Project Overview

Hollow: A Minecraft Roleplay

Who are you?

Hello! My name is Rexiipher, or Rex for short. I'm a Minecraft Roleplay content creator on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/@rexiipher) and a live streamer on Twitch (https://www.twitch.tv/rexiipher). I consistently upload and stream, and I really enjoy producing Minecraft Roleplay content. The video provided with this project posting is an example of my work, though a lot of videos on my channel also showcase multiple longstanding stories.

What is this project?

"Hollow" is a pen name for an upcoming project that is currently in development. It is a Youtube-exclusive MCRP that will run approximately 40 minutes an episode, for a total of thirty episodes. Depending on its success, I plan on continuing the series for further iterations.

However, for the sake of preserving surprise for my audience (who may very well find their way to this page), the name of the series and the characters are not the same as they will be in production. However, the character descriptions are, in fact, consistent, so who you audition for will be the role you get.

I also plan on casting roles that are not listed below. There's a good chance that if you don't get cast for a character here, you may still be cast as a different character, a minor role, or an extra.

The entire first season of this story is fully planned and scripting has begun. This series will be done in full on my YouTube channel, so expect a full commitment if you audition for this project. If it continues beyond the first season, a majority of these roles will be reprised, and I may also want to utilize already recruited voice actors for future characters as well. As such, I look forward to all auditions on this project.

What are the requirements for this project?

  • You must have a proper microphone with minimal background noise. I'm not picky about the microphone that you use, so long that your quality is fine.

  • You must have Discord, and be willing to join a Discord studio server. I find it easier to have my Voice Actors in one place, with a centralized location for submitting lines. It makes the job for me and my editors easier.

  • You must be committed for the long term. I do not desire to recast my characters, so if you audition, you must be fully prepared to voice that character for the foreseeable future.

  • You must meet deadlines. I do not want to chase you down for lines. Deadlines may be short at times, but I will strive to give you approximately a week before submission is necessary. However, if you have to go on vacation or are sick, I will work with you. Just let me know in advance when possible.

When Auditioning:

  • Feel free to introduce yourself briefly. I like getting to know who I may be working with. It's not a requirement, however.

  • Try to include 2-3 takes for each line, with variations in each take. You may vary your voice or emotion in your interpretation of the character.

  • Feel free to adlib at the end, if you so desire.

What do I do if I'm cast?

If I cast you for a role, I will contact you through Casting Call Club and invite you to the studio discord.

If you're cast for a role that is not listed on this page, I will try to contact you through Twitter (if you have a Twitter provided on your page) or Discord (if one is provided). Casting Call Club only allows me to message people who follow me, so if you want me to be able to contact you on Casting Call Club, you will need to follow me. Otherwise, I will not be able to reach you to offer you a role.

I may add more roles if I deem it necessary. Please keep an eye on this page for any updates.

Please DM me over CCC if you have any questions.

Thank you for showing interest in this project. I look forward to working with you.

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Latest Updates

  • New Roles Opened

    Hey guys! Whew, it's been a few months!

    I'm back here again because there are a few more roles I need filled! I didn't put them out to begin with since I knew it would be quite some time before they would show up, but it's reaching the point where they'd be necessary!

    If you check out my Youtube channel, you'll see that this series is in full swing (under a different name, but you'll probably be able to put two-and-two together).

    Anyway, if you're still interested in lending your voice to the project, feel free to apply to the new roles! There should be four in total as of posting this announcement.

    Good luck, and thank you for your continued support!

  • Deadline Extension

    Hey guys! So many of you are SO crazy talented, it's incredibly hard to decide who best fits which roles!

    To try to alleviate this, I've intended the deadline and added another character I will need: Jade. Please take the new time to audition for the new character! I'll update if I decide to add any others to this casting call.

    Thanks to everyone who's taken interest in this project thus far. You're all amazing!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Soft Stars VA

As the daughter of a renowned nobleman, Iris is simultaneously both ferocious and cooly calculating. She condescend at any chance she gets, and her superiority complex is only backed up by her immense strength. She is no opponent to scoff at, rather, she is a fierce competitor that never loses. All of life is a competition to Iris, and she'll stop at nothing to come out on top.

