Lumine x Diluc, Voice Acting <3

Lumine x Diluc, Voice Acting <3

Project Overview

Hey everyone! This casting call will be for Genshin Impact! This is just for fun and I'm not 100% sure how long this little series will be. This story will just be a ship between Diluc and Lumine, or you can call it a fanmade love story. I want everyone to have fun and just play the characters as you please. 

When you audition, please make sure to repeat the lines more than once and just have fun! When you are chosen to voice one of the characters please make sure you have discord and an email address. Please keep in mind this casting will most likely be for Tiktok and YouTube. Every voice actor will have proper credit for the characters they voiced. 

I plan on doing Q and A 's and sometimes we will all meet up to talk about the game and the characters we voice. When we do meet up, I will record it and we can answer questions during that time, once we finish recording I will most likely upload it to YouTube. I am voicing the main character, Lumine. At the moment I only need Diluc, Paimon, Venti and Jean however, I will be adding more in the future. I also need a few people artists.


-You must have a decent microphone that will not pick up too much background noises

-You are open to getting a few tips here and there about how we want the voices to be done or how we want the lines to be said

-You can provide your voice through email or discord

-Must be able to produce strong emotions such as anger, fear, sadness, love, etc.

-Please repeat your lines 2-3 times as you fit. Be sure to use the emotion the line calls for (optional) and make the character your own!

-Please provide your discord with your audition, if you do not have discord, please provide your email address.

-Must be over the age of 12

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Latest Updates

  • Closed Roles AGAIN

    Lol, a lot has happened in the time span of 30 minutes and my head is spinning, but anyways! Jean's role is closed again and hopefully it stays closed! That's it for now! Bye bye! <33
  • Re-opened role: Jean.

    Jean has now been re-opened! (I think!) So I will go through the auditions again, and if I don't find a new voice replacement then the role will stay open!
  • A couple closed Roles.

    Hey everyone!! I am now closing Venti's role (hopefully) and Kaeya's role! Thank you to all of the auditions for those characters! It means so so much to me! Talk to you all soon! Bye bye!! <33
  • New Role Closed!!

    Hey everyone! This is another small update! Diluc's role has now been closed and I have picked the voice actor! Thank you to the people who auditioned for him, everyone did great! Keep the auditions coming and I'll talk to you all soon! Bye!! <3 ;)
  • Under Control XD and New Role Closed

    Alright!! I'm pretty sure I fixed it, the only role that should be closed is Jean's role and Paimon's role. If any other roles are closed please let me know! The newest closed role is Jean. Until next time, bye bye! <33 ;)
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Diluc (Character pronunciation: De-luc)
Role assigned to: ChadBlaster

You meet Diluc quite a few times throughout the game. He has a deep tone and he is often very monotone. You can play this character how ever you want! Just know that you will have quite a few lines.

Other character pronunciations:


Jean (just like jean pants XD)

Venti (like the Starbucks size)




Katherine (No easier way to explain it TwT)

Xiangling (Please search it up TwT I have no way to explain it)

Xiao (Search it up please TwT)

Childe (literally like child)

  • "Really Venti? You got her drunk? AGAIN?!" (A bit angry/ any choice of tone)

  • "Lumine, please calm down. I've told you before, I can handle this on my own, love." (Calm tone/ sweet tone)

  • "I swear to God, if you do not shut that flying thing up, I will do it myself." (A bit angry/ any choice of tone)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paimon (Character pronunciation: Pie-mon)
Role assigned to: BlueDoveStudios

Paimon is one of the side characters in the game. Paimon always talks in 3rd person, so if she doesn't, you know she is serious. Her voice is very high pitched and she is a little bitchy sometimes. =P 

Other character pronunciations:


Jean (just like jean pants XD)

Venti (like the Starbucks size)




Katherine (No easier way to explain it TwT)

Xiangling (Please search it up TwT I have no way to explain it)

Xiao (Search it up please TwT)

Childe (literally like child)

  • "Hey! Watch who you're talking to you big jerk!" (Angry tone/ choice of tone)

  • "Lumine! You're drunk! Get yourself together!" (Yelling tone/ choice of tone)

  • "Paimon swears Diluc, if you do anything to her-" (Serious tone)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Venti (Character pronunciation: Venti (like the Starbucks size XD)
Role assigned to: Roza_Chera

Venti is a side character in the game. Venti has a in the middle type of tone, he has a high pitch voice, but at the same time a deep voice, so just play around with your tone! <3

Other character pronunciations:


Jean (just like jean pants XD)

Venti (like the Starbucks size)




Katherine (No easier way to explain it TwT)

Xiangling (Please search it up TwT I have no way to explain it)

Xiao (Search it up please TwT)

Childe (literally like child)

  • "I didn't mean to I swear! I thought I gave her the juice!" (Apologetic tone/ choice of tone)

  • "Lumine, tell your boyfriend thing to leave me alone!" (Whiny tone/ choice of tone)

  • "Paimon! Leave them alone!" (Yelling/ choice of tone)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Jean (Character pronunciation: Jean (like the jean pants XD)
Role assigned to: StrawberryCloud

Jean is a side character in the game. She has a very serious tone and she has an 'in the middle' type of tone, so play around with your voice!

