Hollow Knight Animated Series REIGN - Episode 1

Project Overview

A run down city, an infection that's spreading fast, one small knight with a question that will answer it all. That was the REIGN of the Pale King, and this is how it all came to an end.

Hello everybody! My name is Gray, and this is the voice acting audition page for the first episode of a Hollow Knight animated series that I'm currently creating! First of all, thank you for auditioning, I really appreciate it x)

Second, all character designs belong to Team Cherry. I did not create any of these characters, nor do I claim to. The story is based off of the one Team Cherry made as well, but most of it is my own. Lastly, of course we're going to need some ground rules here and there, right?

1. You need an email account that you're okay with sharing, and you MUST have google hangouts. You're probably like "why not discord?!!?!" well, I don't use discord all that often and I'm not used to the layout of everything, so I decided not to use it.

2. Don't copy other auditions! I feel like I don't need to say this, yet here we are.

3. Please no spamming. I mean you could do a troll audition if you want, but I'm putting the limit to two. I don't want my notifications overflowing with nonsense, haha!

4. Similar to three, please follow the description of the character if you're auditioning for real. If you want to add an extra line or two to show your talent, that's totally okay! But going too far off the description won't get you anything.

5. Make sure you're okay with having your voice portrayed on YouTube, and please make sure you have a YouTube account, thanks!

6. You do need to know basic voice editing skills for most characters. Not anything intense, just basic reverb, echo, that kind of stuff.

7. Have fun!

I apologize for the lack of female roles in this episode, but I will put out a new casting call for the new voices in the next episode once we get there. That might take a while. Also, sorry for the explainer video being an April fools joke haha, however the beginning scenes are very real and will be used in the actual trailer and episode 1.

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Latest Updates

  • Oops!!

    Small mistake, mickannese is actually the understudy for Elderbug, not Old_Medicine. Sorry about that!! ^^'
  • Understudy Cast!!!

    Today's the day. you guys! I'd like to give a huge round of applause to our understudy cast, which will be listed below, and our regular cast!! I'll send you a message/comment on your audition to let you know that you made it. Thanks so much for auditioning! Knight Understudies: Shadow Voicing, Leehoohnn200 Elderbug Understudy: Old_Medicine Cornifer Understudy: MarlonVoiceActor Last Stag Understudy: Typhon Sly Understudy: eman sdrawkcab Iselda Understudy: JuliaVA Quirrel Understudies: Whytmage, connormiranda97 Myla Understudies: Queenjamjam, wheeze Tiso Understudy: XBLspartanx170 thanks so much for auditioning!!
  • REIGN Crew/Final Deadline!!

    Yup, it's happening! The deadline that is currently set will be the actual deadline! Woohoo!! For those who haven't known this yet, I will post an announcement right before the actual casting that will include all of the UNDERSTUDY actors. Then I will go through and cast the people with the main parts. And secondly, I am glad to announce that the REIGN crew is no longer just me! I'm getting lots of script help (and emotional support) from the new recruits. Baylee (Cookie00122) is my assistant director and casting director for the series. Kadet (kAdEt) is my assistant producer and emotional support person, and Dra (DraTheDragon) is my script editor. Hopefully this cast will grow slowly but surely, but for now, that's all!! keep your eyes peeled for the casting results, love y'all <3
  • Goals, Casting and Backups

    I'm so sorry for all the unwanted updates, I know you guys are like "just cast people already!" and I know, I'll get to it. I have two goals I'm wanting to reach before this awful quarantine is over. One of them is finishing the trailer, obviously, but the other one is completing the storyboards and script for Episode One. Both are going to take a while. Once one of them is finished, I will definitely cast people, don't you worry. The deadline will be pushed back until then, however, so don't expect casting anytime soon. Also, I will cast the people who get the role, yes, but I will also be posting an announcement afterwards with all of my lovely backups, who are very very important as well. I will also comment on your audition if you get casted as a role/backup with my email, so please respond to it as soon as you can. This is the final update until further notice, have a great day y'all!
  • More deadline info (sorry!)