I'm looking for someone with both bark and bite. Iris tries to keep her cool but loses it very easily in stressful situations. She's haughty to almost everyone she meets and isn't afraid of confrontations. As such, an actor who can convey both ice-cold anger and boiling-hot rage would succeed in this role the most.

  • You're in my way. Move, or die. Your choice.

  • I thought you were supposed to be stronger. I won't lie--I'm thoroughly dissapointed.

  • It should have been me! Not you--me! How come it's your name they keep saying, and not mine?!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: ItsTrix

Lysander is a powerful opponent and a formidable man. He fully intends to rule the city one day and takes every opportunity he can to convince the city he is a suitable leader. He's cold and calculating and hardly raises his voice. He keeps his composure at almost all times and behaves as dignified as he appears. He knows his place in society is of nobility, and he exudes that aura at all times. He is not to be taken lightly, nor does he allow anyone to do so.

I need someone with a smoother, more cool tone of voice. He's an older man, specifically the patriarch of a noble family--so he should sound the part. Reference the English dub voice for Geto from Jujutsu Kaisen for a fairly accurate depiction of what I'm searching for.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • I will bring this city into a new golden age. Merely permit me to do so, and I'll see to it.

  • Welcome, everyone, to our annual festival. I hope you'll join me in celebrating this city's history in addition to enjoying the festivities.

  • Make no mistake--there can only be one victor in this war. And I assure you, none of the contenders prove a threat to me.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Coolboy

Alistair is the leader of the city the story takes place in. He has a firm and domineering personality, exuding a stoic confidence very few can parallel. He is very by the book and doles out decisions with a heavy hand. However, he is such a powerful leader not only because of his stoicism but because he also has a gentle heart. He cares deeply for the people of his city and will stop at nothing to keep them safe.

For Alistair, I'm looking for a voice that can command a room. They don't need to necessarily be deep, just powerful. And while his performance should exude confidence and power, try to still make him seem down to earth. While he is the almighty leader of the city, he should still be someone the audience respects and admires.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • Everything will proceed as planned. We'll handle these issues privately, and diligently. There's no need to concern the masses.

  • And what brings you here? I presume you have something important you'd like to share.

  • Is this really the route you want to go? ...Very well, then. I'll trust your judgement. For now.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Williamis a mild-mannered aristocrat with a penchant for the artistic luxuries in life. He is a connoisseur of the fine arts but comes across far more down-to-earth than most of his peers. William is a gentle soul, and deep down, he is troubled by great tragedy in his personal life. As such, he's lost his vision for the finer beauties of life and instead wanders his estate as a lonely, distinguished gentleman.

I want William to come across as almost like a father figure to the protagonist and his friends. While they stay in his estate to help him protect his belongings from thieves, he grows to appreciate their company. As a result, I want a performance that can capture a more reserved gentleman as he slowly regains passion in life, but remains consistent in his gentle but resigned performance.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • adult
  • "Do you kids believe you'd be up to the task? You'd be doing me a great service. I'll even pay you handsomely."

  • "No. I'm sorry, but I swore it would never see the light of day again. It doesn't matter if you understand, this is simply the way things must be."

  • "Did that boy just eat the entire dinner spread? It's been five minutes! No, I'm not upset. I'm actually quite impressed."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Phoenix-Artisan

Jack is a friendly, all-around do-gooder. He goes out of his way to do what's right and is loyal to his friends to his last breath. His magic enables him to better protect the people he cares about, and he always tries to broach problems reasonably and sympathetically. He's the best friend of the protagonist, and almost always has a smile on his face. He radiates older brother vibes to most of his friends.

I'm looking for a male voice with some range. There are times when Jack gets very passionate about protecting those in need, and I need someone very effective in expressing that passion. However, an effective voice actor would be one that can not only be loud and inspiring but also soft-spoken and reassuring at the same time.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • male teen
  • male adult
  • Get behind me! This guy seems tough.

