IDW's Sonic The Hedgehog - Volume 1 Casting Call

Project Overview
Hey there! I'm Harris C. Taylor, and welcome to this casting call for a dub of IDW's Sonic the Hedgehog comic series! We recently finished our first episode, covering the first issue of the series as a test-run, and now the rest of Volume 1 is underway.
The series will be released on YouTube on a bi-weekly to monthly basis, and each episode will generally cover one issue, with some exceptions for specials and the like down the line, potentially. You will be expected to be somewhat prompt with your work, or to at least stay in communication with me if things are causing delays - this is mostly for fun, but at the same time, I don't want to be wondering where you are, so please keep in touch!
Interested in trying out for a role? Great! Below you'll find the roles for the episode, each one will have an image, a brief description and some voice lines, naturally. For the actual project, I will be providing comic panels for reference to help you figure out how to best do the lines. As far as the actual auditions go, I have a few general things I want to say:
- Provide at least two takes of every line, each take, try to do the line a bit differently.
- Don't feel obligated to imitate a VA that has played the character, if there is one. If you can do it really well, cool! But it's also cool to provide a new take on a character.
- Clean, unedited audio! Don't add any filters/effects. If you can do it well and need to, you CAN use a bit of noise reduction, but I want to hear your voice unfiltered, also when it comes to the actual production, it'll sound more consistent if I'm processing unedited audio.
That's all I have to say for now - feel free to put a comment in this casting page, or message me privately if you have any questions. Beyond that, have fun! I can't wait to hear from you all!
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Episode 2 is out!
Episode 2 of our fandub is out - check it out here:

Amy Rose is a passionate, determined hedgehog. Though she has often been enamoured with Sonic, almost to a fault, she's worked hard to reign that part of herself in - even if she can't help it sometimes. As a member of the Resistance, she is leader in all but name (Knuckles technically takes that role), being often a rallying force in attacks when she is present.
(this is after first meeting back up with Sonic)
I heard about what you and Tails did in the neighboring town and hurried over! I just *knew* you'd stop by here!
(after Sonic jokes about her always chasing after him)
Not like that! I mean, I'm always happy to see you, and would follow you anywhere if you'd only let me but -- *ooh!* You get me so flustered!
(commanding the villagers)
Get to the upper floors! Don't fire until the badniks have entered the square! Pair up! Go door-to-door and bring back no more than ten at a time! Keep low and check your corners!

Knuckles is the Commander of the Resistance and guardian of the Master Emerald. His home is on Angel Island, but after the rise of the Eggman Empire, he left his home to save his friends. Hot-headed and not particularly quick-witted, Knuckles often acts without thinking - but he isn't stupid, and his strength is something to be feared.
(explaining to Sonic his frustration at being Commander of the Resistance)
It was more interesting when we were fighting to save the world. Now that we're focusing on rebuilding, it's all scheduling and inventory and...peh! I've got no patience for it.
(while looking at the hoarded Wisps)
Just before he...went solo...Tails gave us the cipher for the Wisps' language. We asked for their help in fighting Eggman. They volunteered happily, even choosing to wait in deployment pods like these for when our troops could enter an area. But these guys are being horded. This is inexcusable.
(pissed, but trying to keep his voice down)
I'm gonna break them in half!

Rough is one half of a pair of skunk brothers, introduced as they terrorise a village, though that won't be the last Sonic and friends see of them. Rough is the smaller and faster of the brothers.
(after a villager he's tormenting falls over)
Ha! Ha! Ha! Nice one, idiot!
(as Sonic and Knuckles reveal themselves)
Yeah, we've heard of you, *hero!* But clearly you ain't heard of us!
(Rough & Tumble have a rhyming bit they do together - both characters' lines are provided to help you making it sound like it goes together)
TUMBLE: You lookin' to scrap?
ROUGH: Then get ready to crumble!
TUMBLE: Brace yourselves for -
BOTH: Rough & Tumble!

Tumble is the other half of the skunk brothers, introduced as they terrorise a village, though that won't be the last Sonic and friends see of them. Rough is the larger and stronger of the two.
(demanding, after a villager drops the brothers' drinks after falling)
Yeah! Now get us another round before we beat some sense into ya!
(angry, having seen Sonic and Knuckles finally reveal themselves)
Who said you could come into our town, huh?! Who said you could ruin our fun?!
(this is a rhyming bit the brother's have, so both characters' lines are here to help you make it flow together)
TUMBLE: You lookin' to scrap?
ROUGH: Then get ready to crumble!
TUMBLE: Brace yourselves for -
BOTH: Rough & Tumble!

Tangle is a lemur, first seen protecting her village single-handedly from some Badniks, before Sonic steps in to assist and help even the odds. She's very capable, especially with her dextrous tail. She's new to the hero game, but willing to do what it takes to help Sonic and her new friends, whenever she's needed.
(Note: Though she is listed as a supporting character - Tangle gets a leading role during the special "Tangle & Whisper")
(after singeing her tail from using it to take out some Badniks)
Woo! ...and ow. Woo and ow!
(as Sonic comes in to help her with the Badniks)
Welcome to my hometown! Sorry for the mess. We've got a bit of a robot problem.
(hopeful that Sonic is being followed by more support -- then finding out he isn't)
I don't suppose you're the advance guard for the Resistance? (...) Lovely. So...split them 50/50?

