I Know Those Eyes (Dabi - Male Singer Needed)

Project Overview


Hello everyone, I am casting a singer for a cover of the song "I Know Those Eyes / This Man Is Dead" originally from the musical "The Count of Monte Cristo". I recently saw a beautiful animatic on YouTube by Double M B. With just a few lyric changes, this song fits Touya Todoroki and his mother Rei Todoroki from MHA very well! With that in mind, I wanted to do a cover of it where I sing the Mercédès parts as Rei, and the person I cast sings the Edmond parts as Touya/Dabi.

Since we've never heard Rei or Touya/Dabi sing, only speak, you don't need to go for a perfect impression. Just do your best! Below where the audition information is for the character, I did link a clip of him speaking for reference.

This cover will be going on one of my YouTube channels. However, with covers I'm not usually able to monetize them due to copyright. So I will be paying the singer $25 through PayPal after they record. So please only audition for this if you have a PayPal account!

Please check out the original song and make sure it fits your range before auditioning!

Feel free to comment or message me if you have any questions. Thank you for auditioning!

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Project Roles: Dabi Singer
Dabi Singer
Paid: Flat Rate 25 USD
Role assigned to: Crowncamo

Dabi is a character from My Hero Academia. He's got a lower, rougher, raspy, sort of strained voice. Here's a link to his voice so you can use it as reference:


You can find the song (I Know Those Eyes / This Man is Dead) at this link here:


  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • male young adult
  • singing/vocals
  • (Sing some of the lines from "I Know Those Eyes / This Man is Dead")

  • (You can also sing other songs if you'd like to show more of your range/ability)

  • (If you want to reply to your audition with links of other examples of your singing, go ahead!)


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