LEGO Young Justice: The Series

Project Overview

Link to the pilot episode above!

The year is 2015, and after defeating Lex Luthor, Young Justice is ready to go for their next mission! However, they don't know how to work as a team yet. While the Justice League follow leads on the mysterious Superman clone called Bizarro, Young Justice is forced to take a back seat and train... until they receive a call from Victor Stone, saying that the League is in danger from the biggest threat they have ever faced. Join Robin, Kid Flash, Aqualad, Superboy, Miss Martian, and their Leaguer-in-training guardian Shazam, as they venture out against their orders to meet this mysterious Victor Stone and save the League from their demise!

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Martian Manhunter
Role assigned to: Cadaver

(If you want a source of origin, look at Martian Manhunter on Wikipedia)

Martian Manhunter is the Last Son of Mars, protector of the Watchtower, and the voice of reason in the Justice League. He is wise, thoughtful, kind, and fierce when he needs to be. He loves his niece M'Gann (Miss Martian) and will stop at nothing to protect her.

  • english
Voice description:
  • fandub
  • animation
  • animation/character
  • male adult
  • film
  • Justice League
  • Young Justice
  • stop motion
  • male senior
  • DC Comics
  • superheroes
  • Lego
  • At ease, everyone. We have important matters to discuss.

  • We should get a move on. By the looks of the damage reports, Bizarro is getting impatient.


Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Victor Stone/Cyborg
Role assigned to: ashante bacon

(If you want a source of origin, look at Cyborg on Wikipedia)

Victor Stone is a highschool football star and is son to Silas Stone, head scientist at STAR Labs. An accident at his father's lab caused him to nearly lose his life. His father, however, managed to merge a prototype piece of armor to Victor in order to save his life. Ever since, he has been the Cyborg. He is intelligent, strong, naive, and is very new to the life of being a hero. He seeks guidance and help from Young Justice, as he is their age and cannot fight the upcoming dangers alone.

Voice description:
  • male teen
  • male young adult
  • animation/character
  • animation
  • fandub
  • My name is Victor Stone. The Justice League is in serious danger, and you're the only ones that can help them.

  • All I needed you to do was show up to one of my games, but you never bothered!

  • Dad? ... DAD?!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Silas Stone
Role assigned to: Eric Vaughn

Silas Stone is the head of STAR Labs and the father to Victor Stone. He is very invested in his work and determined that his son be the best version of himself, even if that means being too hard on him sometimes. He is disciplined, stern, and caring when he realizes that his own work could kill his only child.

  • english
Voice description:
  • Superhero
  • comic book
  • DC Superheroes
  • male adult
  • male senior
  • animation/character
  • animation
  • film
  • fandub
  • Young Justice
  • Open your eyes Victor! Our world is ruled by meta humans now. A football career in this day in age is... is a joke.


  • Don't worry, son. I'm gonna fix you.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Thomas Morrow
cast offsite

Thomas is Silas' partner at STAR Labs. When he and his intern, Sarah discover alien technology in the remains of a Lexcorp facility, their curiosity is peaked! However, Thomas has no idea the dangers that await him and his team. He is funny, kind, intelligent, and loyal. When the facility is under attack, he aids Silas with Victor as best as he can.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • male young adult
  • Superhero
  • animation/character
  • fandub
  • Comicbooks
  • DC Comics
  • Justice League
  • Lego
  • stop motion
  • Young Justice
  • LEGO Justice League
  • For Lexcorp, yeah. For us? It could be the ticket STAR Labs needs to continue our research!

  • We've yet to identify the material. The only thing we know is it appears to be broadcasting some kind of signal.

  • The energy from the explosion is eating him from the inside. Silas, there's no hope for him.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Sarah Charles
Role assigned to: Rayanne Benavente

Sarah is an intern working with Thomas Morrow at STAR Labs. They have stumbled upon a mysterious glowing box at Lexcorp, and now she is along for whatever it brings them! She is young, smart, committed, and brave. When the world falls apart around her, she is scared but is determined to stick to her research.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • fandub
  • animation
  • female young adult
  • Young Justice
  • comic book
  • Justice League
  • animation/character
  • stop motion
  • Superhero
  • DC Comics
  • Lego
  • Were they experimenting on... people?

  • Sir I'm an intern! I'm not even authorized to be in here!

  • He's going into cardiac arrest!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Uxas killed his brother Drax and poisoned his mother Queen Heggra for the throne of Apokolips. Ever since, he has been known as King Darkseid. Obsessed with the concept of Anti-Life (removal of free will), he has been traveling the cosmos, looking for the answer to the equation. Finally, he believes he has found it on Earth. And with the Justice League in his prison, there is no one left to stop him. He is ruthless, brilliant, and cruel. He has destroyed entire planets to get what he wants, and he is too close to turn his back on Earth.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male senior
  • Justice League
  • stop motion
  • animation/character
  • fandub
  • Young Justice
  • DC Comics
  • Lego
  • animation
  • male adult
  • Darkseid
  • Superhero
  • Anti-Life is more than power! Imagine what it could do for the world. Imagine a universe... at peace.

  • You have fought valiantly for your race, but it is no use. Mankind will collapse into my hands, and the Equation will finally be mine.


Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Queen Heggra

Queen Heggra is the Queen of Apokolips and the mother of Drax and Uxas. She is extremely disappointed in her son Uxas for killing her heir Drax, and must be rid of him for the sake of her planet. She is cold, powerful, and unwavering.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female senior
  • Young Justice
  • Lego
  • female adult
  • Darkseid
  • Justice League
  • stop motion
  • comic book
  • DC Comics
  • Superhero
  • animation/character
  • fandub
  • After all you have done, you have no right calling me mother.

  • Drax was your brother! Rightful king to the throne, and you murdered him! All because of your lust for power.

  • A universe without free will is not one that is at peace. You are a disgrace!


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