Large Volume Children's videos
Project Overview
$8 pfm ($480pfh) | ~15,000min per year |
Looking for 1M1F with flexible acting ranges capable of doing all types of characters from kids to elderly for children's books.
This is a long term project. The client use to use an actual little girl but her voice has been changing and unstable as of recent. Client is interested in hearing some adult actor options as a replacement.
This is a LONG term working relationship where you will receive stories to read in batches.
Format: DiscordName_YY.mp3
Audition script:
Girl: It’s bed time soon. I should brush my teeth. Let’s do it together! Ready? Brush brush brush, brush brush brush. Look at all the foamy bubbles…*giggle*
Boy: I love going to the zoo. Look, a giraffe! It has a looong neck so it can eat the leaves high up in the trees. Oooo, over there is an elephant! It can make a big sound by blowing its nose. *paooonn~* (mimicking elephant trumpet sound)…hahaha~
Mother: Hi Momo, what do you have there in your hands? Are those buttons? It looks like you have..TWO..buttons in your hands.
Father: Let’s have some snacks. We have lots of fruits to choose from today. Would you like…an apple? ..An orange?.. or some blueberries? Blueberries! Great choice.
Dinosaur (Creative voice choices welcome): Well hello Momo. Would you like to go exploring with me? Here, hop on my head. Wonderful! Now hang on..and off we go!
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Full details of homework is on Closing Credits
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