Male VA - Role in an Romantic Audio Roleplay/Story Series (SFW++) (n°6)

Male VA - Role in an Romantic Audio Roleplay/Story Series (SFW++) (n°6)

Project Overview

Sypnopsis :

In The Enchantment, you will portray Prince Louis, a man cursed by the witch Isadora to transform into a beast every night. To break the curse, he must conquer his fear of love and open his heart—before the start of winter. If he fails, he will remain a beast both day and night, forever.

The Enchantment is a reimagining of Beauty and the Beast, where fate, love, and transformation intertwine, challenging Prince Louis to confront his deepest fears and discover the true power of love.

You must be 21 years or older to audition.

I am seeking a talented male voice actor to take on the lead role of a charismatic male character in his late twenties to early thirties. The role requires a voice that conveys both solemnity and charm, with the ability to switch to a more intense, beast-like tone when in transformed form. The voice actor must bring depth to scenes of complex emotion, including gentle reproach, hidden attraction, and profound grief, capturing the nuances of a romantic yet conflicted character.

The ability to convey a subtly guttural quality in beast form is essential.

Comprising 4 episodes, the series offers a rich and dynamic narrative, each episode lasting between 35 min to 40 minutes.

Desired Profile:

Gender: Male

Voice Range: 28 to 38 years old

Accent: American

Language: English.

Experience: Ability to express a wide range of emotions (sadness, joy, romance...) with genuine acting talent.

Experience with audio drama content is recommended.

Audio Quality: Must possess or have access to quality recording equipment (home studio or equivalent). Recordings should be made in a sound-treated environment to minimize background noise and echo, ensuring the clearest audio quality. It should be recorded in 16 bit / 44.1 kHz .wav file format.

Project Details:

Duration: 4 episodes : 2h to 3h max

Content: This is not an NSFW series, but it does explore mature themes and includes some sensual elements, such as kissing sounds or moans. Candidates must be comfortable with this type of content.

Distribution: YouTube, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Patreon.

To apply, please :

  • Submit a raw, unprocessed audio file using the provided script lines here : This will help demonstrate your ability to naturally convey a range of emotions and allow us to assess the quality of your recording setup. Please ensure that your demo is free of background noise and that your microphone captures clear, undistorted sound.

  • Additionally, let me know if you have experience with audio roleplay content or audio drama content.

  • Also include details of the recording equipment you use, including microphone, audio interface, and any sound treatment applied to your recording environment.

Other requirements: NDA, contract, invoice.

Compensation: $175 PFH

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Project Roles: Prince Louis
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Prince Louis
Paid: Flat Rate 175 USD

Male character, late twenties to early thirties, with a naturally deep, resonant voice that reflects a personality both solemn, charming, and gentle.

The story is set in a fictional France, as a retelling of Beauty and the Beast.

  • In the first scene, Prince Louis, now in beast form, speaks to the princess, who has just discovered his nighttime transformation. His voice should take on a more beast-like, guttural quality, with a subtle growl. He addresses her with a tone that is both gentle and reproachful, as he had asked her not to wander into his quarters at night.

  • In the second scene, the prince and princess argue after he dismisses one of her ladies-in-waiting . This argument serves as an outlet for deeper, underlying emotions, as the prince, a true skeptic of love, has held back his affection but can no longer hide his attraction.

  • The third scene is a significant spoiler, but it’s key for understanding the emotional depth of the role: the prince, in beast form, mourns over the nearly lifeless body of the princess. Isadora, the witch who cast the curse on him, appears, and he begs her to save the princess. 

  • Please submit a raw, unprocessed audio file using the provided script lines here :

  • Please submit a raw, unprocessed audio file using the provided script lines (link above).


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