LoveSick - Yandere Simulator Official Series

Project Overview
This series is YandereDev and I's idea to help increase the popularity of the beautiful game Yandere Simulator. Of course, I will not be taking credit for any of his work. He and I both know that this will go under his name, not mine. We're struggling to find some different quality actors though, and I'd appreciate your submissions. Thanks :)
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Voice - Most of the time she is very stoic. However, when she's manipulative or heartbroken, she may seem more emotive. She has an American accent
I can't feel anything. For as long as I can remember, I've never been able to feel emotions. I pretend to be normal when I'm around other people, but on the inside, I feel nothing. It's not as bad as it may sound. I know that I'm broken, but I don't care. This is normal for me. But everything changed when I met him… my Senpai. For the first time, I felt something. A strong desire. A longing. A yearning. A craving. Now I finally understand what it means to be human. To be alive. I'm addicted to the way he makes me feel. I don't care about anything else. He is everything to me. And now, someone is trying to take him from me. She wants him, but not in the same way that I want him. She could never appreciate him the way I do. She doesn't deserve him. He belongs to me alone. She has taught me a new emotion… Rage. I want to stop her. I want to hurt her. I want to kill her. There is nothing I won't do for Senpai. I won't let anyone come between us. I do not care what I have to do. I do not care who I have to hurt. I don't care whose blood I have to spill. I won't let anyone take him from me. Nothing else matters. No one else matters. Senpai. Will. Be. Mine. …He doesn't have a choice.

Voice - He has an American accent.
Hey, cut it out! That's creepy! Leave me alone!
Why do you have that? What are you going to do? Stay back!
What have you done!? You monster!

Voice - She has a very sly tone. She's not too loud but still audible and confident in what she says.
I saw you stalking an upperclassman today. I wanted to give you some information about the girl he was with. Her name is Osana Najimi. She has a crush on him. I hope you make her suffer.

Voice - Be the most self-centered valley girl you can be. Do not hold any confidence back.
Like, ohhhhhh my god! I so need a smoke right now! Do you like, have any ciggies on you?
Pft....ahahaha! Is that what this is all about? Your dad can't take a loan so you're taking it out on me? You're pathetic! And your dad is pathetic! If someone can't pay debts they shouldn't borrow money in the first place. If your dad can't pay back my dad, he deserves whatever happens to him. Keep selling your body though! Maybe one day you'll save up enough money to buy some self respect.

Accent - Just an average, american girl accent.
What are you doing? Don't come any closer! Stay away! Stop! No! Not that! Anything but that! Not again! Stay away! No!
No...not again...just, kill me. Please... no. Why are you doing this? I'll do anything.

Voice - An average, American girl voice
I thought I saw her with an older man in Shisuta town, but I didn't think it was really her...

Accent - an average, American girl
I don't know if I should say anything...but I think I saw that too...

Accent - Just an average, American girl voice.
Seriously? I didn't think anyone could be like that....

Accent - just an average American girl accent
Wow....that's gross...I expected better

Accent - Very peppy, squealy, american girl voice. Borderline a happy valley girl.
The Akademi Institute is a boarding school that teaches magical arts to young men and women who have high potential for wizardry and witchcraft. Once every one hundred years, under the glare of a full moon, the ghost of a long-dead succubus will appear within the Institute and beg one of the Institute's upperclassmen to resurrect her with a tribute of blood. If the succubus is resurrected, all of the school's students will vanish...except for any students who were in love with the upperclassman that resurrected the succubus. If the succubus is not slain before the sun rises, the school's students will be lost forever, and the succubus' full power will be restored. The succubus can only be slain by a young woman who is in love with the upperclassman that revived the succubus. The time has once again come for the forces of Love and Lust to engage in their ancient battle. The Institute beckons you...and no man can say who shall emerge victorious.
If the students know there is a serial killer on the loose, why would they keep coming to school?

