Lego Batman: Nightwing Emerges

Project Overview
Lego Batman: Nightwing Emerges
Lego Batman: Nightwing Emerges, is a DC and Lego Batman-inspired brickfilm, that follows the events of a much older Nightwing. Tailing The mercenary Slade, Nightwing is committed to preventing his wrath of revenge against the hero. Barbra Gordon, now captain of the GCPD, saves Nightwing's life while caught on the trail of Slade as well. In a joint effort, they seek out an old department friend, Montoya, for further intel on Slade's movements. Nightwing and Barbra uncover information that put a target on both of their backs. Will Nightwing be able to save Barbra or will Deathstroke finally enact his revenge?
I know this is not a paid project, but I appreciate any and all effort put into voice acting auditions for each role. Each role is essential to fleshing out the film. There are a few guidelines you will have to follow when auditioning and if you are cast in a role later down the line.
Audition Guidelines:
1. It would really help to view the sources I linked in the audition. This will really help you get a sense of the characters and their distinctive voices.
2. Try to use an effective microphone. Personally, I use either a rod pod mic or blue Yeti. However, most microphones should be fine.
3. If accepted to the role, You must be able to record and take revisions in a timely manner.
If you are eventually cast into one of the voice-acting roles:
1. You will have access to the Lego Batman: Nightwing Emerges Casting Call Club chat.
2. Either by email or CastingCallClub Chat, I will send you a script soonly after you have been cast in the part.
3. In a timely manner, schedule TBD, complete all necessary lines and effects with given revisions
If you are eventually cast as the musician:
1. All steps for voice actors apply
2. Scheduling will look slightly different.
3. I will send you a completed audio file with voices and sound effects. This way you will get a sense of what you will be scoring.
Final Note:
Thank you again for taking the time to audition for one or several of the roles in this short brickfilm. Have fun and enjoy your time at the mic! I can't wait to see all of your auditions.
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Nightwing is a lone vigilante and former Robin. Nightwing left Gotham because he was frustrated living constantly under Batman's shadow. Nightwing has now returned to Gotham City to try to prevent his nemesis Slade from exacting his revenge.
For the audition, stick closer to the source material of former Nightwing voices. A video of most of the Nightwing voices is linked below. Nightwing has to come off as both serious about Slade's return, but also funny when sparing with Barbra Gordon over their past relationships.
Nightwing (Voice Actor Portrayals) -
- english
- male adult
Just another day at the office.
Pretty soon Slade will be coming for me, and then for you, Barbra, and there is nothing I can do to stop that.
I should have never left Gotham.

Barbra Gordon is now an older middle-aged adult, abandoning her career alongside Batman as Batgirl.
There is a reference video for Barbra Gordon and Batgirl vice actor performances linked below. Now, that Barbra is older, I'm looking for a more aged voice, closer to the Batman Beyond version.
Barbra Gordon/ Batgirl (Voice Comparison) -
- english
- male adult
Something like that. You know how it is, Montoya.
He’s been turned into quite the cop killer these days. I set up a few safehouses along the waterfront. We keep it mobile, harder to get picked off that way.
That was a lifetime ago. We were just kids then, college. We all had to make our choices.

Officer Montoya is a retired officer of the GCPD. She is now a local bartender and mentor figure towards Barbra Gordon, no that Barbra Gordon is Captain of The GCPD.
I have no particular voice in mind for Montoya. Just do what you feel is true and faithful to the character. A video of most of Montoya's voice actors is linked below.
Officer Montoya (all Portrayls)
- english
- female adult
Well, if it isn't Captain Barbra Gordon. Still keeping you from the big chair.
I know that look. It’s Sam again, isn’t it. Is he still trying to make District Attorney.
Let me get something from the back, this stuff is perfect for mending old wounds.

Slade is a biiter antagonist to Nightwing. Slade after many years of loosing to Nightwing wants to get his chance to exact revenge on Nightwing.
Slade is the first voice we hear in the film. To make him more of an antagonizing villain, I am looking towards the Slade used in Teen Titans as the closest performance to what I'm looking for. IA video of all Slade Wilson voice-acting portrayals is linked below for reference.
Deathstroke/Slade Wison (Voice comparison) -
- english
- male adult
I will take what is mine.
You will have to make a choice. It’s only a matter of time, Nightwing.
I told you would have to make a choice. Now you will pay the ultimate price.

For this role, I'm looking for someone that can score the entire 10-20 minute long short brickfilm. I'm looking for something similar to other Batman media such as Batman The Animated Series that makes you feel you're inhabiting the world of Gotham.
For the Audition process, craft a make a 30 sec- 1 min long track of how you would imagine A theme for Nightwing's Character.
*Say something you think would fit*
Public Submissions