    Alright! The (legitimate) trailer for REIGN is being worked on, and is about 30% complete. I will push the deadline back about a week until it is finished, which means I will be pushing myself to get it done so you guys can get your results. I do have the parts mapped out, and I will be casting one role and only one role. Congrats to Cookie00122 for getting the part of Monomon. That is all, have fun you guys!
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
The Knight
cast offsite

Of course, the main character of the game! Now I know vessels aren't allowed (or made) to speak. Technically, they can't! All of the vessels in the series will only have the ability to speak with one another, not with any other creature. Cool, right? Anyways, this little theybie has no gender, so make the voice somewhere between extreme masculinity and extreme femininity. The Knight is very childish, curious, and silly at times, so if you're trying out for them, you're going to need the ability to laugh convincingly, which I understand is a hard ability to have. Also, they're a very young vessel, so young, childish voices are preferred, thanks! (profile art belongs to me)

  • What could possibly be down there? Could I die down there? Will I die down there? … Oh you don't know? Alright then. (curious, slightly scared, looking for encouragement)

  • Me? A beautiful singing voice? I- I've never tried to sing before. (flattered, friendly)

  • Die, foul creature! You will endure the wrath of my nail! (brave, courageous, proud)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Old_Medicine

Elderbug is a cool dude, let me tell you that. He's very kind to the Knight, and most of the time he's open to new travellers in Dirtmouth, or the city he resides in.  He's a very old bug, as his name might suggest, so middle age to senior voices would work. He has plenty of lines, but he isn't in every episode. You will need to know how to do effects, because a few of his lines require them. He should sound similar to this, just using actual words: https://youtu.be/uJmHIjG20O4 (profile art does not belong to me)

  • Ho there, traveller. I'm afraid there's only me left to offer welcome. Our town's fallen quiet you see. (welcoming, kind)

  • Ahh! Look there! Something strange and sinister has suddenly appeared! Ugh, it fills me with dread. I think it best I try to ignore it. (scared, surprised, partly disgusted)

  • Ah! I can really have it? My, my... I barely know what to say except... thank you! (shocked, appreciative, thankful)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Eli Brennan

Cornifer also shows up in many areas throughout the series, with many lines as well. Whenever the Knight nears his hiding place, he's humming a little song, so you have to have a decent voice for that. He's a jolly old fellow, kind and intelligent, not overly dramatic. Good at telling stories. He's a young man with a old soul, so young adult to middle age would fit him. Should sound similar to this, just speaking actual words: https://youtu.be/RLSrv5ebh8I (profile art is not mine)

  • Hmm? Ah, hello there. Come down to explore these beautiful old ruins? (jolly, happy)

  • This p-place gives me the creeps. Vicious little creatures burst out all o-over the place and the passages are a dark, twisting maze... (terrified, shaking)

  • (just hum a random tune on the spot, made up or not. He hums a lot in the series, so you gotta be able to do this, lol)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: deleted315065

Myla is a very sweet girl with a big heart and a love for mining and singing. She loves when the Knight comes to visit her as she works, and she keeps mining so she can find what's whispering to her through the crystals. After a few episodes,, though, she begins to get infected, and her dialogue goes from her normal high-pitched voice to a deeper, more intense vice that makes her sound almost psychotic. She sounds very young and her voice is high pitched most of the time. She sings a lot, so you will need a decent singing/humming voice if you want her role. She should sound similar to this, just with actual words: https://youtu.be/O_-2L9Snm-s (profile art is not mine)

  • Ohhh, bury my mother, pale and slight,

    bury my father with his eyes shut tight!

    bury my sisters, two by two,

    and then when you're done, let's bury me toooo! (this is a song, so make up your own tune to it! Despite the lyrics, she's very happy while singing it)

  •  We can sing something else if you like. You start singing and I'll join in. I bet you have a b-b-beautiful singing voice! Ha ha ha! (kind, happy, a little anxious/awkward)

  • Darkness. No meaning... DANGEROUS... Still, remain... LIGHT.... again... (in and out of infection, confused, mumbling)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: hynlan

Quirrel is an explorer who has lived in Hallownest for two lifetimes. He returned after a quest that caused him to lose his memory. He meets the Knight many times allong their journey. He has a very inquisitive mind, always  searching to find the answers he needs. He's also very kind and welcoming towards the Knight's presence, and seems to be in awe of them. Him and the Knight form a special friendship throughout the series. His voice should sound similar to this, just using actual words: https://youtu.be/pfpj8FPGozY (profile art does not belong to me)

  • Hello there! How delightful to meet another traveller on these forgotten roads. You're a short one, but you've a strong look about you. (kind, joyful, slightly inquisitive/curious)

  • For so long I've felt drawn here. So many tales full of wonders and horrors. No longer could I resist. I just had to see it for myself. (explaining, in awe)

  • That lake... a revered presence once slept deep within... Did it? What would make me think such things? (confused, curious)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: MarlonVoiceActor

Sly is a shopkeeper that appears in Dirtmouth after the Knight rescues him down in Forgotten Crossroads. He's sort of rude at times, and he's greedy for money. But he's also respectful and compassionate as a Nailsage, as he's trained many. I'm not sure what his age is, but he's most likely around Middle Aged. His voice is very odd, but it should sound similar to this, just with words: https://youtu.be/hBTfj49G06k (profile art is not mine)

