Killer Taco - A GTA V Action Film

Killer Taco - A GTA V Action Film

Project Overview



WHAT THE FILM IS ABOUT: A man in a taco mask is hired by the FBI to assassinate Los Angeles' most wanted. After he kills a made man in the Korean mafia, he is forced into hiding on an island.. until a notorious heist crew becomes responsible for setting off a dirty bomb in the city of L.A. Having no choice, our hero is forced to return to the city, even if he is considered a marked man of the Korean mob, to find the culprits of this attack and bring them to justice, dead or alive.

This project may sound weird and goofy but I promise we will all have fun! Contact me on Discord at Evan the Great#0992 for any further questions! Look forward to working with you!

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Louis Turner
cast offsite

Friendly, semi-serious, hotheaded at times

  • english
Voice description:
  • english
  • [Sound like you're trying to convince someone] "Come on, Paco, live a little! You don't have to spend your whole life working under the government's wing."

  • [Sound excited and happy] "I got you a new ride! Really only because.. well.. I thought your old one looked like shit."

  • [Sound a bit angry and annoyed] I am just trying to keep us out of danger! You and my sister!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Korean Mob Boss
cast offsite

Angry, evil

  • english
Voice description:
  • male senior
  • korean
  • Do you have any idea who you’re screwing with?!

  • Who the hell do you think you are? Do you know who I am? The people I’m connected to? You kill me, and the rest of my crew will be after you, and they will hunt you to the ends of the earth, and the end of time. No matter where you go, where you hide, we will smoke you out of wherever you are! We will find you! You are just the government's pet. They will throw you away and lock you up, you will see! Your days are numbered!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Unnamed Antagonist
cast offsite

Very evil, hotheaded, gets angry real easy

  • english
Voice description:
  • russian
  • "For years I tried to play the good guy.. now it's my turn to show people the side of truth."

  • "You are not capable of what I am, Mr. Paco. Which is why, today, you will die."

  • "You better have a clear conscience, because you're about to meet God." 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Juan Menendez
Role assigned to: ManicFX

Very friendly, caring, loyal

  • english
  • "If that really was the case, it would’ve happened already. Remember, I know the guy who owns this place. Just don’t say anything about cocaine or a rich man’s files to anyone. They might get angry, and then you’ll be right. Heheh."

  • [Speaking to Guard] "Baja tu arma, muchacho. Soy Juan Menéndez. Sabes exactamente quién soy."

  • [Shouting in the distance] "Good luck my friend! Safe travels, and send me some deep dish pizza while you're there! Haha, goodbye, Paco!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
FBI Agent
cast offsite

Just an FBI agent for a single scene.

  • english
  • You did it, Paco. Great work. Your service to us is much appreciated.

  • Actually.. Things aren’t going to work out quite that way. The person you killed was a made man in the Korean mafia.

  • Your payment is on hold. For now, you’ll need to go into witness protection for a bit until everything dies down. You’re currently a marked man in the city of L.A. Stay here any longer and you’ll be gunned down in your penthouse within a week.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Kane Robinson
cast offsite

African-American, twin brother of Terry Robinson. Loyal, a bit hotheaded but can contain his anger mostly. Comedic.

  • english
  • (Determined) You need help? You got help. Anything to put those sons a' bitches where they belong: six feet deep in the ground.

  • We'll go in and cause a distraction.. give you guys time to initiate an attack.. as long as y'all don't do some stupid shit and blow our cover.

  • No one fucks with a Robinson, that's why.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
General Serrano
Role assigned to: JamesL

Very important person working for the government, CIA in particular. Determined to protect his country. Similar to General Shepherd from COD: MW2.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male senior
  • "The threat against what is now our country is severe. You and whatever crew you have need to stop these men from terrorizing our people.. without civilian casualties."

  • "I couldn't give a damn about what orders Jackson gave you. He's a contractor, which means that saying his paygrade is lower than ours would be an understatement. He's not in charge here, I am."

  • "Viktor Polakoff is reported to be hiding in the midwest, somewhere in Southern Illinois. It's believed he's holding a meeting there, but be advised he will be heavily guarded. After the cyberattack on the FBI, he has the money and power to buy all of Afghanistan's armory, if he hasn't already."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
News Reporter
cast offsite

Just a casual news reporter.

  • english
  • "Terror in Los Angeles reigns once more as a group of five gunmen set off a bomb in the Downtown district of the city, ultimately killing tons of innocent civilians. Unfortunately, the identities of these men are not known and no arrests have been made. We have an interview from a witness going on right now, let’s get to that real quick."

  • "You’re listening to 102.7, KIIS FM, good afternoon, L.A! It is currently 3:17pm with a high chance of heavy rain later this evening. No information has been released on the recent terrorist attack on the city as of now, but it is believed by CIA field operative Bill Jackson that the people responsible for the attack are Russians."

  • "Mr. Jackson was not available for an interview but did state that the weapons that were used, including the bomb, were in fact property of Russia. Moving on from that, here is your traffic report."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Only one line. This role is an extra.

  • Ready to go when you are, sir.


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