  • Are... you sure that's a good idea? Like, absolutely sure? Because- nevermind, you seem like you know what you're doing.

  • Hey, don't sweat it. I never got it right on my first try either. You'll get it next time, I promise.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: pushu

Violet is a very stoic, no-nonsense kind of individual. Picture her as the black cat of the group- always present, but doesn't want to associate. She tries to sink into the background where she can and is easily one of the most logical and level-headed companions of the protagonist. She's very angsty but is also very capable in a fight.

I'm looking for someone who can do a lot with very little for this character. Violet will not offer you a whole lot to work with, and I won't expect overacting. However, I do desire to still feel the emotions that Violet could be feeling in her lines. She shouldn't just be a monotone, deadpan antisocialite. She should be expressive in her own right. And there will be times when the story calls for her to show raw, real emotion, and I will need an actress who can exhibit that range. Feel free to demonstrate your ability to break your stoicism in the third audition line.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • female young adult
  • female teen
  • Touch me with that hand and I'll take a finger.

  • Just let it go. There isn't anything you can say that'll change his mind now. You might as well be asking a fish to grow legs and walk.

  • You're no family of mine- and I'm not your daughter!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: sunnycriicket

Ava is a malevolent and sadistic dark spirit who inhabits the body of the protagonist. Ava's goals are entirely self-centered, with her only desires being self-preservation and the obtainment of greater power. She guides the protagonist down the path of a destructor. To reach this end, she grants him power along the way to ensure both of their success. Their relationship is of, reluctantly, mutual benefit. 

Ava's voice actress should be able to craft a unique and almost squirrelly tone. Think of more mischievous than abject evil, but still capable of conveying sinister tones when necessary. Think of the English dub for Migi from Parasyte, or more aptly, Cirrus from Honkai: Star Rail. Feel free to include versions of your audition lines with voice effects if you so choose, though try to keep some takes with your normal voice. Ava's voice in the series will have some form of vocal effect, so if you think you can master the proper one, go right ahead!

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • female teen
  • You need me more than I need you. Best not to get on my bad side this early on, don't you think?

  • Hahaha! You're struggling against these brats? Oh no- you're on your own. I'll just stay back here and enjoy the show, hehehe!

  • I'm getting what's mine. One way, or another. There's nothing you can do about it.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: My_Swampert

Everett is a passionate and spontaneous inventor with a penchant for jokes and friendly banter. He often has a lot of bright ideas, but when it comes to executing them, they fall flat. This doesn't stop him from trying, and his boundless passion and creativity are reflected in his personality. He's a bit practical at times, but he's also an optimist. He has a way of trying to alleviate tension with (sometimes) bad jokes.

I'm looking for a voice actor with a moderately pitched voice, and who is effective at making jokes land. Half of the challenge with comedy is the timing, so when delivering Everett's lines, try to add a bit of personality to it. When situations call for it, he still focuses up, but more often than not he'll attempt to cut away from the morbidness of reality by trying to pull back from it.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • male adult
  • I dismantled the landing gear and attached it to the aft of the ship for better aerodynamics! That way, we get back faster. Huh? "How are we gonna land?" We'll... uhhh. Well, we'll... huh.

  • This monster reeks! Blegh, I can't even focus right now- do they all smell this bad? Seriously? I need to rethink my career path...

  • So... we're not going to talk about what just happened? Because that's fine by me- I just wanted to be sure.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: vanillra

Lyla is the kind-hearted girl next door. She'll cheer you up when you're in a slump and is always there when you need her. Unless she's in a bad mood. It doesn't take a lot to set her off, but when she is, she becomes loud, aggressive, and utterly terrifying. She's possibly the best companion you could ask for- but the worst enemy you could have.

Lyla requires a voice actress that exudes confidence and is capable of getting loud. There are many times where Lyla screams at an annoying guild member, or is particularly aggressive in a fight. As friendly as she is, she can be doubly aggressive, so try to reflect that in her dialogue.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • female adult
  • Hey, hey! Welcome to the guild! I'm Lyla- it's a pleasure to meet you. Do you need help with anything?

