Project: Hopeswords (Pilot Episode)
Project Overview
For as long as I can remember, I have had a story running through my head. It’s evolved, changed and morphed, and I finally feel ready to try and lead a team to bring this project to life.
Welcome to Project: Hopeswords.
My goal, ambitious as it may be, is to fully animate my dream to reality. This Call is for the pilot episode, and, if everything works out the way I want, there will be plenty more to come.
The story takes place in a semi apocalyptic future. Five years prior, an event caused the world to overlap with another one populated by a race called Demons, super powerful beings of all shapes and size, causing thousands to suddenly appear and begin destroying the human race. Fortunately, the event also caused humans to awaken to a mysterious power they uninventively call ”magic”, and they waged a war that lasted for years. After a huge incident, both sides agreed to an indefinite ceasefire. This leads to the world today, both sides rebuilding, living in a dangerous world where Demons and humans struggle to coexist.
The first episode will introduce the basic world concepts, three main characters, four side characters, and give a nice and action packed first experience. This show will have plenty of humor, plenty of serious moments and will be intelligent and well written.
I will list the characters below of course, but if you want a basic intro to the final lineup of main characters, as well as a summary of the plot, I wrote out such a summary in the main characters voice here:
As I’m proficient at voice acting and this is my project, I will play the character Ayer. All other roles will be open.
I have no concrete timeline for completion. I have a full time job and a life outside the Projectsphere, and I know that will be the case as well with most, if not all, of the team. I want to see life breathed into this, but not at the cost of bringing undue stress to anyone.
At least initially, this will be an unpaid project. If it does take off, I will gladly distribute funding to the team. I am not expecting to make money off of this, and anything that does come in is due to everyone’s work.
If you want to contact me, PM or use my Discord handle Kyle9001VA#4013 (CCC wouldn't save it in the social links.)
I will set up a discord server to coordinate the parts of the project and provide a headquarters for the team.
That should be all for now! Thank you for your interest!
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Regnar is a Dwarf that is on Ayer’s team and acts as raw muscle and mechanic for both technology and Manatech, or magic infused technology. He’s a former prince who was exiled because he tried to lead his people out of the caves they’ve lived in for thousands of years to help the humans in their war against the Demons. He’s very frank and can be bitingly honest and undiplomatic, but his heart is always set in the right place. He has an intense love for machinery and technology, and will often nerd out on new or innovative tech. He and Ayer are good friends, and seem to be on the same wavelength, whether tag team taunting or doing over the top combination moves. His particular brand of magic involves manipulating the earth, rocks, and, to a lesser degree, metal. Being a Dwarf, he is short but very stout and prefers to fight with specially made Manatech knuckle dusters.
Typical Dwarven accent, deeper voice.
Humans dont have a monopoly on wantin’ to do the right thing. In fact, after seein’ a bunch o’ ye, I’d say the do-gooders‘r the sad minority.
(said testily)
Hey! I’ll ’ave ye know, I’m a big bastard where I come from!
(feigned indignance at being called short)
Sometimes I wonder if ye don’t just keep me around fer me penchant for reckless demolition. And then I remember I don’t care. Stand back!
(when asked to punch a door down)
Three Orc brothers who form a small mercenary group. They are hired by the person Ayer is hunting down to kill him. One person can do all three voices, variation added if you like. These guys are not smart, but should give an amusing fight.
We’re the Three Big Pigs, and we’re gonna drag you through the mud!
(attempting to sound threatening, include snuffles/small oinks)
Ayer… I’ve heard of you… before… where did…
(Trying to remember, snuffles)
How DARE you insult the three Pourseen brothers?!
Gerian is a gun runner that sells to both humans and Demons, lining his pockets with blood money. He revels in his role as a catalyst to keep the sporadic post-war combat going, and his only regret is that he’s been unable to completely reignite the war. His job pre-war was an enforcer for a shadowy organization that ran in every illicit circle possible- murder, drugs, slavery, you name it.
A very deep, gravelly voice, menacing, with a distinct blood lust.
So, I hear you’ve been looking for me. Congratulations, you’ve found me. Well, me, my small army of henchmen, and my heavily armored tank fortress, Guntreader.
(said atop the fortress menacingly)
Did you just… PARRY A TANK ROUND!? You can’t be human! What the hell even are you!?
(after Ayer deflects a shot from a large bore cannon)
Even if I die here… there will always be more like me… your little “hero’s journey“ has no end, boy… except the one end we all have to face…
(said after being mortally wounded)
CAIli (pronounced KAY-lee) is the hyper advanced onboard AI for the Hopesword’s airship, Caliburn. As “Caliburn AI level i“, she is the primary control program used in the ship, and is able to “spawn” lower level AIs to deal with more minor or nuanced tasks, which she calls her daughters. Entirely indistinguishable from a human. She is always trying her best in the background, often using her heightened analytical power to preempt the characters, or determine the truth behind things.
Usually happy sounding, but even then has a little monotony. Can be fairly boastful of her abilities and lets praise go to her head.
Already locked on to 532 points of weakness, boss. Aaaand I’ve just narrowed it down by analyzing threat rating to you as first priority, importance to the fort’s functionality as second, and finally cheeky dick moves third, taking it down to 24 targets.
(responding to Ayer asking if she sees Gerian’s fortress)
Not a problem, Ayer. It’s been a while since I could really let loose. I‘ve been sitting on those prototypes for so long, you’d think I was a chicken trying to hatch some eggs. Except the eggs hatched into armor piecing missiles.
(jawing with the guys after defeating Gerian)
Sending recovery drones immediately. And you should get back here. Now. I just received a message from your sister, and it’s not about lollipops and unicorns. She’s in danger.
(on being told to start salvaging the fort and the guys intention to pick through the weapons onboard)
While I will be the primary writer, it’s always good to have another person to bounce ideas off of. And in a show where I’d like the banter and wit to be intelligent and fun, getting stale in writing wouldn’t be an option. In addition, while I have the major plot points worked through, I will need some intermission events, and, while I’m sure I’ll be able to get ideas from the rest of the team, it still needs to get written.
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An animator for the series. I would prefer anime stylings, in 3d, but if there‘s someone out there who has a style that really speaks to me, I wouldn’t mind going in that direction.
We would start with one animator, and if the situation called for it, we could add on more.
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A general artist, to create concept art, promotional material, cover arts, thumbnails, etc. Like the Animator, we will start with one and open more slots if need be.
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The person who will stitch together any additional bits that need to be brought together. I’ve got a bit of practice in this area, so I can help out if necessary.
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Optimistically, we could have someone to make some songs for the episode and further into the series, if it catches on. I think it would add some top tier flair, and overall be better than relying on stock music from an open source website.
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Like with the musician, this is optional, but I would be thrilled to find someone to create sounds to further bring this to life. A movie or video is a third story, a third video and a third audio. A strong series stands or falls based on those legs.
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