Jujutsu Unbound (FAN GAME)
![Jujutsu Unbound (FAN GAME)](https://d1m9vqlvl3fy94.cloudfront.net/project/attachment/248420/720335GDNJLXzWUAADZS2.jpg)
Project Overview
Hello Everyone! Looking for multiple bilingual voice actors. Single language is welcome, but bilingual is preferred.
So far, what's needed:
2 Young Male Voices for Player voice, needing two incredibly unique voices. Preferably one high and one low. Looking for both Japanese and English
1 Older Male Voice, someone who sounds wise and has a growly deep voice. Looking for Both Japanese and English
1 Female Voice, someone dynamic and energetic. Looking for both Japanese and English
Young Male Voice 1 (High-Pitched)
Japanese Line: 「さあ、新しい冒険が始まるよ!この未知の世界を一緒に探検しよう!」(Translation: "Come on, a new adventure begins! Let's explore this unknown world together!")
English Line: "Hey there! Ready for an epic journey? Let's discover the secrets of this mysterious land!"
Young Male Voice 2 (Low-Pitched)
Japanese Line: 「大丈夫、どんな困難も二人なら乗り越えられる。力を合わせて戦おう!」(Translation: "Don't worry, we can overcome any challenge together. Let's join forces and fight!")
English Line: "Stay calm. Together, we can tackle any obstacle. Let's face these challenges head-on!"
Older Male Voice (Wise, Growly Deep Voice)
Japanese Line: 「若者よ、真の勇気とは、恐れを知りながら前進することだ。その心を忘れるな。」(Translation: "Young one, true courage is to move forward even when you know fear. Never forget that.")
English Line: "Remember, true wisdom lies in facing your fears and moving forward. Hold that thought close to your heart."
Female Voice (Dynamic, Energetic)
Japanese Line: 「全速力で行くわよ!私たちには無限の可能性があるのよ!」(Translation: "Full speed ahead! We have endless possibilities ahead of us!")
English Line: "Let's hit the ground running! There's no limit to what we can achieve together!"
Good Luck!
Hope to hear you soon!
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Older Male Voice (Wise, Growly Deep Voice)
Japanese Line: 「若者よ、真の勇気とは、恐れを知りながら前進することだ。その心を忘れるな。」(Translation: "Young one, true courage is to move forward even when you know fear. Never forget that.")
English Line: "Remember, true wisdom lies in facing your fears and moving forward. Hold that thought close to your heart."
- japanese
- english
- male senior
- wise
- direct
- Overseeing
- bilingual
*Say something you think would fit*
Young Male Voice 1 (High-Pitched)
Japanese Line: 「さあ、新しい冒険が始まるよ!この未知の世界を一緒に探検しよう!」(Translation: "Come on, a new adventure begins! Let's explore this unknown world together!") -
English Line: "Hey there! Ready for an epic journey? Let's discover the secrets of this mysterious land!"
Young Male Voice 2 (Low-Pitched)
Japanese Line: 「大丈夫、どんな困難も二人なら乗り越えられる。力を合わせて戦おう!」(Translation: "Don't worry, we can overcome any challenge together. Let's join forces and fight!") -
English Line: "Stay calm. Together, we can tackle any obstacle. Let's face these challenges head-on!"
- japanese
- english
- male adult
- warm
- Resonant
- powerful
- bilingual
*Say something you think would fit*
Female Voice (Dynamic, Energetic)
Japanese Line: 「全速力で行くわよ!私たちには無限の可能性があるのよ!」(Translation: "Full speed ahead! We have endless possibilities ahead of us!")
English Line: "Let's hit the ground running! There's no limit to what we can achieve together!"
- english
- japanese
- female adult
- powerful
- confident
- dynamic
- bilingual
*Say something you think would fit*
Public Submissions
![David Sledge](https://d1m9vqlvl3fy94.cloudfront.net/user/attachment/309556/default_637071IMG_2313.jpeg?aspect=1:1&width=400)
![Darryl O'Neil](https://d1m9vqlvl3fy94.cloudfront.net/user/attachment/863912/default_68590016c099a6-a403-4550-ba28-09321f1e93d4.jpg?aspect=1:1&width=400)
![Philip Kraaijenhof](https://d1m9vqlvl3fy94.cloudfront.net/user/attachment/467615/default_68422378c20a1a-9f7b-43a4-a24c-b89fcff8973d.png?aspect=1:1&width=400)
![Mark Spurlock](https://d1m9vqlvl3fy94.cloudfront.net/user/attachment/884260/default_707781IMG_7981.jpeg?aspect=1:1&width=400)
![Max L](https://d1m9vqlvl3fy94.cloudfront.net/user/attachment/807767/default_683564IMG_20231019_145600.jpg?aspect=1:1&width=400)
![Landen Camp](https://d1m9vqlvl3fy94.cloudfront.net/user/attachment/896903/default_720708pfp.jpg?aspect=1:1&width=400)
![Chloe O](https://images.castingcall.club/image-821860-image.png?aspect=1:1&width=400)
![James Takahashi (JTVO)](https://d1m9vqlvl3fy94.cloudfront.net/user/attachment/206608/default_509635JTVOLogo.jpg?aspect=1:1&width=400)
![Tiffany Perdue](https://images.castingcall.club/image-939404-TiffanyPerdueHeadshotSquare.jpg?aspect=1:1&width=400)
![Chris "CovVikingVoice" Coleman](https://d1m9vqlvl3fy94.cloudfront.net/user/attachment/785247/default_75073520240305_183719.jpg?aspect=1:1&width=400)
![Adam Bullock VO](https://images.castingcall.club/image-812929-1000002124.jpg?aspect=1:1&width=400)
![Mr EMC](https://d1m9vqlvl3fy94.cloudfront.net/user/attachment/95233/default_image.png?aspect=1:1&width=400)
![Chris Morse](https://d1m9vqlvl3fy94.cloudfront.net/user/attachment/877740/default_701161NoOneExceptionalyoutube.png?aspect=1:1&width=400)
![Richard Hollingsworth](https://d1m9vqlvl3fy94.cloudfront.net/user/attachment/904007/default_7293646f49efec-b7ea-4f80-b4b1-ac54f4606659.jpg?aspect=1:1&width=400)
![Jackpot Hakari](https://d1m9vqlvl3fy94.cloudfront.net/user/attachment/897992/default_7269273CD96B8D-F832-4994-A6D9-48A6AF713664.jpeg?aspect=1:1&width=400)
![Jake Rare](https://d1m9vqlvl3fy94.cloudfront.net/user/attachment/220211/default_72309025981164-fe90-4d00-858a-e3a42ecb41f7.jpg?aspect=1:1&width=400)
![Jake Rare](https://d1m9vqlvl3fy94.cloudfront.net/user/attachment/220211/default_72309025981164-fe90-4d00-858a-e3a42ecb41f7.jpg?aspect=1:1&width=400)