HAX - Video Game Demo

Project Overview
I have a small video game demo that is in a functional state for my purposes. It is a training level, and the proceedings of the training - timing and processes - depend heavily on the timing of the dialogue. As such, I need dialogue for 3 different characters.
I'm self funded for now so my offers aren't huge, but the gigs don't require much, and there will likely be more in the future for you if you are a good fit. Cheers!
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Police chief from a futuristic setting. A tough, hardened type of man. Middle aged to older. Weathered voice is preferred. Not overly mean or drill sergeant-y, but far from cuddly.
About 150 words in total.
I assume you know why you’re here so let’s get started
Yes, well we just need to get a few in working order… *shrugging, searching for bogus excuse* for.. research purposes…
(responding to "do I have a choice?") - No, you don’t. But you’ll be compensated with 800 blank juncture credits and 2 years worth of tennant waivers.
Late 20s, early 30s - kind of a bro type personality. Fairly youthful sounding voice, nothing special.
about 100-150 words.
uh… lets get started!
What? BioGens went bankrupt 7 years ago, and for good reason.
You know they lied about their output efficiency right? The Yaks are 10 times as efficient as those junk heaps would ever be
This is the programmer, male, upbeat, high energy, able to articulate, emphasize and pronounce well (as there is a lot of instructional dialogue that must be effectively communicated). Other than that, fairly open ended.
about 800 words, quite a few long sentences - this is the guy giving instructions to the player.
Look directly above and in front of you, you’ll see three deployment tubes. We’re going to sync your system with them now.
Every script must start with it’s type identifier, denoted by an octothorpe, followed by the identifier name in uppercase. Lets try it with a refactor script.
can I tell him about the pizza? *chief - no* What about the duck? *chief - just move on*
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