Invisible Mom 2 - Movie synopsis read (Easy Project)
Project Overview
NO NEED TO RE-RECORD - If cast I will simply use your audition take, so give it your all.
I just need someone to read the synopsis below for the intro of my up coming episode of Cinema Trash. Go ahead and read it as you feel best fits the movie as many times as you wish and different styles to your little hearts content.
If cast you will be credited as shown in the episode imbedded above and links will be posted to your social media and CCC page in the description and show notes of that episode. Also, I'll be sure to leave a recommendation here on CCC for your efforts (upon completion of the project).
Thank you for your interest.
-Patrick A.
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Please read the following however you feel it should be read. *open to interpretation
A young orphan, heir to a vast fortune, is fostered into a somewhat bizarre family. When the child's cousins show up to get a bit of the youngster's fortune, his foster mom saves the day.
Public Submissions
![Summer Harris](