HFH Character Rework - 1 Role (Paid)

Project Overview

Hi there my name is Lucas, and I'm back at it yet again trying to get someone to fill in for a role we've had to replace. The voice actor that previously had this role and I are still very much good friends. Unfortunately we started this series as a shit post with no care for hardware or mic quality. No one expected us to blow up like we did. Now we're faced with the dilemma of wanting to have his character, originally written just to be stoic and salty so he wouldn't have to really act, actually open up. Potentially cry, definitely scream in anger, and explore a whole new world of emotions. Among many other factors, it was decided that we would branch out and find an actor that could take up the mantle of this character.

It's very important that when doing this character, that you keep an air of dry wit and sound annoyed. Your whole get up is that you're essentially team dad taking care of a bunch of morons and screw ups. Really give me that "For fucks sake STOP eating lego pieces!" attitude when speaking.

Read the bottom as well but just so we're being transparent again, our short 30 second ish vids on tik tok are unpaid, all videos that go to Youtube are paid. The tik tok shorts are compiled together once we have a few and go up Youtube as compilations, and will be paid upon completion. 


We are Heretical Fun House. You can find us on our two primary sites here:https://www.tiktok.com/@hereticaltavern  (Our Tik Tok where all these dumb vids are uploaded)

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCypW2TiELdqodyKIAwh3i0Q (Our YouTube with skit compilations and story vids)

We make a ton of content that mostly revolves around comedic animations, podcasts, and are even making our first video game. For now though it's a bunch of DnD skits.

Our Tik Tok videos on average reach upwards of about 20,000-50,000 views and our YouTube has just broke 15,000 subscribers. So we're chugging along!


  • No echo or plosives in the mic. Please edit it to how you want this to sound, I do a lot of post work but I can't do a ton if the recording is filled with pops or AC in the back. 

  • Consistency. We have several scripts available and I wanna make sure to hammer them out in batches. I usually have about three a week at max. These are tik tok scripts so less than a minute of dialogue per script. 

  • Have fun. Overall this project has turned from small time to a much bigger work, but our core ideal on the whole thing has always been about having fun.


-As always, our tik tok videos are unpaid due to the consistency of short 30 second clips. However we always compile these shorts into youtube videos which are paid. So in short, Tik Tok vids are unpaid, but once on Youtube they are paid. All Youtube vids are paid, and longer YouTube videos we pay more for. 

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Project Roles: Orion The Cleric RECAST
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Orion The Cleric RECAST
Paid: Flat Rate 25 USD

Orion is a character with a very strong presence. He has a very dry wit, doesn't horse around, and is very direct and to the point. However we are slowly moving towards having him sound more "human" as he slowly drops the soldier persona he's had for so long.

37 years old, Veteran of a world ending scenario, enhanced and mutated to better suit himself to fight against monsters and Demons, and having been followed by tragedy across the warzone all his time. You're someone who's tough, strict, but deep down there's still a little humanity there.

The original VA is a good friend of mine back when we started this series as just a throwaway shitpost of a video. We didn't care about mic quality or "acting" we just were doing stuff. But now that we're getting to a point of making a story, I need someone who can cry, shout, and still keep up that wonderful wit and sarcasm my buddy brought to the role. Please go and check out these videos showcasing him as the energy will be important to match: 




For the three audition lines, please note the following:

1st line: I want this line very strict, very serious. You've been a soldier for 20 years, faced demons from the Abyss that no regular man could possibly look at, and now you're babysitting a bunch of adventurers with their own issues. It's an adjustment and you're trying to not be too strict, but it keeps bleeding through.

2nd line: More tender and soft, if not a bit melancholic. You're helping heal your love interest, and essentially comforting them through a very horrific injury. I need that melancholy to show concern, that softness for reassurance, but be a little awkward too. Pause, stumble, you don't remember how to be "comforting" but you're trying for the one you love. 

3rd line: Rage. Rage. Rage. You're going to be very stoic and casual throughout a lot of your episodes, but for this line I wanna hear some rage. For unspecified reasons (because our viewers have looked at these casting calls for spoilers before lol) you are beyond broken with grief and anger. So give me that anger, give me that PAIN, and yeah. 

TL;DR - This character and the actor have been an absolute joy to work with, so I'm trying to find someone who can really pick up the mantel for that. 

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • "Because I said so, there is no way in every goddamn hell I'm agreeing to this. We're tight on money as is and I don't care how "funny" and "absolutely bitching" it'd be, we're not going to an expensive water park. (Pause, then get annoyed as we are now at said park) Goddamn it, fuck me. How did you talk me into this?

  • "It'll be a big house... In the countryside, with lots of room so everyone can visit. The Twins, Hedge, Rabbit, hell even... Even the others I work with. We'll have... A big fireplace, stone with... Uh... Beautiful carvings on it. Dwarven maybe, and... And the kitchen will be huge, we'll... We'll cook big feasts when we have guests. It'll be great, it'll be... Perfect. Now hold still, you'll be ok, I promise."

  • (Start with a combat scream, show me that bloodlust, that HATE, then really shout with this next line) "I'LL KILL YOU! I'LL RIP OUT YOUR GODDAMN HEART!" (Give me some heavy breathing, and some grunts like you're swinging a weapon, and then, give me cold anger, don't shout.) -> "Mercy? (Short pause) Mercy is for wounded animals. You're just another parasite."


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