Jolly and Friends

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The third incarnation of George the Tiger. Even though he is, he doesn't look much like the previous incarnations, because he is white and blue instead of orange, but he is coloured like that so that he can fit with the other mammalian Fantasies, and because he hailed from Withered Maxie, the prototype to all the mammalian Fantasies.
- N/A
- Male Animatronic
- any
If anything, I think your all being weird!
Does that sound weird to you?
Oh she’s just getting repairs done.

Fantasy Tweetie, created in the image of Withered Tweetie, is the second incarnation of Tweetie the Bird after Generation 2 Tweetie. Unlike her previous incarnation, she looks more akin to a Jolly incarnation rather than a real life bird, which is so that she can be as strong as a Jolly
- any
- Female Animatronic
- N/A
Jolly, you do this every single time!
What the actual hell is going on with this poster?
And then I was like: “Why can’t birds fly on their own?”

Fantasy Maxie, created in the image of Withered Maxie, is the very first incarnation of Maxie the White Tiger. Fantasy Maxie's colouration was the main reason as to why all the other mammalian-based Fantasies are white with brightly-coloured features instead of more natural animal colours
- Female Animatronic
- N/A
- any
Are you guys shroobing right now?
I don’t see any red jolly, all I see is a red fucking purse-
Hi there! I’m Maxie! What’s your name?

Antonette was an animatronic originally created by Eric “Liam” Smith, and owned by Fazbear Entertainment, and then later given ownership to Jolly Entertainment. It is unknown how he met the fantasy animatronics, but it’s assumed he met them whilst they were in the mock factory.
- Male Animatronic
- N/A
Guys keep it the fuck down, I’m trying to sleep.
Oh, there he is.
Other than that, I do not know.
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