Kirby & Starfy: Justice for the Stars - Fanfic Reading

Kirby & Starfy: Justice for the Stars - Fanfic Reading

Project Overview

This is for a crossover fanfic of the Kirby series, and the lesser known Starfy series, as both worlds come under fire by a villain that wants the power of Kirby, Starfy, and Prince Bunston (from the Starfy series) to rule both worlds. This will also take small and/or major parts & ideas from OTHER games/series, like Smash Brawl's Subspace Emissary and tow characters from the Mario series.


1. Mic quality must be decent with little to no background noise. I have to hear you well.

2. Please speak clearly if possible; the best you can.

3. If you plan on being inactive, let me know. If you don't plan on telling me, please don't audition.

And also, this will involve my own AU (alternate universe) of Kirby, which you can read up on here.
A full look at my Kirby AU/Headcanon by BrandonMGreen76 on DeviantArt

And here's the start of the fanfic to read up on:
Kirby and Starfy Justice for the Stars REBOOT - 0 by BrandonMGreen76 on DeviantArt

As of right now, there will only be a handful of roles to do, and I'll be adding more if this does well.

If you would like to contact me further, my Discord is bg#2457.

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor

The loveable pink puffball, Kirby. He's friendly and determined, but not afraid to get smart-mouthed with any unsavory company. Any genders welcome to voice him, but would obviously prefer a voice that's similar to his canon one.

  • Susie, I love you and all, but the blindfold is really throwing me off.... and, making me nervous; that's also something to mention.

  • Okay, that's good... now, can you give us your name? That has to be something you managed to not forget.

  • (defeated) I don't know where to look since I have no idea where I am right now.... I don't even know if I'm ever gonna find them at all...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

The ever jovial and super friendly prince of the Kingdom of Pufftop, who's a bit more clumsy than one would expect from a hero. He acts somewhat childish and naive, but can get very serious whenever the situation calls for it. Here's his voice clips for reference, if you want to try it or do something similar to it.
(1) The Legendary Starfy Voice Rips - YouTube

  • (happy) Oh! Maybe we should introduce ourselves! My name's Starfy, and this is best friend, Moe!

  • But, Moe! He really needs help! He needs to save his friends, but he's got no idea of where he is right now! We're the only ones who can help him out!

  • (angry) No... we won't let you do this!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

The well know secretary from Kirby Planet Robobot, and (in my Kirby AU) Kirby's girlfriend. One of Kirby's allies that gets sucked up into a portal into Starfy's world.

If at all possible, use clips from Planet Robobot to create a voice for her. I don't have a reference or a canon voice in mind, but I don't mind whatever anybody can come up with.

  • (giggles) I said where I was taking you was a surprise for your birthday, didn't I? I would think the blindfold is mandatory.

  • I see, I see... so, I suppose we're on another adventure, then?

  • He's too fast! How are we supposed to hit him?!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Jack Ross

Moe is a clam and is Starfy's best friend. He is sometimes depicted as being rude, but has good intentions at heart. He lives in Pufftop Palace with Starfy and Starly, and shares the palace with them. He sometimes speaks with slang words and phrases, like "yowza", and "I'm Just Ribbin' Ya, Starf!"

Maybe go for something New Yorker-like.

  • Hey, Starf!! What's with all the racket?! Who was that in the spaceman getup?!

  • That kid jumped off here into the ocean!

  • H-Huh?! Starf, we already have our hands full with that space cadet snatched up by Big Squiddy! Ya can't just add more to the pile like that!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

The amnesiac bunny on a quest to restore his lost memories, through finding scattered crystal shards.

Basically, go for a young, slightly high-pitched British boy voice here.

  • P-Pufftop...? How did I get there...?

  • Y-You're right... I don't remember where I came from, but that crystal helped me remember my name.... it's.... Bunston.

  • We made through all that seaweed and those bad guys, no problem! It was simple as carrot cake!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Just the simple narrator of this epic and fun story.

  • (ominous voice) A purple nail-polished hand opened up an eye-like necklace, and the jewel inside started to glow a bit, showing faint shapes resembling a a yellow star, a pink round thing, and a blue bunny....

  • Across a brightly lit, but distant corner of space.... there was a prosperous planet, known as Bunnera. The people of this planet were known as Bunnerans, and they had a special, yet mysterious power; they could shapeshift. From butterflies, to elephants, to even dragons!

  • This would be Kirby and Susie, respectively. The two had been going out for the longest time now, and today just so happened to be Kirby's birthday. And the ex-secretary had been planning something with the rest of their friends for him.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Starfy's boisterous and tomboy-ish little sister. She is usually seen as cheeky, yet rude, impulsive, and someone who pushes Starfy and Moe to meet their limits when doing something. Despite this, however, she is shown to be more responsible than her older brother, and generally learns to care deeply about her friends and family.

  • Anyway, I'm Starfy's sister. Hi, everyone! Some people ask me if it's tough being Starfy's sis. And I tell them that the toughest part is fighting all the bad guys while Starfy takes naps!

  • Startled?? I should be the startled one! Do you know how much of mess Pufftop's in right now?! What the heck have you been up to??? Tell the truth or I'm telling on you!

  • (nervous) Well... uh... I, may have made a bit of an oopsie.... just a tiny thing...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

This, as you might have guessed, is the revived god of Dark Matter, Void Termina. You can look to the DeviantArt link leading to info on my Kirby AU for more information on him, but basically, he acts like an oblivious child, but CAN get mad/serious, and let his "evil" out...

Try to go for something Tara Strong-esque.

  • (sigh) Yeah, I'm fine, but could you have at least let me have fun for a bit longer there?

  • Hey, you leave my friends alone, you big meanies!

  • (creepy) I wouldn't have done that if I were you....

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Hoshasei Taiyo

The fearsome, sadistic, and dominative giantess who feeds off of fear, and the powers of the people of a planet known as Bunnera. She leads her armies with an iron fist, with plans to conquer the multiverse as a whole. She is the main antagonist of our story.

  • So.... still trying to fight back, are we? (giggles; then into seductive tone) I like that~....

  • Girls, I want you get the trio and find the prince. Bring him to us for some proper.... 'diplomacy'.... (evil laughter)

  • (excited) Oh, ten stars to you! How wonderful is it that you can recognize my excellence even with your alleged amnesia!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Originally the main antagonist of The Legendary Starfy, this muscle-headed pirate takes a slight-backseat as the first of Hoshasei's second-in-commands. He is cruel, yet short-tempered, and doesn't seem to think a lot at times.

Go for something Bowser-like for him.

  • Listen up, you clowns!! Power is strength. Strength is EVERYTHING!!

  • (evil laugh) I knew it!! These Bunnerans... they're stuffed with it... delicious power!!

  • Ha!! You face an invincible power! There's nothing you can do!!


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