Disney's House Of Mouse Fan Animation

Disney's House Of Mouse Fan Animation

Project Overview

Hello all, and welcome to my latest project.

If you are familiar with the Disney cartoon 'House of Mouse', then you should be well-suited to work on this project. If not, then I'll give you a basic rundown anyway; 'House of Mouse' is an inconsequential cross-over series that serves as a way for Disney characters from different franchises to interact with each other. This means that, if you're a voice actor in this project, you will be most likely interacting with characters that aren't from the same universe as your character. If you find this difficult, as you don't know how they'd interact with one another, feel free to ask me for help regarding line delivery and such.

I'm not going to be looking for animators on here since I already have some in mind that are willing to work with me on this project.

Despite this being an animation, I would actually really like to have a narrator as well, so you'll see there is also a role available for that.

Remember, when auditioning for a character, don't focus too much on the impression that you forget how to act. Good delivery is just as important.

Thanks for showing interest in our project, and I hope to see all of your wonderful auditions soon.

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Anyone of any age and gender can audition for this role. No need to put on much of a voice, most important part is the delivery. Make sure you tell the story in an engaging way, and match your energy to whatever is currently happening in the story.

Don't be afraid to have fun with it, either. If you want to exaggerate, then go ahead. Be experimental if you like.

(Also, I did change the last line since it seemed to be causing some confusion) 

  • Tonight was the grand opening of the Disney Lounge, a place for all the adult characters could be. There was some new faces and some from back when only the House of Mouse was the best place to be. The lounge was better though. There was a place for kids to play at and a teen hangout area in separate rooms, a drinking bar, and even a dinner theater all in one! It was much more advanced.

  • Pete used a giant slingshot that was just sitting in the lounge room for some reason to LAUNCH himself towards Ratcliffe. Upon impact he shattered 16 of Ratcliffe's brittle human bones, causing him real-world injuries. The damage was irreversible.

  • Ratcliffe was NOT expecting that sort of retaliation, at least that's what he would have thought if he wasn't in an almost fatal coma. The lifeless body lay facedown on the lounge floor, his limbs.. twisted in a nonhuman way. Did Pete just...win?

    Woah woah woah, pause the movie! Fret not viewers! This is not the demise of our Dear Governor Ratcliffe, oh no. You see, Ratcliffe comes from a universe where magic just.. exists. He'll be juuust fine. Leaves and colorful wind make their way into the cold Disney Lounge and swirl around Ratcliffe's body, healing his...horrific injuries. Before Pete gets to celebrate his victory, Ratcliffe stands up. Ratcliffe doesn't say anything, he just spins around very quickly, to recharge his bellies energy. He charges forward once more, smacking his belly left and right against Pete's.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Pete is Mickey Mouse's arch-nemesis and has been since the 1920s, so there is a lot of history between them. Their relationship is integral to this story. His personality is rude, over-bearing, mischievous, selfish, under-handed and very competitive.

Pete should have a mid-deep range voice, and speak with a little bit of gruff. He doesn't always pronounce 'th' sounds correctly, and will often make a 'd' sound instead. He tends to use a 'th' sound when things get serious though.

As for his speaking pattern, I recommend listening to Jim Cummings' portrayal of him to get a good idea of it, as it's hard to explain in words.

  • (Pete suddenly storms into the club) 

    "Everybody GET OUT!!! I'm shutting dis place down! I have the permit, see?"

     (he takes out a piece of paper that shows his ownership of the building)

  • (He has just been challenged to a very dangerous duel)

    "You're.. you're that serious, huh?" (Pete sighs)

    "Alright then. I accept. I ain't scared of nothin'." (He smirks confidently)

  • (Ratcliffe has greatly offended Pete by stealing what's rightfully HIS)

    "Why you... you... you... you little..." (Pete growls angrily, unable to think of non-offensive describing words)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Governor Ratcliffe

Ratcliffe is an Englishman from the late 1500s, based on the actual real-life Governor John Ratcliffe, who named Jamestown. This iteration of him is from Disney's Pocahontas, and in this particular story, focuses on the relationship between him and his manservant Wiggins (who only exists in the Disney telling of the story).

He has a generic English accent, and speaks with a low, airy-sounding tone. He has the tendency to deliver words very strangely sometimes, so feel free to do that if you want.

He is voiced by David Ogden Stiers, so have a look at some of his work if you want to nail this voice.

  • (Imitating a character in a Mexican showdown as part of a gag)

    "Not on my watch, Partner."

    (Say this with a calm, but angry tone, as Pete has just tried to shut down the club)

  • (Responding to Pete, who has just mocked Ratcliffe in a joke about making his men shooting him instead of doing the work himself)

    "No, no, no. We're gonna handle this properly, like REAL men."  (speak with a serious tone)

    "I challenge you to a duel but not just ANY duel, one that must be fought with our bellies."

  • (A desperate Pete has offered Ratcliffe ownership of the entire lounge)

    "The whole lounge you say? Hmm.." (Greedy, Ratcliffe is immediately interested)

    "I must say, you've intrigued me, Mr. Pete"

    (He decides to blindly sign the contract Pete has presented him)

    "You got yourself a deal. Pleasure doing business with you. my good man."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Wiggins is very close with Ratcliffe and is unwaveringly loyal to him. It breaks his heart when he has to serve Pete instead. He's quite a cute, feminine man. Make sure you portray this in your audition.

Wiggins shares a voice actor with Ratcliffe, but has a very different speech pattern. He speaks lightly and with enthusiasm.

His accent is the same as Ratcliffe's too.

  • "Oh dear..." (he reacts to a dog making a large mess)

  • "O-oh no! T-This just can't be!" (he reacts to Pete shutting down the club)

  • "What on Earth is going on!?" (Wiggins asks, very confused at the presence of a real life human in the cartoon club)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Spot is a dog from 'Teacher's Pet', who lives a double-life both as dog and as kid. He's a very well-spoken and at times poetic person (so to speak), and speaks with a sing-song voice. He has a slight Boston accent.

He shares a voice actor with Timon, so if you're able to do a decent impression of him, chances are you will be able to do Spot decently. Main difference is Timon is more abrasive and crass, whereas Spot is a bit nicer.

  • "Bark! Bark bark bark!"  (he barks either like a real dog, or a human imitating one)

    "Sorry guys, you know how it is.. dogs chase squirrels." 

    (he says with the self-awareness of a human)

  • "Are you Disney? I don't think I've seen you before, pal. You might wanna go next door to The Walking Dead lounge." (he suspiciously eyes Negan from The Walking Dead who is here for some reason)

  • (Spot reacts to a very loud noise) "Ow!" 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Confused Aladdin

Aladdin is very confused about everything that's going on.

  • "Huh?"

    (although Aladdin says this twice, we only need you to say it once as it'll be repeated. But feel free to try as many "Huh"s as you like)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Negan is a used-car salesman and swears a lot.

He has a generic North American accent and a deep voice.

  • “What the fuck?” (he has entered the wrong room by mistake and realises where he is)

  • “You aren’t the pricks from Alexandria?” (he's confused about the situation at hand)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Feel free to use any voice.

  • "Landlord Pete and ratcliffe holy shit"

    (you say in awe as you spectate their duel)

  • "Slob? Hot face emoji, hot face emoji, hot face emoji, hot face emoji, slash, slash."

    (the majority of this sentence is characters, but since you can't say them we've provided them in a format that is readable.)


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