Linked Universe (multiple comic dubs)
Project Overview
Welcome! This is a small project that I've been wanting to do for a while on my channel, and now i'm confidant enough that it will work out! Let me get this straight: this is not an official dub of the whole LU series. This is a dub of a bunch of smaller doodles jojo made before the series had a main plot, much like the one you see in the example video above. This could turn into a whole dub, but that is still an early plan. not 100% going to happen though. Good luck to all of you who audition! (if you are wondering how this is going to work-- once you are casted you will be invited to my discord server where everything else will be explained and discussed, so please leave your discord in your audition. also by the way i will be voicing four, thats why hes not in the audition list)
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I'm pretty sure you can tell by just looking at him. he's the leader of the chain, so i expect a powerful sounding voice. But remember: this is still link. He still needs to sound youthful and, well, like link. i'm thinking close to the voice of Leo from fire emblem fates. maybe a bit deeper but the same tone as that. Here is a reference video:
"No, this isn't the worst scar I've got." Somewhat stern
"Everything okay with that one?" don't show too much emotion, but just enough to let the other know you are worried
"I couldn't say. Either way it's not our secret to tell, if he wants to keep up the facade that's up to him" Sound powerful.

Twilight is the sensitive strong type, so i'd imagine he'd have a soothing older brother voice--whatever that sounds like lol
"A Princess as beautiful as the setting sun... shattered my heart like a mirror into a million pieces." Sound dramatic and ironic.
"I don't know what his problem is, but you shouldn't let him push you around like that." Sound slightly annoyed but giving brotherly advice
(sigh) "I don't know... but he'll be fine for now." sound concerned and tired.

Well just as you'd expect from captain. Prideful and arrogant. capture exactly that in the voice. though he can show thoughtfulness when necessary. he's not completely heartless; keep that in mind.
"This was a gift from the knight of Volga. Though he was a Dragon that took the form of a man, he could still breath the fires of Death Mountian." sound proud and boastful
"if that's the case then I definitely got you ALL beat! BOY, the ladies I've met..."
"Well, well, well... I would have never guessed... so, just how tall is she?" teasing

Just a youthful link. doesn't need much explanation. I don't mind females voicing this either since he is still pretty young in this universe.
"No wolf! don't eat him! this is not a mouse!" somewhat scared and protective.
"When do we meet her?!? when!!?" excited and impatient.
"Wow! what's your secret? I want muscles!" a lotta energy

Wild can be calm and probably the most quiet out of the group other than twilight, but he does have his chaotic moments and humor. keep that in mind when auditioning.
"Alright, alright--fine..."
"really? is that how you all think of me?" disappointed
"it's a secret to everybody. I've told him to just be upfront about it..." somewhat irritated.

Probably one of my favorites personality wise. He can be seen as a jerk at first, but he's got a lot to him on the inside. a big softy with a dark secret that molded his hard exterior. He's still young, so he has a youthful sort of bratty voice.
"Don't you even dare hunt or hurt any seagulls." stern and a bit angry
"Nobody. touch. anything." (typical hoarder response)
"Everyone, this is ravio, a friend of mine. And no, no one wants overprices items..." irritated

Hyrule kind of thinks pretty lowly of himself and doesn't see himself as a hero compared to the others. He has low confidence, but he manages with the rest of the boys. I imagine he'd have a quiet voice.
"I have a healing spell I can use." (suggesting an idea)
"Do you always keep live animals here?" somewhat sarcastic
"not even a power bracelet?" intrigued

hes the softest of them all. really open about his feelings, with a huge respect toward the goddess and all that she's created, especially the master sword. i'd imagine a soft handsome voice for him.
"I miss her... how can you stay that long far away from your wife?!" frustrated.
"respect the blade." stern
"Oops! do you need this many shovels?" clumsy, confused
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