Accent - He's a man with a sort-of low voice. He's very serious about things. It's hard for hm to portray much emotion in his speech except for when he gets emotional.
...As long as it's recording, I suppose I may as well say something...
How long has it been since I last used this thing?
It's been at least two decades...almost three?
Those were better times. I was so young back then. My future bright.
I remember following my dreams. I remember a promising career. I remember...being happy.
If I could turn back time...what would I do differently?
I know. I know exactly what I should have done.
I shouldn't have gotten involved in that case...with that girl.
Pursuing her was the right thing to do...but if I hadn't involved myself with her, I'd still have a career.
When did it begin? I think it was...April of 1989.
The peak of my career as an investigative journalist.
That's when I heard about a murder at the local high school. The police had no leads.
I decided to investigate it myself. I tried to be a hero...
...and that was the worst mistake of my life.
My life was a living hell for about a year, while the trial was still fresh in people's minds.
Eventually, the hatred subsided, but it never truly died.
There was always someone who recognized me, no matter how much I tried to change my appearance.
Finding employment was nearly impossible.
I drifted between part-time jobs, and spent my free time drinking to ease the pain of becoming the national punching bag.
It was around this point in time that I met my future wife.
I still don't understand what she saw in me.
I was an absolute wreck, not to mention the laughingstock of the entire country.
But as soon as we met, she wanted to spend every waking moment with me. She wouldn't let me out of her sight, and got possessive if another woman so much as looked at me.
I quickly began to depend on her for everything.
It wasn't long before I couldn't live without her.
I certainly wasn't in any state to take care of myself...
I was like an adult-sized baby. Helpless and vulnerable.
Who knows...maybe that's what she was attracted to.
Maybe she just wanted to experience the sensation of owning a person.
Maybe she wanted to keep a human pet.
Maybe all she wanted was someone who she could emotionally depend on.
Even after all these years, I don't understand why anyone would waste their time with a man like me...but none of that mattered.
Despite all my flaws, she accepted me. And that's all that I needed.
We got married about six months after meeting each other.
I never tried to spend much time with her, or learn about her interests.
Even now, I don't think I know much about her.
I don't even know what kind of person she's turned into.
I don't even know what her everyday life is like.
I know that she spends all of her time on her computer.
She bought it herself. She seems to have a lot of money for someone her age.
I'm afraid to ask where it comes from.
Sometimes she comes home with blood on her clothing.
I can't tell if it's her blood or someone else's blood, I...try to stay out of her business.
It's partially out of respect for her privacy...
...but it's mostly out of fear.

Voice - Very peppy American girl
Victim? Of course not, darling! You're the one I was protecting this whole time! That's right, darling! They were threatening our love! I had to get rid of them all.
Sorry, darling! You're not allowed out of that chair until I'm 100% sure that you'll never try to leave me! From this day forward, I'm never going to let you out of my sight! We'll be together...forever!
If our daughter is anything like her mother, she'll have absolutely no problems whatsoever taking care of herself! Oh! I hope she meets someone special! It would be so nice if she's gotten a boyfriend by the time we get back!

Accent - Normal male accent
Oh,'s not true, is it? All those things the journalist said?
ove?! But we've never even spoken to each other before!
...Ryoba-chan...if you love someone, you shouldn't kidnap them and tie them to a chair!

Voice - She's very shy and will stutter alot. Often, she is very quiet.
...s-she's...p-probably...a s-special vampire...w-who can survive in the sunlight...t-this requires...f...f-further research...
...this is wonderful news...perhaps the world isn't such a dark and lonely place, after're an official member now...
...we are devoted to the research of supernatural and paranormal phenomena...witches, ghosts, vampires, demons, aliens, psychics, and time-travelers are all welcome here. Anyone who joins our club will develop a resistance to horrific and terrifying things...or succumb to them...he he he...

Voice - Average American girl accent except when in her succubus form. In her succubus form, she's much more confident and prideful in her voice.
Huh? Where's my ring? It was right here a moment ago...oh, dear...I hope I can find it...

Voice - Timid and shy
W-would you like to summon a demon with me....? No? Okay....

Voice - Like her sisters, just an average voice that changes when she becomes an incubus.
I don't you think they'll find out about us?

Voice - nice, happy, kind guy.
Welcome to the martial arts club. What brings you here?

Voice - typical American girl accents
Hiyah! Take that! And that! And...that!

Accent - Average American girl accent
don't know what you're trying to do, but if it's supposed to be a joke, it's not funny.

Voice - Irritated, edgy teen boy.
What are you doing here? Don't talk to me unless you're interested in joining.
I'm just a tortured artist. No one understands me. So leave me alone.

