Lydia's Paradise

Lydia's Paradise

Project Overview

Lydia's Paradise is a 2D pixel art single-player game. With a comprehensive and profound story about a little girl who passes on into the afterlife. In this life, everything is much more different than she is used to. The people there are very diverse and a lot happier. Greeting her when she passes on is Granny, her disabled grandmother. Lydia is delighted to meet her again, finally. She is much more different than she last remembered. She seemed to be a lot happier. Lydia finds this, of course, marvelous. 

For a couple of days, Lydia explores the small village she was sent to in her afterlife and meets the people there, all of them friendly and very diverse. Some of them she knows; however, they are a lot different than she remembered. She is assigned to two new mothers, which she finds completely fine; they are very good to her and take excellent care of her. Lydia now lives with her two mothers and grandmother.

Lydia starts to like it in this small village she was meant to go to, she is so happy to have gone there. The people there are so good to her, and she gets endless opportunities to shine and achieve her biggest dream, which is becoming a singer. Lydia receives quests from the locals to help them; Lydia's life has never been better.

Lydia's Paradise is a heartwarming, adorable game. However, suspense rises when mysterious things start to happen to the town and the people who live in it. Evil has risen in a peaceful village. Lydia now calls her home, and she has to stop it. Lydia tries her best to find out what is happening to her beloved village, working with the other people, she is sure to fix it. Of course, this "small" problem is much bigger, darker, and deeper than Lydia or any townsfolks were ever to imagine.

This game's goal is to spread awareness because we feel like we don't see enough video game diversity. We also want to story to be excellent and the characters as well. We want to spread a message to people who might feel alone. We want this game to feel relaxing, however, also exciting. Our goal is to bring players happiness and sadness at the same time. We want to spread a message telling players that life will never be perfect, enjoy it, and live it to their fullest without being afraid to be themselves.

More roles and images coming very soon!

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As I stated before, this is a pixel art game, so as an artist, your main goal is to create pixel art for it. Therefore you should have a good understanding of pixel art. You will work alongside other great artists and create a lively atmosphere for this game. 

Creating art for this game will be very fun; the characters are vibrant, diverse, and fun. The scenery is both beautiful; however, later on, sometimes quite dark. Getting a helping hand from another artist would be great!

For this audition, I would like you to show me art you have made, preferably pixel art, but it is most important it shows us what your strengths are as an artist and what you are best at doing. Good luck!

  • Say something you think would fit

Role assigned to: PyxieKat

Your goal as a writer is to make this story as deep and interesting as you possibly can. One of the most important things in this video game is the story, and we would be incredibly grateful to get a helping hand.

Writing this story will be extremely entertaining; there will be a lot of diverse people. Therefore you should have a good understanding of sexualities, religion, disabilities, and so on, or be open to research. What you would need to do as a writer is to come up with ideas for the game and the story, to get to know every character and develop them; you will come up with motives, dialogue, and we will work extremely closely together. 

For the audition, I would like you to write show me a first chapter or any writing piece you would like to share with me. Good luck!

  • Say something you think would fit

Music Composer
Music Composer
Music Composer

As a music composer, your goal is to make great music for this video game to make the player feel a certain way when playing; we want you to evoke a certain feeling in those who listen. Music is a big part of every game and can entirely shape the feeling one has with it. That's why this role crucial to us.

Composing music for this video game will be very enjoyable, and you will get a lot of variety. Therefore you should be able to make both dark and lively music.

For the audition, I would like you to write show me something you made. You can send me a link to SoundCloud or anything. Good luck!

  • Say something you think would fit

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Lydia Burke

Lydia Burke is a ten-year-old girl. She is ambitious, curious, quick tempered, sassy, genuine, and an optimist. Her goal in life is to become a singer and perform in front of a lot of people. She is grounded in nature and loves being outside and helping others. She is honestly a dream child, the one every parent would like to have. Poor Lydia did not get her parents' optimism though, Lydia was not raised in a healthy and loving family, and when one surrounds her, she is extremely shocked and, of course, happy.

A few cutscenes will play in the video game consisting of voice acting; however, voice acting will not appear in every dialogue, only the most important ones! 

