Keeper of the Lost Cities Audiobook

Project Overview
Hello there, I'm Akariki and this casting call is for an audiobook that I am planning to make for the whole series of Keeper of the Lost Cities. The project will move at a comfortable pace and there will by no means be any hurry. The audiobook will be uploaded to Youtube.
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This role will have the most lines, but because of that, deadlines for lines will be somewhat loose.
A wave of cold rushed through her as the horrifying realization dawned. She was a hostage. A cloth across her lips stifled her cry for help, and a sedative’s sweet aroma stung her nose when she inhaled, making her head spin. Were they going to kill her?
The drug lulled her toward a dreamless oblivion, but she fought back—clinging to the one memory that could shine a tiny spot of light in the thick, inky haze. A pair of beautiful aquamarine eyes. Fitz’s eyes. Her first friend in her new life. Her first friend ever.

Main Ability: Telepath
Age: 12 - 14
You're insane - and I'm insane for trusting you.
You wouldn't mind being seen with the weird new girl with the weird brown eyes and the weird human past?Whoa. Hang on. What do you mean, 'one of us'?
(After being told that she's an elf) *Laughs in denial* Not human. Riiiiiight. /// So...What? You're saying I' alien?

Ability: Telepath
Age: 14 - 16
I just couldn't figure you out. You don't make sense. You're...different from what I expected.
I am starting to wonder if you're trying to beat Keefe's record for biggest interspeciesial episode - and if you are, I'm pretty sure you've won. The Great Gulon Incident was epic, but it didn't almost start a war.
All of the Lost Cities are real - but not how you'd picture them, I'm sure. Human stories rarely get anything right - think of all the ridiculous things you've heard about elves.

Ability: Empath
Age: 13 - 15
You may be the biggest news to hit the academy since the Great Gulon Incident three years ago - which, by the way, I had nothing to do with. But that's not a bad thing. Personally, I've always enjoyed being the center of attention.
"IT'S NAME IS MR. SNUGGLES?! That is...I can't even..." Keefe ran back to Fitz's room shouting, "ARE YOU MISSING YOUR SNUGGLE BUDDY?!"
It's the middle of session. Either you're lost, or you're ditching - and clearly you're not ditching.
This is going to be epic! I can't wait for tomorrow!

Ability: Technopath
Age: 11 - 13
Sorry. I just can't get over it. I mean, I've never seen a human, in real life. And you lived with them.
(Referring to an iPod) My mom's into human movies. She doesn't have many, but one of them had one of these things in it, and I've always wanted to see one. We don't have anything like them.

Ability: Vanisher
Age: 11 - 13
(Somewhat reluctantly) I was wondering if you wanted to come over after school today. (Sophie: Why?) I don't know. I thought it might be nice if we could...try to be friends. (Sophie: Did Fitz put you up to this?) No! Why would Fitz care if - *deep breath* He didn't put me up to this.
(To Sophie) I just...I'm tired of being left out. I know it's partially my fault, because I've been a jerk to you a few times. But I'll never do that again. And I have a special ability now. And I really want to help with whatever you and Keefe are working on.
If there is a specific role that you want to voice and is not listed here, or if you don't think your voice fits any of the roles listed so far but want to be a part of the project, you can audition here. Minor roles will be added later on.
Public Submissions