Lego Dc Projects

Project Overview

Disclaimer: If you get casted, it may take a few months or more for you to get your lines because the part you audition for does not become part of the story until later. This may not always be the case. The video above is one video from this Dc Universe

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  • New Voice Roles

    Wonder Woman, Green Arrow, Deathstroke, and Huntress, has been added
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    Dr.Alchemy is now a part of the cast that you can audition for.
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Commander Cold
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Commander Cold is from the 25th century and part of the meta human task force. He is a strict, lawful guy, but has a soft spot deep down. 

  • What you do everyday is what each member of my Renegade hope to accomplish every time we go into the field. We respect you

  •  I hope you make it home safely, just hop on the Cosmic Treadmill and start running

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Green Arrow(Oliver Queen)
cast offsite

Oliver Queen has a very dynamic personality. His passion and intensity make him strong, although he has always had difficulty finding direction in life. Born into wealth, he didn't need to work for most of what he had and was raised with very little responsibility. He takes his vigilante job seriously, but can easily be distracted by the glamor of being Oliver Queen. He will do anything for ones he loves, even if it hurts them. 

  • My name is Queen, Oliver Queen. I’m surprised you haven’t heard of me.

  •  Malcom Merlyn is still in prison so he can’t be here. It would make sense if he was. Malcom has the money to buy those missiles, but it’s not him. I know the culprit is in this building.

  • Count Vertigo, you have failed this city!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
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Helena is a vigilante named Huntress who will beat up anyone who gets in her way. After losing most of the family by crime families, she vows to take on crime. Helena is a socially distant person, who likes to keep to herself instead of interacting. She usually thinks with her crossbow first, and mind next, but that doesn't mean she is not a great strategist.

  • Adam killed my father last night during a special meeting.

  • Why am I not surprised you are staying here with her.

  • It must be weird getting relationship advice from me, but from what I know, love takes sacrifice.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: kifinosi

Slade Wilson is a mercenary who goes by the name Deathstroke. His kid died while fighting a team of superheroes called the Teen Titans, so he blames them forever. Slade is cold and calculating and does not care for anyone, but his family. As long as he gets paid at the end of the day, he will do almost anything for you. 


  • You call yourself a sidekick, your mentors would be ashamed.

  • How much is this job?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Wonder Woman
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Diana Prince is the superhero called Wonder Woman. She is always compassionate, caring, stubborn, opinionated, highly competitive, outgoing, and an immortal Amazon. Wonder Woman is a warrior born. She tries to avoid conflict but if pressed she will engage in battle and on occasion lose herself in the pleasure of battle.

  • You can call me Diana.

  • Maxwell Lord is planning an attack on the army, we have to stop it.

  • You have to believe in the good of humanity. 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Vandal Savage
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He may have a small role at first but by the end of it all, he will shine. He is known by many names in history Genghis Khan,  Alexander The Great, and Julius Caesar. His goal is to make the earth better and he thinks he the only ruler who can save it. Vandal is immortal and mastered every martial art.

  • Pardon me, but I have to kill you

  • Did you do it Luthor, did you assemble my Legion

  • May the start of the enlightenment, begin!!!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
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Brainiac has one goal, to collect the knowledge of the universe and he will take out any threats in his way

  • I am sorry Jor-El, I can not do that

  • Don’t do this Jor-El, don’t unplug me

  • Trust me May-Le, you will be fine

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
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Jor-El is a serious, curious man who works for government of Krypton

  • It is my honor sir, and I see you brought the head of the army

  • That was all the memories I had of Brainiac, and one of the last ones I would have of Zod. 

  •  Brainiac, open up the pod bay doors

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
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Zod is manipulative, intelligent man who do everything for his thrust for power.

  • When you both are done, we will be able to make so many things, like weapons, we may even be able to finish off those Daxamites

  •  If you are gonna take me, take my companions too, Ursa and Non

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
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Incredible intelligent and resourceful, Mister Miracle is most impressively known as the world's greatest escape artist, with the ability to escape from literally anything—even death.

  • This veggie tray is great

  • Nice pick pocketing trick, where did you learn it from, Houndidi

  • Oww, Barda is going to kill me for this

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paul Gambi
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Paul Gambi is a tailor in Central City who associates himself with the Rogues. He is a normal brother and and nephew except when he is helping criminals.

  • Dinner is in five. 

  • Can you keep the noise down, I am selling suits

  • My nephew is going to be staying with us for a while.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Ajax027

Starts out as a hopeful chemistry teacher but over time is corrupted by the philosopher stone, making him see the world differently.

  •  I find what matters most right now, and ever since I got back I realized that people need a little aspiration.

  • Hey Adrian, how does it feel to be a married man

  •  I have hope

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Commissioner Gordon
Role assigned to: Will Rice

Steadfast, dedicated, moral, and practical. In a city full of big personalities, Gordon is an everyman. He wants to do good work during the day and spend time with his family at night. But things aren't always so simple.

  •  Hold it right there Batman. I don’t want to do this, but I have to

  • Who might you be

  • The station needs me, I have to be at the Christmas festival at 6 anyway

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Espsiongold2

Alfred serves as the loyal butler of Bruce Wayne / Batman. Pennyworth is depicted as Bruce Wayne's loyal and tireless butler, housekeeper, legal guardian, best friend, aide-de-camp, and surrogate father figure following the murders of Thomas and Martha Wayne.

  • Sir, there is a message coming in for you.

  • Hello master Bruce, dinner is in the other room.

  • You brought home another kid?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: JasonNeverland

Bane is highly intelligent; in Bane of the Demon, Ra's al Ghul says that Bane "has a mind equal to the greatest he has known" (although he dismisses Bane's abilities as the cunning of an animal rather than the cultured, trained intellect of Batman). His strength gives him more ways to go against Batman.

  • Do I have to break your back again!!

  • Batman, good to see you again.

  • I am going smash you to the ground.


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