Lydia is the biggest part of this game, so we are looking for a great voice actor for her. We are searching for someone who can talk like a ten-year-old but also an adult.

  • "Often, as a child, I imagined what it would be like when you pass on. However, it is not at all like I imagined." 

    "I was wondering when I would see my father again." 

    *These two lines are narrations. You are much older when saying them (adult)*

  • "Grandma! I think you might be sick; this is the first time in weeks you HAVEN'T asked me if I wanted cookies! This is outrageous. We should go see the doctor!"

    "Well, if you can't get sick, then why aren't you making cookies!"

    *You should say these two lines with the voice of a child*

  • *I would like you to sing a song for me like you were on stage. You should feel anxious and uneasy, nonetheless excited.* (Child's voice)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Grandma is a fantastic and extremely important character. In the past life, she was not as good as she is not, thankfully that has changed and grandma is a good-hearted soul now. She bakes an endless amount of cookies and sells them to everyone in the small village. Grandma was Lydia's real grandmother and luckily she had gotten the chance to be it again in the afterlife. Lydia's mother was not so happy and Lydia ended up with two mothers. Grandma lives with Lydia and the two women and has never been as happy.

Grandma is sassy and quick-tempered, that's where Lydia gets it from. She is relaxed, entertaining, and very charming.

  • "You better come here missy or you're going to miss some newly baked cookies"

    "You don't want to get hungry do ya?"

  • "They should have known not to mess with me. I might seem real cute baking those cookies, but I swear if you cross me. No more cookies for you."

  • "Could you be a dear and bring me some wheat from the shop, I could really use it. I'm almost out!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Lesley Allen

Lesley Allen is a transgender man and Lydia's uncle. He's very calm, cheerful, happy, and always hungry. Lesley loves his niece to death and tries his very best to explain his situation to the child. He is very funny and often the icebreaker. Lesley is a Taurus by heart, a materialist, foodie, and stubborn as hell! Lesley lives close to the girls and often comes to check on them and grabbing granny's cookies which he adores. Most of all Lesley is kind-hearted and just a good man and finally happy.

  • "No Lydia, I am not a woman anymore, or I have actually never been one," 

    "I know it's confusing Lydia but keep listening, this is important"

  • "Urgh, I need one of those cookies, where's your grandmother Lydia?"

  • "Oui Lydia can you do me a favor and fetch me something to eat in the shop, I am starving!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Anthony Byrd

Anthony is a bartender at the local bar, it's a little cute bar. Every night the same people come and have a drink together while chatting about what they have been up to. This is Anthony's dream job, he's very happy with his life, finally. Anthony was raised by very strict parents so he may sometimes come off as strict himself but doesn't notice. He tries his best to be nice to others and wants to protect everyone. Anthony has a wife, her name is Sofie and is a teacher, they are both very in love with each other and couldn't be happier.


  • "What are you doing here, isn't it past your bedtime?"

  • "Grab me the ice outside will ya?" "And remember to close the door behind you, we don't want any rats in here"

  • "You know, Sofie would really like you, maybe we should go pay her a visit. Yeah, that's a great idea."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Sofie Byrd

Sofie Byrd is a good-hearted teacher, she is very nice to everyone is known for her wide smiles and good attitude. She lives for teaching and since Lydia has passed on to the town she hasn't been happier and is waiting eagerly to teach her something. She loves reading, socializing, and learning new things. Unlike the others she finds it hard to forget her past life, often crowded with sadness, missing the days when she was teaching. Yet, she is married to a man she loves very much and is of course living her dream life, she just wished that she could keep doing her job.

  • "Oh! How great, at long last we get a child around here I can teach, how wonderful!"

  • "Lydia could you please go to the library and get me that book we where talking about yesterday, I just can't stop thinking about it, I have to read it"

  • "I just can't stop thinking about all those kids I left behind, it makes me so unhappy that I will never be able to see them again."

    "It doesn't matter if it's all gone now, I just miss teaching that's all, life is perfect except for that." *With a tone of anger and sadness*


Public Submissions

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