Helluva Would You Rather

Project Overview
Hi, to all members my name is Abridged Goku.
My youtuber channel is call Abridged Goku: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEhsV3h4WIw-fQ5EK5wwu0A
Currently Looking for VAs to voice characters from Hazbin Hotel for my Helluva Would You Rather Videos.
* Be ready to work and be available
* Decent recording environment and microphone .
* Discord is an unquestionable requirement.
Extra Notes:
* Make sure your sound isn't excessively uproarious.
* It's not a prerequisite to copy the first voices of the characters. You are extremely free to take a stab at something new!
On the off chance that you have any inquiries, kindly don't spare a moment and message me on CCC!
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I don't mind original takes but try to get as close to Brandon Rogers as possible.
Focused on his company's success, Blitzo prides himself as being business-like and professional, but in truth, he has a shortsighted ego that makes him terrible at managing a legitimate business. Despite his status as his company's superior, he comes off often as immature, self-absorbent, and even disrespectful among his employees; to which none of them find him serious enough as their boss and often come to question his extravagant yet poor decision-making. On the assassin side, he is murder-savvy and borderline sadistic with his victims. He is perfectly fine with committing more brutal killings (e.g. on children) if there's no fuss over it. He was also not above sleeping with Stolas, who is a married man, in order to have access to his grimoire, which is the key element allowing him and his employees to fulfill contracts to assassinate people on Earth.

I don't mind original takes but try to get as close to Richard Horvitz as possible.
Moxxie is an Imp who is easily annoyed and rather clumsy, as he trips over their ritualistic book on the way through the portal to the living world. He is the I.M.P's weapon specialist; and as such, has a vast knowledge of weapons and often brings a variety of them along during jobs. He is often the most vocal and realistic of the employees regarding the company as a whole despite its dysfunctional environment and is bullied consequently.

I don't mind original takes but take to get as close to Erica Lindbeck or Vivian Nixon as much as possible.
Millie is very lively and cheerful. Often with a smile on her face and rarely standing still, she is a clear extrovert and isn't afraid to speak her mind. Whether it's expressing her excitement or flipping off a coworker.
Also, as Millie is the bruiser of Blitzo's employees and seems to enjoy her job, it can be assumed she's tough and very violent as well. According to Moxxie, she is aggressive in "the sack" as well as her job. In "Murder Family", she appeared to be very unsympathetic about killing a family, only caring if it was what the client wanted, showcasing her dedication to her work. Despite this, she cares very much about her husband and apparently her family. She has a childlike fondness of Loo Loo Land, triggered by familial memories of going there as a child and gets easily excited by all the merchandise. She can get very jealous too like when she couldn't participate in the Harvest Festival games

I don't mind an original take but try to get as close to Erica Lindbeck as possib;e
Cynical and choleric, Loona generally has no interest in matters that are going on around her. She is rude and apathetic toward her colleagues, particularly Moxxie, though her ire seems otherwise indiscriminate. When not looking at her phone, Loona is giving a hateful glare to anyone in view.
She is incredibly undisciplined and doesn't have much of a work ethic. Among her known behavioral issue, Loona has been known to drink to the point of a hangover before work and having unprotected sex to the point of contracting syphilis. She is also very apathetic to the suffering of others, as seen on the occasion where Millie called into the office for help after being stabbed only to be hung up on by Loona. Additionally, she was also shown taking pictures with her phone of the deceased Eddie when he was being beaten by Blitzo, Millie, and Moxxie. In spite of this, she is shown to have a minimal amount of responsibility as she makes sure to keep the Grimoire safe from a fire in I.M.P's office.

Looking for the voice to be as close to Cristina Vee. However original takes are acceptable as well.
As a succubus demon, Verosika is actively seductive and flirtacious, attributes she intigrates into her famous popstar persona as a means of manipulation. Despite her star-status, fame and confidence, Verosika also appears somewhat jaded and is nursing a drinking problem, something she has previously been to rehab for. She is capable of being petty and mean-spirited, as well as highly competitive. She doesn't take losing well, particularly to Blitzo, with whom she shares a romantic history - a relationship that did not end well and is implied to be a source of bitterness for her.

Close to Barrett Wilbert Weed as possible but original are also acceptable.
Matching her gothic appearance, Octavia's attitude is that of a cynical, stark teenager. She favors morbid topics like listening to and writing depressing emotional songs and collecting taxidermy of monstrous animals. Octavia is generally of few words, as she naturally prefers her privacy over opening up. Negative, pessimistic, and sarcastic to everyone else, Octavia's perpetually dour mood deters her from others. She has a dry sense of humor. Octavia's moodiness likely stems from the tumultuous relationship of her parents to the point she has become desensitized to it. In one case, she casually remained in the background when her mother yelled at her father for his affair, then nonchalantly asking if the two were done screaming. Despite her complacency, Octavia's issues are evidently deeper than they appear. She has had a fear since she was a child of her father abandoning her. This fear returned after Stolas had his affair with Blitzo. She asks her dad when they eventually talk if he is going to run off with Blitzo and leave her. After he reassures and comforts her, she doesn't mind him picking her up and carrying her out of the park seeming happy like when she was a child.