Voice - Peppy, happy girl
I bought a used copy of the Yanvania re-release, but the game always crashes right after the first boss! I'm not sure if there's a problem with the disc, or if there's a problem with my SaikouStation 4... Would you please take this disc home with you, play it, and tell me if the game crashes after the first boss?

Voice - fun loving, comedic
I took off my bandana to adjust it, and a gust of wind just - WHOOSH - blew it right out of my hands! I can sense that my bandana is still somewhere on the school grounds. I can feel its energy! I feel naked without my bandana...but I can't find it anywhere! Would you pleeeeeease bring it to me if you find it?

Voice - Robotic
Hello...How are you doing?

Voice - energetic, happy guy. Also crazy.
Desc: most intelligent - and most eccentric - student in Akademi High. He was reading by age 2, writing by age 4, could speak multiple languages by age 6, demonstrated a genius-level IQ by age 8, and passed multiple college-level proficiency tests before age 10. Despite his genius, he is not a well-liked figure at Akademi High; he is prone to extremely bizarre behavior and frequently expresses thoughts that frighten and concern the people around him.
He will openly speak of his aspirations for "world domination" to anyone that is willing to listen, although he refuses to divulge the specifics of his master plan. It is common knowledge that he has a deep obsession with Saikou Corporation, the most powerful business conglomerate in Japan. He has openly stated that he fully intends to become the CEO of Saikou Corp as soon as possible - but he never divulges how he intends to do so. Additionally, he also seems to be obsessed with the concept of constructing a giant robot.
He could have easily gotten into a top university, but instead chose to enroll in Akademi High School, stating that it is "the first step" towards his ultimate ambitions. Many students have observed him studying the school's Student Council President, Megami Saikou, in a way that borders on stalking. His behavior can only be tolerated by other individuals who are almost as eccentric as he is, and so his club has come to be populated almost entirely by Akademi High's most unusual students
Ahhhhh! The student council president herself honors me with her presence? My calculations determined that it was only a matter of time until you recognized my brilliance and willingly submitted yourself to my -
You're saying that my acoustic-quieting noise-mitigators have failed to properly suppress the reverberations of my experiments? Blast it all! I must have miscalculated...
I assure you that, within the day, this room will be capable of containing a kiloton explosion without detection by a seismograph! No, a megaton! No, a gigaton! Why stop there? A teraton!
An exaton, a zetton, a YOTTATON!
Financial restrictions?! My One True Enemy! ...besides the lack of raw materials required to build a Dyson Sphere. That is my other One True Enemy.
It's for the best. After all, I haven't finished synthesizing the engagement ring yet.
You'll see! Ee hee hee hee...Aa ha ha ha...MWA HA HA HA HAAAAA!

Voice - average American girl voice, gets excited sometimes. Other times quiet.
Drums are great because all you need to do is hit them to the beat! You don't even need to read music!

Accent - normal american accent, but with a shy demeanor
Senpai, you're just in time! I baked cookies! Would you like some? Y-You know Senpai...I wouldn't mind cooking for you...every day...

Accent - normal, peppy american accent.
Nobody in the sports club EVER turns down a challenge! Come on! Let's get started right away!

Accent: Kind, carefree accent.
Would you like to join the photography club? Show me your pictures then. I only let in those with great talent.

Ahh...! It''s you!
No, that would be must be...her daughter...
I'll tolerate you in my school, but not in my office.
Leave at once.
There is nothing for you to achieve here. Just. Get. are you doing?
Are you trying to re-enact something you saw in a video game?
Ugh, do you really think such a stupid ploy is going to work?
I know who you are. It's obvious. You're not fooling anyone.
I don't have time for this tomfoolery. Leave at once!

Voice - american accent
This is...! Thank you for bringing this to my attention. This kind of conduct will definitely harm the school's reputation. I'll have to have a word with her later today.
Your "after-school activities" are completely unacceptable. You should not be conducting yourself in such a manner. This kind of behavior could cause a scandal! You could run the school's reputation into the ground!
That's it! I've given you enough second chances. You have repeatedly broken school rules and ignored every warning that I have given you. You have left me with no choice but to permanently expel you!

Accent - American
What are you doing...? That's not a very nice prank. Next time think before stealing something

Voice - try to vary the voices between the 8 teachers
What are you doing? Stop that right now! I'm calling the cops!

Accent - Happy, kind american accent
It's good to find someone else who shares my appreciation for felines. Best of luck to you!