Other character pronunciations:


Jean (just like jean pants XD)

Venti (like the Starbucks size)




Katherine (No easier way to explain it TwT)

Xiangling (Please search it up TwT I have no way to explain it)

Xiao (Search it up please TwT)

Childe (literally like child)

  • "Diluc! I swear to God if I find Lumine drunk again, I'll kill you!" (Yelling and angry tone/ choice of tone)

  • "Barbatos, please stop screaming." (Monotone/ choice of tone)

cast offsite

I would like to be able to add the voices to some animations so, if you can draw digitally please show us your work! <3 I'd love to have at least 2 or 3 artists, if not more.

  • Say something you think would fit

cast offsite

I want to have at least 4 animators who can work with the artists. I would love to make this as fun as possible. So get creative when you audition! <3

  • Say something you think would fit

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Understudy/ Extra
cast offsite

This role is for people who would like to be understudies for any characters. Or any extra voices such as people talking in the background. If you want to be an understudy for a certain character, please audition here but use the character's line. If you want to be an extra then just say random lines! <3 ;)

Other character pronunciations:


Jean (just like jean pants XD)

Venti (like the Starbucks size)




Katherine (No easier way to explain it TwT)

Xiangling (Please search it up TwT I have no way to explain it)

Xiao (Search it up please TwT)

Childe (literally like child)

  • Any lines you wish to say! Preferably lines that express a lot of emotion!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Kaeya (Pronunciation: Kai-ya)
Role assigned to: SickMemeKid

You often meet Kaeya throughout the game, especially in Mondstat. He is VERY flirty when it comes to the traveler.

Other character pronunciations:


Jean (just like jean pants XD)

Venti (like the Starbucks size)




Katherine (No easier way to explain it TwT)

Xiangling (Please search it up TwT I have no way to explain it)

Xiao (Search it up please TwT)

Childe (literally like child)

  • "So... Would you consider it, dating?" (Mocking tone/ any choice of tone)

  • "Why don't we hang out? I'm free." (Flirty tone/ any choice of tone)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Katheryne (Pronunciation: Katherine)
cast offsite

Honestly, she doesn't have that many lines in the game. Throughout the game she does speak to you, but not often.

Other character pronunciations:


Jean (just like jean pants XD)

Venti (like the Starbucks size)




Katherine (No easier way to explain it TwT)

Xiangling (Please search it up TwT I have no way to explain it)

Xiao (Search it up please TwT)

Childe (literally like child)

  • "Traveler! Over here!" (Not that many lines said TwT)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

We get to talk to Xiangling quite a bit throughout the game and she is a very energetic and kind person. She loves to cook and she is very good at it! 

Other character pronunciations:


Jean (just like jean pants XD)

Venti (like the Starbucks size)




Katherine (No easier way to explain it TwT)

Xiangling (Please search it up TwT I have no way to explain it)

Xiao (Search it up please TwT)

Childe (literally like child)

  • "So sorry we had to make you come all the way here." (Apologetic tone/ any choice of tone)

  • "Of course! I will prepare you a big feast!" (Energetic tone/ excited tone/ any choice of tone)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Xiao (Pronunciation: Search it up please TwT)
cast offsite

You get to talk to Xiao here and there in the game, but not a lot. He is very monotone and he is very serious throughout the game. 

Other character pronunciations:


Jean (just like jean pants XD)

Venti (like the Starbucks size)




Katherine (No easier way to explain it TwT)

Xiangling (Please search it up TwT I have no way to explain it)

Xiao (Search it up please TwT)

Childe (literally like child)

  • "You aren't enjoying your time?" (Monotone/ any choice of tone)

  • "Let me get Paimon and you guys can leave." (Monotone/ any choice of tone)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Childe (Pronunciation: Literally like child)
cast offsite

You speak to Childe here and there but not a lot. He is always trying to fight the traveler in a way and he is normally a bit hyper.

Other character pronunciations:


Jean (just like jean pants XD)

Venti (like the Starbucks size)




Katherine (No easier way to explain it TwT)

Xiangling (Please search it up TwT I have no way to explain it)

Xiao (Search it up please TwT)

Childe (literally like child)

  • "Ojou-chan! I didn't think it was true!" (Happy tone/ mocking tone/ any choice of tone)

  • "So... Are you here to see me?" (Flirty tone/ any choice of tone)


Public Submissions

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