Close to Georgina Leahy as possible but original takes are acceptable.
Stella seems to be very temperamental about her husband's infidelity to the point of verbally and almost physically attacking him while screaming, breaking a lot of possessions and even assaulting an imp butler. However, she seems to be more baffled by said infidelity specifically happening with an imp, a demon of lower position; she is also incensed that Stolas spoke of his inability to go to a motel to consummate it. Given Octavia's indifferent attitude towards her aggressive outburst, it can be assumed Stella has these outbursts on a frequent basis.
Given her choice of words during her argument with Stolas, it seems she is very classist, as she is not only furious at his infidelity but also at his debasement in position, choice of lovers and actions, since she berated him for acting like a plebeian.
In fact, it's shown, in "The Harvest Moon Festival", that Stella is willing to go far as to actually have kill Stolas for cheating on her, not caring about who gets in the way.

Try to to be are close to Alex Brightman as possible.
While he's a robot and his status as alive is debatable, he's a sentient individual capable of rational thought and speech.
He seems to be content with his job as a child entertainer and a showman in Loo Loo Land. However, he can be extremely disdainful and belligerent, as he mocked Blitzo for his failed attempts at showbiz and had no qualms about getting in a fight that ended with Loo Loo Land burned to the ground.
"Hey hey hey hey hey, implings! It's me, the Robotic Fizzarolli! Shipped from Big Ozzie's factory to bring you a wonderful show celebrating Loo Loo Land, spelled with O's, to avoid lawsuits! Hit it!"
"Hahahaha! Oh! Is that Blitzo my sensors spot up there? I guess the kiddies are still runnin' away from you, huh? Hahaha!"
"Aw, just like your audience always was when you told your lazy jokes here! Hahaha!"

Try to get the voice as close to James Monroe Iglehart as possible.
Vortex is intimidating at first glance but he can also be very approachable, and friendly with other Hellhounds such as Loona. He's essentially a laid-back guy who knows when to get serious, with a simultaneously laid back and no-nonsense attitude, especially when it comes to his job. He'll happily strike up a conversation with someone he can see means no harm but will not hesitate to knock someone out if they get too close to his boss.
"Hey. You're that hound working for my boss's freaky ex."
"It's cool. Her beef ain't mine, I'm not paid enough to care."
"Uh, yeah. I guess. But my friends call me Tex."
"Well, guess it's time to bounce, but hey, if you're ever down to party, I'll give you a ring sometime."
"Yeah. My girlfriend throws a ton of crazy hound parties."

Original takes are accepted but I want the voice as close to Mara Wilson as possible.
Before her death, Mrs. Mayberry was a cheerful and kind person who had a passion for teaching children. However, when she saw that her husband cheated on her, she snapped and was filled with murderous intent, although she was immediately horrified of killing him in front of her students after coming to her senses. After her death, Mayberry became embittered to the thought of ending up in Hell for one act of blind rage after living a lifetime of otherwise good behavior. She was also out for revenge on the woman who was responsible for her death, which is why she went to Blitzo for this task.
It seems she still has a sense of humor, joking about how the situation was messed up, but she paid for it.
"You do everything right in life. Play by all the rules and still get sent down here with all the Hitlers and Epsteins of the world. After one measly massacre propelled by blind rage. So that's why I'm here, to get my revenge."

Voice should be as close to Jinkx Monsoon as possible.
At first glance, one would assume Martha and her family would be "happy and wholesome", like Moxxie said, but Martha and her family are actually homicidal maniacs.
She is revealed to be a Satanist later in the episode as she talks about continuing his "dark work". However, Martha has a poor understanding of how Hell works as she was unaware that earthly fire could not kill nor banish demons, which she realized after trying to roast Millie and Blitzo.
She is shown several times to sleep with other men though it is unclear if she has an open relationship or if she uses it to lure in victims. She also appears to partake in cannibalism and human flaying with her family.
"I just hope that sick woman finally found peace."
"Gotcha! So, you’re a little devil, huh? Come to drag me and my kin to Hell? Well, not today, Satan! Gonna send y’all back to where ya came from!"
"Oh. Shit. Well, I’ll just shoot you in your smart-ass mouth!"
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