Horror Story Narrators/Readers - Deku's Dubs Audio Narrations

Project Overview
Hello! My name is Deku and I run an at the moment, small channel named Deku's Dubs. Currently, we create comic dubs of comics found across the internet. Those dub videos take quite a long time to create and we would like to push more content to our viewers, so I had the idea to start audio narrations of stories from around the internet. This project is for our horror story section readers. Soon we will have other genres of stories that Deku's Dubs will be reading. Deku's Dubs currently has over 200 subscribers and are getting on average, over 500 views per video. With the addition of this audio narration project we expect to be able to reach 1,000 subscribers by March of 2024 (1 year).
Where will this be posted:
These audio narrations will be posted on the Deku's Dubs YouTube channel, Deku's Dubs (to be created) TikTok account, and Deku's Dubs (to be created) Podcast on Spotify and possibly other podcast services.
How will payments be processed:
As of now, payment is not possible. Once Deku's Dubs YouTube channel reaches 1,000 subscribers, 1-3 months after our narration workers will begin to make $0.01 per word for further work. That payment amount could increase the longer and more work VA's record. Payments will be processed only through PayPal as of now. More services may be offered later.
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You will be sent horror stories to read. When money begins to be made off of this project we will intend on starting you off at $0.01 per word, and that could increase the longer you're on the project.
Read this small paragraph for your audition:
Please open the link in the description and read the small paragraph.
Public Submissions