JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Purple Haze Feedback Audiobook

Project Overview

Hey there, everyone! Over at Channel Weeaboss on YouTube, we're going to be releasing a fandubbed audiobook of the light novel "Purple Haze Feedback" from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. Thank you for checking out the official casting call page! Please note that this project has major spoilers for Part 5 of JoJo!

Anyone can audition, but here are the basics you'll need if you want to secure a part.

  • A good/professional quality USB microphone at the minimum.

  • Submit only the best takes (2 minimum please). Feel free to edit them as much as you like, just make sure it still sounds natural.

  • NO Italian dialects/accents.

  • You can audition for multiple parts, but only one person will be cast per role.

  • Don't just "read" the lines, please act with your voice! Be dramatic and have fun~!

  • Make sure your microphone levels don't peak, as some roles will involve yelling or screaming.

The deadline is July 3rd!!! If you are cast, please make sure to have Discord and an email address as a backup so I can contact you. Thank you, good luck and have fun! If you have any messages, please PM me.

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  • That's a Wrap!

    Thank you to everyone who auditioned! I'll be going through the process of casting now. Even if you didn't get cast, don't worry! I always have upcoming projects and you can always try again! :> To those who were cast, congratulations and I'll be reaching out to you soon! I had to cast some extra roles to the same people in some cases due to lack of auditions for some characters. Have a wonderful day and I hope to hear back from everyone soon!
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Pannacota Fugo
cast offsite

The main protagonist, Fugo is a young man searching for redemption after his act of cowardice. Now he has been sent to assassinate Passione's renegade Narcotics Division to atone for his sins.

  • I never betrayed Passione! Have I, Mista?

  • I know if you meant to kill me, you'd have done it by now.

  • Purple Haze!!!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Sheila E
Role assigned to: ironicsuperhero

One of Giorno Giovanna's top bodyguards, Sheila has been sent to assist Fugo in his mission. She is frank in nature and can be harsh at times, but only due to her strong moral code.

  • They say he was very good. Giorno trusted him completely. You were wasted on him.

  • Were you being polite because you know you can never match Mr. Murolo, and wished to show your respect? Or were you making a nominal show of politeness to someone who you have no real opinion of? Be clear!


Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Cannolo Murolo
Role assigned to: Jtastic

A former carefree enemy of Giorno's, Cannolo repented and became enraptured by Giorno's charisma and leadership. He now assists Fugo in tracking his targets. Despite this, Cannolo is deeply paranoid and a bit jumpy at times.

A  medium-to-deep raspy pitch would be preferred, but feel free to experiment.

  • Well, you look pretty weak. A green kid, all book-smarts, no street smarts. I thought you'd be a hardened killer! Oh well.

  • I never trusted anyone, good or bad. I never felt guilty for betraying them. I never distinguished between right and wrong. I never understood the difference between God and the Devil. But as long as I feel ashamed, I will never do anything to disappoint him. No matter who else spits on me.

  • Aaaaaaaagh, stop making stuff up! You didn't feed him any lies about me, did you?!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Massimo Volpe
cast offsite

The main antagonist, Volpe is the lead developer of Passione's Narcotics Division. While working for Diavolo, he sold drugs to addicts and children; making Italy into a den of crime and addiction. Now on the run, him and his team are being tracked by Pannacotta Fugo and his allies of Giorno's orders.

A medium/slightly deep pitch would be preferred, with a calm yet sinister tone.

  • Nobody gets the drop on us.

  • Even now, my Manic Depression has it impossible to control himself.

  • A treasure that grants humans eternity. Do you know what that means? It means your last hope has crumbled...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Vladimir Kocaqi
Role assigned to: LuciferAgenda

A silent, elderly and stern man, Vladimir is the former leader of Passione's Narcotics Division. He carries a deadly aura around him despite his frail appearance. Vladimir is gentle and wise, but will kill anyone he has to without hesitation or remorse.

A deep, raspy/gravelly voice would be preferred. Definitely try to sound old, but not too forced!

  • God damn it, Massimo. I told you not to enter fights unless you have to.

  • You're the heart of this team. We only exist for you.

