Infested (Original Sci-Fi Podcast)

Infested (Original Sci-Fi Podcast)

Project Overview

What is Infested?

Infested will be a Long-form Science Fiction series that is conjoined by a sister project, listed at the end, and Starborn, a sequel that voice actors from this wave will also be involved in. It will be produced by me, amidst a team of assistants who will be helping to produce it. It is a project that has been in development for several years but has now found its footing enough to begin the early stages of production. Infested has a complex plot containing heavy worldbuilding elements and many protagonists who will share spotlight to some degree but has two primary protagonists ultimately. You can find more about them below in their character profiles. 


Everyone on this team is relatively new and inexperienced, so we try to hold ourselves to the same standard that we hold any auditioning voice actors. You do not need to have a professional setup, however having a microphone that can record in good quality and having access to Discord is key to being able to partake in this project. A link to the public Discord server we have created can be found later in this description. 


Unfortunately, this project is pay-free for the foreseeable future. This is a passion project at the moment that we hope to gain traction on in the future, but it is not currently in our budget to provide payment as we are all young and aspiring creators. Of course, this is subject to change in the distant future if all goes well but is a consideration for the distant future. 

Role Significance: 

Some voice actors will have to fulfil greater expectations than others depending on the importance of the character that they voice. For example, being in a leading role for this project means that you will likely be interacting with myself and the other producers frequently, so it is good not to have an aversion to social interaction and becoming acquainted with us as a staff team and a community. 


Many of the characters in this show end up in relationships, so if you're not comfortable acting in (Mostly LGBTQ+) romances, then it's best not to audition for this show!


Please submit all three lines as one file, for our convenience! 

Here's the link to this project's sister Project, managed by Navis!

Here is the link to the discord server in which you can meet and talk to myself, other members of the production team, and community members if you just wish to be a part of the ride!

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite


Quark has a bright personality, accompanied by the fact that he is a highly intelligent alien known as a Tempori. He is fun, energetic, and easy to get along with. As well, he is slightly cocky, finding pride in his intellect, though not insufferably so. He is easy to joke with, his attitude playing well off of many other people's jokes. Some inspirations for Quark include The Tenth DoctorCrowley - Good Omens.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • english (london)
  • Oh, yes! My name's Quark! It's a pleasure to meet you, really.

  • Ah, would you look at that? The stars, they're gorgeous tonight!

  • I will travel until there is nothing left to see or until I die trying to see it all.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite


Codon is a stern man, well-disciplined and frankly, exhausted. He does everything that he can to maintain a sense of order and is an extremely goal-oriented person, though this has not been without much difficulty and frustration. He is extremely determined and will do almost anything it takes to get what he's looking for. A character that inspired Codon is Doomguy - DOOM. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • english (american)
  • male adult
  • General Codon, at your service. What is it you need?

  • Uh ... Just a minute. I'm making some coffee. I'll be with you shortly.

  • I am more than willing to risk my life if it means I finally have a chance of succeeding.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Carmen Pointes
cast offsite

Secondary Protagonist, Main Character.

Carmen is a member of the Sedulous, specializing primarily in diplomacy and the like. He tends to come off as more of a laid-back type, who doesn’t really think before he acts, and seems to prioritize others above himself. Carmen’s a quite approachable person, who definitely doesn’t mind sitting down for a drink and a chat— And if you were to check on him in his free time, he’d probably be found dancing to some sort of rock music or playing video games of some sort. Carmen is inspired by Graham Calloway - Carmen Sandiego

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • australian
  • Hey, my name’s Carmen. Let me know if you need anything, I try to be at least a little approachable, yeah?

  • Hm? Oh, I can do that! I’ve got it covered, don’t worry about it.

  • I’m not just what they want me to be, and I’ll prove it. I know I can show them my worth.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
E. L. Amber
cast offsite

Secondary Protagonist, Main Character. 

E. L. Amber is an extremely skilled mechanic, and that is the role he fills on the ship. He is a naive, albeit gentle person, filled with much innocence and joy. He is also prone to misunderstanding things, and is sometimes deeply unaware of common things. Amber is inspired by Muriel - Good Omens

Note: A specific accent and voice hasn't been decided for him yet, so do this take as you please. Some suggestions include British English (London), American English. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • Hi! My name's Amber! It's - It's my last name, actually, but ... You get the point!

  • Did - Did you say the engine's smoking-? Ah, no, don't worry! I can fix it!

  • I just - I just wanted to ask some questions, that was all, I - I'm sorry.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Alina Pierce
cast offsite

Secondary Protagonist, Main Character. 

Alina Pierce is the captain of The Sedulous, the ship and crew that this story follows. Alina is a strong leader with an attitude built to withstand the pressures of her responsibilities, while also maintaining a fun and light-hearted energy as well, bringing just enough sass and playfulness to the table. She has a big heart and loves her crew, and she is very protective of them. Alina is inspired by Emma Fisher - Observation (2019)

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • american
  • Alina Pierce, Captain of the Sedulous. And you are ... ?

  • I don't think that's a very good idea - And you're doing it anyway. Fair enough.

  • What? I can't relax. I have a lot to do here, and if I'm just sitting around, well ... it would make me a Pretty useless Captain.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Elizabeth "Ellie" Kepling
cast offsite

Secondary Protagonist, Main Character. 

Ellie is very dedicated to the sciences, with an immense interest in them. She's on the shier side, and only opens up under particular circumstances. Despite this, she loves to talk about her interests and her research and will happily talk about her studies for hours on end if asked to do so. Despite her shy nature, she has the capability to grow harsh and cold when necessary, and she isn't afraid to do so. She is inspired by The Thirteenth Doctor - Doctor Who

  • english
Voice description:
  • american
  • female young adult
  • Oh, me? Yeah, my name's Ellie! Hi!

  • Look at this! it's a mold that I've been growing the last three days ... Isn't it just the cutest?

  • If you expected me to be easy to control, then you better start re-evaluating. You aren't the first person I've taken in a fight, and you definitely aren't the last.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Secondary Protagonist, Main Character.

V.E.L.A, also known as the Virtual Exoplanetary Laboratory Assistant, is an A.I. Robot designed to assist the Sedulous in their goal of researching Exoplanets. He was designed to have a certain level of sentience, so he has developed a personality unique to him and truly feels to a certain degree. He is very polite and enjoys helping the crew out. He is incredibly respectful and holds reverence for the others, Especially Alina. VELA is inspired by SAM - Observation (2019)VEGA - Doom.

NOTE: VELA is listed as either British or American. For those doing a British accent, I am looking for a subtle accent, not very thick. Regardless, his voice should be gentle but robotic. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • british (london)
  • soft
  • american
  • My name is VELA, the Virtual Exoplanetary Laboratory Assistant. How may I help you?

  • You look hungry. Would you like a snack? I can provide you with anything you like.

  • I'm not sure that I understand what you're trying to tell me. Could you repeat what you said?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Gaia La'Sera
cast offsite

Secondary Protagonist, Main Character. 

Gaia is an assistant to Codon, skilled especially in communications management. She is strong-willed and tough, but she is ultimately a very sweet and eloquently spoken person. She is sociable and easy to talk to, but she cherishes time alone and enjoys calm, serene activities in her free time, such as meditation, arts, etc. Gaia is a character that is still very early in development, so her inspirations have yet to be selected.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • american (midwest)
  • My name's Gaia. What's yours?

  • These communication devices are ... Sub-Optimal, to say the least.

  • I know what people seek for in me, but don't worry yourself. I will not let my kindness be abused.


Public Submissions

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