 2nd prince, and a mermaid are the only ones left, living till old age, will they go back and try to fix things or let it loop all over again? You may also join the discord server for more options including, more VA options sooner, logo designer, PSD makers, character creator, Live2D rigger, Background artists, and thumbnail artist.
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Lead Role
"Whoa, is this another dimension? Or am I dreaming? Dreaming seems more probable given my history class-" (fascinated)
"Think and plan..." (concentrated)
"You're planning to make me ride a freaking unicorn!?! Are you crazy!?!" (baffled)

- female child
*Say something you think would fit*

Lead Role
- female young adult
“Illegitimate. I’m not eligible for the throne.” (unbothered)
"Thank goodness you’re alright.” (relieved)
“Man, I should tell Travio all about this, he would love it.” (chill)

Lead Role
- male adult
- male young adult
“So their anatomy is not that much different than ours. Maybe if they did magic they would be acce-” (ranting)
“I don’t, I’m happy for you. My mother is just…a bit much sometimes.” (apologetic)
“I just think you can create a better world for us all.” (optimistic)

- female young adult
- female adult
“You’re from the future. You know how special your species is. So show them the taste of their own medicine.” (excited)
“Don’t act so surprised young one. Now choose.” (menacing)
“You’re so boring. For heaven’s sake, you have all these powers yet don’t use them.” (bored)

Minor Role
- female senior
- female adult
“Since you started collecting things, like your father when we first met.” (reminiscent)
“Yep from each hair on your head, you look just like him. Now come on, back to work.” (gentle, teasing)
“Riley! Riley, where are you?!” (panicked)
Secondary Role
- male teen
- male young adult
“Why are you here? It’s not safe to be out here alone. A little human as yourself should know that nymphs eat humans.” (gentle)
“Are you trying to get rid of me, Isura?” (serious)
“I guess she’s immune to my charm.” (joking)
*Say something you think would fit*
*Say something you think would fit*
Public Submissions