  • Rainy Day Dream Away...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Vittorio Cataldi
Role assigned to: Benji Buckley

A cohort of Volpe, Vittorio is a psychotic masochist obsessed with pain. He often cackles to himself while slicing his body and is uneducated and rude. Despite this, he is extremely loyal to his teammates.

A high-to-medium pitch would be preferred, with the ability to scream and yell loudly. Really get crazy with him!

  • But the name Sale (pronounced saul-EY)... that's a very salty name!!! Get it?? Because it means salt!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!


  • When Vittorio Cataldi speaks to you, you'd best not ignore him!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Angelica Attanasio
Role assigned to: LadyStardust

A junkie and gleeful sadist, Angelica has a rather chipper, bubbly personality. She acts absent-minded and spacey, but can snap into an unstable rage once her teammates are attacked.

A high or medium pitch would be preferred, with the ability to switch between bubbly and cute to utterly psychotic and unstable.

  • *singing*

    La, lala, ley lo la, lalala~!

  • There! You look so much better like that. When you smile like're really cute. Very, very cute."

  • Nightbird Flying!!!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Giorno Giovanna
cast offsite

Giorno Giovanna has a strong sense of justice and morality. He enlists Fugo to redeem himself, knowing his former friend has what it takes.

  • Call me... JoJo.

  • Boss was Diavolo's title... we're trying to change things up here.

  • So then, you must have a lot of questions.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Bruno Bucciarati
cast offsite

A Passione capo, Bruno is stern at times but caring and kind to his men. His legacy affects everyone he met, and he plays an important role in Fugo's life.

  • My name is Bruno Bucciarati.

  • I see you're as quick as they say, and as bold.

  • If you've got no where else to go, how about you come help me with my work?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Guido Mista
Role assigned to: projectalpha22

Guido Mista is a superstitious gangster that serves as the underboss to Giorno. He initially seeks out his former comrade Fugo to enlist him in hunting down Volpe.

A  slightly-nasally voice would be preferred. Experiment though!

  • Okay. Come on out, Sheila E...

  • My Stand's suited for assassinations. I'm good at that stuff.

  • What did you say? If you got something to say, spit it out.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Leone Abbacchio
cast offsite

A cop turned gangster, Abbacchio is cold and hard to approach. However he has absolute trust in Bruno, and eventually warmed up to Giorno.

  • Our role is to do as Bucciarati tells us. Put our faith in him.

  • Don't speculate. It's a weakness of yours, Fugo.

  • Trust him... but not this new guy. Be on your guard.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Narancia Ghirga
cast offsite

Narancia is a chipper, hot-headed gangster that was Fugo's best friend. Despite not being as smart as most his age, he is among the most beloved members of Bruno's group.

A high pitched voice is preferred. Looking mainly for female voice talent for this one, but males can get this too if high-pitched enough.

  • Hot damn, that's so sweet!!

  • Let's take a picture!

  • Everyone line up in front of the boat!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mario Zucchero
cast offsite

A follower of Diavolo, Mario escaped with his life after his defeat by Giorno. Now he lives on the run, more reckless and violent than ever.

A nasally, medium pitched voice is preferred. Experiment with this one.

  • I'm the one doin' the talking here! I'm the one in control!

  • Stay back!!!

  • What the hell?!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: LuciferAgenda

Sale is a careful man, formerly a follower of Diavolo. He now lives in fear for his life.

  • If you got a problem with me, show it.

  • Show me your Stand...

  • Kraftwerk!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Antonio Volpe
cast offsite

The brother of Massimo Volpe. Antonio is connected to Massimo's past, and serves as his darkest secret. He has a dream of becoming a chef one day.

  • I've dumped all of this on your shoulders... forgive Father.

  • You have to bear the Volpe name, and the burdens that come with it.

  • Massimo... don't you... have a dream of your own?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Trish Una
Role assigned to: LadyStardust

The daughter of Diavolo. Despite starting off on rocky relations, Giorno and his group came to love her.

  • Hello everyone!

  • I couldn't have done this without my fans.

  • Through the help of my good friends, I was able to pull through.


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