  • Sawyer, if you don't give it back right now, I'll rip your spine out and beat you with it!

  • Hey, cheer up. You can't let them get to you like this. Do... you want me to beat them for you? I can make them sorry.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: pastydrake

Steel is the leader of the main band of misfits. He acts as a mentor to the protagonist and is a father figure to the dysfunctional family that comprises the main group. He always acts like he knows exactly what's going on, but is also a bit childish at times. He behaves whimsically, hardly ever taking a situation seriously, and always smiling as if he knows the punchline to an unspoken joke.

Steel's voice actor should convey the confidence Steel has in not only himself but also those he watches over. As smart as Steel is, he is also very silly, so try to convey that in his dialogue. An effective performance can depict him as a father/older brother figure while still maintaining an almost childlike lack of care for the serious aspects of his job.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • male adult
  • Come on, guys! Is this the proper way to welcome a guest? Here- welcome to my humble guild, sir. I know it's not much, but it's home.

  • Your mind is your own. Don't let anyone else influence it. The measure of a man's integrity is an ability to stay true to his convictions.

  • I wouldn't make the mistake of underestimating my friend out there. There's strength in weakness, you know. Hey- are those sandwiches? Excuse me, I have business elsewhere.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Façade

Faust is an imposing and villainous hunter. He is very no-nonsense and perceives his actions exclusively as a means to an end. He isn't afraid to get his hands dirty, and his approach to dealing with roadblocks is to power straight through them. It is very infrequent when he lets his true emotions slip through the cracks, but he is always certain to steel his convictions before they spill too much.

I'm looking for an intimidating and powerful voice actor for Faust. He isn't just a stoic stone wall, so the most effective performance is one that can still convey some veiled emotion through his words. And try to avoid making Faust monotonous- I want power, not stoicism.

  • People like you are a scourge on this world. I will lose no sleep removing you from the face of this realm.

  • I don't mind the monotony of the job. I prefer the quiet.

  • I've done too much to simply stop now. I won't let it be for naught. Now, pick your weapon back up. I won't kill an unarmed man.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: TaroVA

Lilith is a slightly insane megalomaniac with a desire for worldly destruction. Her sole motivations consist of watching the world burn and causing as much pain as mortally possible. There are very few redeeming qualities within Lilith, and none outweigh the sheer childlike glee she takes in murder. When she isn't in a state of curiosity or glee, she finds herself bored.

The voice actress for Lilith should sound light, bubbly, and unhinged. The world is a game to you, and you're concerned with nothing but how much fun it is to cause abject suffering and torment. Think of a female version of Mahito from Jujutsu Kaisen. I'm looking for a voice actress who truly has fun with the role, with a charming approach to a completely evil character.

Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • female teen
  • female adult
  • This world is too bright. One day, the only lights left in this city will be the fires burning it to ash. I hope you'll be there to see it, hehe!

  • You're so... interesting! I can't wait to kill you!

  • Tell me- why do human mothers care for their offspring for so long? Some animals leave their children at birth. So why are humans so... compassionate?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Kat_Kittersons

Jade is a narcissistic guild elite with a penchant for antagonizing those below her. She acts as a foil to the protagonist and is an opposing force to him and his friends for a significant portion of the series. She has a unique set of powers that sets her apart from everyone else, and she knows it. She only cares for herself and will value gold above all else, including the greater good.

Jade's voice should sound bratty, haughty, and on the higher end of vocal tones. She goes out of her way to insult the protagonist and also will sing her own praises in the same breath. For voice-- think of the English dub of Riko from Jujutsu Kaisen. I need someone animated, who is also effective at sounding outraged when the protagonist unexpectedly bests her.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • female teen
  • female young adult
  • Looks like you fell short again, losers. Ah, well. I suppose you can't help it. Trash belongs in the trash can, after all, hehe!

  • What?! You're joking, right? You'd seriously pick some bozo like him over me?!

  • Scum! Idiot! Screw-up! I'll put you in your place, once and for all!


Public Submissions

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When you are logged in, you can comment, add submissions, create projects, upvote, search open roles, and way more. Login here.