  • Oh! What?! Who are you?! ...I see. This old village. What a strange dream, to have led me down here! If you hadn't found me, I don't think I would've ever woken. (scared, confused, relieved at end)

  • Ah, still looking for something to buy? Are your Geo weighing you down? Unfortunately, you seem to have cleared out everything I'd be willing to part with. Nothing left at all! (fake disappointment)

  • Ah! The way you hold your nail! So you've learnt a Nail Art... Very interesting. I wonder, do you have the passion to continue your training? (surprised, inquisitive)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Saoirse Connolly

Iselda is Cornifer's wife who sells maps and pins up in the map shop in Dirtmouth. She's in many episodes, but not all of them. She's a very calm bug, kind and welcoming to her customers and open to conversation. She's around the same age as Cornifer, so young adult to middle aged would fit her. Should sound similar to this, but using real words: https://youtu.be/ekz4-SNVJjU (profile art is not mine)

  • Come to buy a map have you? Its really my husband you should be dealing with, but what a surprise! He's headed down below. (kind, neutral)

  • I'm glad I put down my weapon, this quiet life with Corny makes me a lot happier. It would be nice to stretch my legs again though... sometime soon... (dreamy, sort of sad)

  • Are you enjoying yourself down in the ruins? At times my husband makes Hallownest sound a wonder, but sometimes it seems a ghastly, dangerous place. (curious, worrisome near the end)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Gahmah Raan

Tiso is an arrogant fighter who is on a search for a true challenge. He seems to mock the Knight every time they meet, and is never satisfied with the challenge he's given. Tiso is most likely around a young adult age, but his voice is incredibly nasally.. He should sound similar to this, except with real words: https://youtu.be/5BlGGfbatAs (profile art is not mine)

  • Pale thing. You wear that nail with ease. If you're in search of combat, you'll find no great warriors in this decaying burrow. (neutral, greeting)

  • Ehh. Pale thing. You use these old lines? Pathetic. A real warrior carries himself to combat. He has no need for such convenience. (disgusted, mocking)

  • Garrgh. What a calm place. It's action I want, vicious and deadly battle. This serenity is a bore. (angry, bored, irritated)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Last Stag
Role assigned to: trisk3l

The Last Stag is a very, very old bug who allows the Knight to travel to and from wherever they wish to go. He's very, very sweet and, although he looks intimidating, he has a very big heart and acts quite kindly to his passengers. He is very old, so a senior's voice will most likely work. His voice should sound similar to this, but using actual words: https://youtu.be/3Rb21JDWkqg (profile art is not mine)

  • Greetings, little one! It's been an age since I last heard the ringing of a station bell. It echoed down the stagways and called me to you. (joyful, curious, welcoming)

  • Eager to travel the stagways? Just hop upon that platform, give me the signal and we'll soon be on our way. Ready to go, little one? (sweet, patient)

  • My, this place much changed since I last saw it. The greenery grows so wild the station's like to be consumed by it. (in awe, slightly confused)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Pure Vessel
Role assigned to: Vincy

The Pure Vessel is also a theybie, but they will have a more masculine appearance than the Knight. They are also a lot more older and experienced, so a teen/young adult voice is preferred. Any accent can work as well. They're very strong, confident and courageous, and they're always trying to prove themself to any and every creature. This charracterr doess yell  a lot, so you will need to be able to convincingly shout/cry in some lines, thanks! (profile art belongs to me)

  • Show yourself, whoever is doing this! Come out and face me! (loud, strong, making sure they're the superior being)

  • Wait, I'm sorry, I apologize for what I've done! Please, just make it stop! Father?! (scared, crying for help)

Background Artist
Role assigned to: sav_vyz

I'm not the best at drawing backgrounds, especially since I don't have the best equipment at the moment. I'm going to hire two to three people who have good equipment and can draw great backgrounds for most scenes. Just link some art that you've done in the past. You need to be able to work semi-fast, and you might need to be okay with change. And please know what Hollow Knight is, the game has a specific atmosphere/aesthetic that is sort of hard to replicate. Thanks!

  • Say something you think would fit

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Monomon the Teacher
Role assigned to: Cookie00122

Monomon only has a few lines in the whole series, but she still has one in episode one so I've got to put her here. She's a very powerful being, so a strong female voice should most likely work, although it doesn't have to be an incredibly deep voice. Any accent is fine as well. (profile art does not belong to me)

  • A world you gave to bug and beast as they had never dreamed. (strong, confident, sort of monotone as well)


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