A princess from another dimension and the guardian of the Sol Emeralds - she's an old friend of Sonic's, coming back to his world in order to warn and assist him in an unknown, oncoming threat prophesied by the Sol Emeralds. She is articular, proper, and a fierce fighter capable of controlling fire.
(after being greeted by Sonic)
Sonic! You are here. I assume these are Dr. Eggman's robots?
(after being introduced to Tangle -- and being referred to formally)
You are welcome. And please, just call me Blaze.
(explaining the disaster she is here to prevent)
I felt the will of the Sol Emeralds. I've come to prevent a terrible event on your world. (...) The Sol Emeralds are not...chatty. If they directed me here, it was for a purpose, and I will remain here until that purpose is made clear.

The nefarious Doctor Eggman is Sonic's greatest adversary. After many clashes, the Doctor seemed to finally disappear, but he's never gone for long, and Sonic and friends are constantly on edge as to what he might be doing next.
This role contains some lines from Volume 2, due to the lack of Eggman in the first volume save for one line at the end of Issue 4. It also contains a line from his alter-ego, "Mr. Tinker" a friendlier, amnesiac Doctor Eggman who is helping a small village. As such, the line noted as being from Mr. Tinker should be read slightly differently, to differentiate the two personas.
(Though this is technically Mr.Tinker, the issue treats it as if it's Dr. Eggman for tension as a cliffhanger, so this should be read in his regular voice)
Oh-ho-ho...don't you worry, little one. I'll fix your little red wagon. Soon, I'll be fixing *everything!*
(Mr. Tinker's introduction, he should sound friendlier, though without changing his voice too much - this is Eggman, he just doesn't remember that)
How do you do? They call me Mr. Tinker. (...) "Doc?" I don't think I've earned a doctorate...
(as his plans start falling into place)
Excellent. Signal my personal flagship. It's time for me to join the Egg Fleet! It's time to move on to the next phase of my master plan!

A civilian of a town Sonic and Amy help out in Issue 2.
(after Sonic destroys a large Badnik)
That was *so* cool!
(this line might still be used if you aren't cast, and you will be credited as an "additional voice", to fill out the crowd cheering - so let me know in your audition if you're willing to have your lines be used regardless of being 'cast')
[cheering happily]
(this line might still be used if you aren't cast, and you will be credited as an "additional voice", to fill out the crowd cheering - so let me know in your audition if you're willing to have your lines be used regardless of being 'cast')
[chanting] Sonic! Sonic! Sonic!

A civilian from a town Sonic and Amy help out in Issue 2.
(after Sonic destroys a large Badnik)
I thought we were goners!
(this line might still be used if you aren't cast, and you will be credited as an "additional voice", to fill out the crowd cheering - so let me know in your audition if you're willing to have your lines be used regardless of being 'cast')
(this line might still be used if you aren't cast, and you will be credited as an "additional voice", to fill out the crowd cheering - so let me know in your audition if you're willing to have your lines be used regardless of being 'cast')
[chanting] Sonic! Sonic! Sonic!

A civilian from a town Sonic and Amy help out in Issue 2.
(after Sonic destroys a large Badnik)
How do you move like that?!
(this line might still be used if you aren't cast, and you will be credited as an "additional voice", to fill out the crowd cheering - so let me know in your audition if you're willing to have your lines be used regardless of being 'cast')
(this line might still be used if you aren't cast, and you will be credited as an "additional voice", to fill out the crowd cheering - so let me know in your audition if you're willing to have your lines be used regardless of being 'cast')
[chanting] Sonic! Sonic! Sonic!

A civilian from a town Sonic and Amy help out in Issue 2, who warns them of an approach army on the other side of the town.
(out of breath after running to get to Sonic and Amy)
Sonic! Ms. Rose! Emergency! We're under attack. *gasp*

A civilian from the town Amy and Sonic help out in Issue 2, based on her smarter dress, she might be the mayor or otherwise important to the town.
(informing Amy that there are still civilians to protect)
Not everyone is accounted for!

One of the robot lackeys created by Doctor Eggman, along with Cubot.
Note: He has appeared at least once or twice since this issue, and so isn't merely referred to as an extra, but his presence in the story is limited.
(informing his boss of Rough & Tumble's presence and threat to Sonic)
On the bright side, boss, here's what he's charging headlong towards.

The guard in the tower of a town Sonic and Knuckles try to help. He's nervous and jittery, afraid of the mercenaries who have taken the town hostage.
(as Knuckles demands entrance)
S-Sorry, sir, but I'm under orders not to open the gates to anyone!
(trying to keep his voice down as he warns Sonic and Knuckles after they offer to help)
No - you *can't!* They took all the Wisps and Wispons! Without those Wispons, or a way to power them, we don't stand a chance! They're unstoppable now!
(after Sonic and Knuckles save the town and free the Wisps)
Thank you! Thank you so much!

A guard responsible for apprehending Rough and Tumble after they are defeated by Sonic and Knuckles.
(taking Rough and Tumble to jail)
Hope you enjoyed it while it lasted.

A guard responsible for apprehending Rough and Tumble after they are defeated by Sonic and Knuckles.
(while taking Rough and Tumble to jail)
You two are going to be locked up for a long time.

(distraught at his broken wagon)
Buh-buh-but it's busted! I c-c-can't carry it inside!

(speaking sternly to her son)
It's late. It's time to come in.
Public Submissions